2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for kyarchie

In developing customized software for different development sites, I copied the mySQL database from original server to my development server using mysqldump to creat a copy, then mysqladmin to creat it to the development server. The web page I am testing is the same for both development sites, but an …

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for pervenches

Hello, How can a timestamp field (int, 4) witch displays as hhmmss be converted that it looks like hh:mm:ss? Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for jwshepherd
Member Avatar for dsgnews

Hi friends, I have very little knowledge of JOINs. Please, help me out in rewriting my sub-query to some kind of JOIN for earlier MySQL versios. TABLES IN MY DATABASE: Room (room_ no, room_ type, price) Guest (guest_ no, Fname, Sname, address) Booking (room_no, guest_no, Fname, Sname, arrival_date, departure_date, emp_no, …

Member Avatar for relawson
Member Avatar for SquirrelProdigy

Hi, I'm attempting to set up dotnetnuke with Microsoft's SQL MSDE as my database. After getting SQL up and running, I created a database aptly named dotnetnuke, and a login called dnnuser. I set dnnuser's role on dotnetnuke to system administrator and it's role membership to db_owner. After altering the …

Member Avatar for cr8vnrg

Hi, We have a accounting/inventory program that uses MS SQL as the database, with VB and Access for reporting. We want to make the database available online. ie.. Our clients can search the inventory and make orders from it. We do not want to install a local web server inhouse. …

Member Avatar for demo
Member Avatar for karvinkoppa

Hi, Accidentally one the member has compressed the disk drives in the SQL Server. Before we go ahead an uncompress the disk drives, we need to make sure that the database is unaffected. 1. What is the normal database compression ratio when Hard Disk is compressed? 2. Do uncompression of …

Member Avatar for karvinkoppa
Member Avatar for curiousdan
Member Avatar for mediaphyte
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, Can anyone explain to me how I can create a function that I can use in SQL. Thanks

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for milman

Is there a way to get the current value in the process of a select statement? Such as [CODE] SELECT pk_ID, columnN and be able to evaluate what pk_ID is at this point WHERE This = That [/CODE]

Member Avatar for gminhas
Member Avatar for SiteTutor

Hi, I hope I put this into the right category On my [url=http://www.national-real-estate-directory.com/real-estate-forum/] Real Estate Forum [/url] the vBulletin options are not working. Could someone tell me where to start troubleshooting. Thanks, Mike

Member Avatar for SiteTutor
Member Avatar for Makarand_Keer

Hi All I am facing problem is SQL Server 2000, with OPENXML. I am having data which i receive from some other database in form of xml doc. Now I have to use this xml data as JOIN with MS SQL 2000 database table. But as everybody aware that using …

Member Avatar for RonR

I am ready to start using MSDE. When I run the setup for MSDE it tells me I need to set the password. I have read the "help" on the MS web site but it is still not clear to me how I setup the password or anything else so …

Member Avatar for RonR
Member Avatar for shabiz

I am very new to mysql, so I apologize for such a basic question... How do I link my dbase to a website? What are the apporpriate query strings and steps? I am trying to create a website that would allow members to search for other members by name, city, …

Member Avatar for percent20
Member Avatar for Phaelax

Running Win2kpro with mysql server 4.1. I installed the service "mysqld-max-nt.exe", but it won't run. It's set for automatic, but even if I try to activate it manually, it won't. I checked the event viewer and it shows only this: "[size=1]The mysql41 service terminated unexpectedly"[/size] [size=1][size=2]Could there be a problem …

Member Avatar for Martian

Hey guys, I am a beginner at MS Access and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good sites that hold good examples and methodologies using MS Access. Let me know. And is it better to learn MS Access before attempting SQL? Thanks.

Member Avatar for RonR
Member Avatar for AlPhA

So... what is better, SQL, MYSQL, MSQL, POSTRESQL, and etc for a fast database that must be used in conjunction with asp and php. For now, i'm looking for the easiest database to be used in conjunction with ASP. Any suggestions? [flash]http://www.geocities.com/cyberpitstop/footer.swf[/flash]

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for vexer007

Hi Peeps, I am new to this forum, I am trying to create a weblog to allow users who are registered in a database I create in Access to create a blog entry which will be displayed on the screen to every one. I have created the database i Access …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi just started this new jsp course stuck in this so if you guys can please help would be very happy.The problem is this i am trying to make a jsp that asks for a username and a password and the thing is i am trying to put these datas …

Member Avatar for Chester1
Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for tzadikem

I have the following page that I created in Dreamweaver 2004 MX, but don't know how to get some form inputs working. So, I have hardcoded them for now. You can see them below right afte the where clause. Can someone please help me create just a simple form that …

Member Avatar for Slade

I need to create a date updated field for ms sql 2000. The current trigger I have only works for the insertion of data and it is "(getdate())" is there one that I can use for insertion and update of fields? Ta, Slade

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Member Avatar for santoshmaya

Hi, I need an exampls program in java to store image datatype in ms-sql database.i am writing a jsp file in that i wanted attach a file.in oracle i wriiten like this,but i need in ms-sql.i required urgently.pls help me. code in java using oracle. i need it in ms-sql. …

Member Avatar for Tinaa

Hi, i will appreciate alot if any one can help me and give me a detailed answered and references. cause i realy need a help, and thank you . Actualy im doing my final project which is a small e-commerce website using ASP technology and SQL for database. The site …

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Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Well, if you haven't noticed already, some to most of the internet is down! This is due to an exploit in Microsoft SQL Server SP2 and lower. A buffer overrun can allow hackers to run code on the SQL Server. This worm, infects an SQL Server and then that SQL …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for samaru

The Next Wave: "Visual Studio for Yukon" [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/productinfo/roadmap.asp#section4[/url]


The End.