2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for broncos88

I run MS SQL 2000, database is growing and my concern is the hard drive will soon run out of disk space. i wonder if i can add a new hard drive and tell SQL there is more space. my question is how i can combine the two hard disks …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for iketunde
Member Avatar for GoingBonkers

This is about a stored procedure I'm working on. I have a field which gives me a value of datetime type. I need to display the 6 months starting from the month in the field. E.g. field gives me Feb, I have to display Feb, Mar,April, May, June, July seperately. …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for Letscode

I'm trying to populate a table from a sub-query. [CODE] CREATE TABLE test ( ID int ) INSERT INTO test VALUES (SELECT [Customer Id] FROM [Customers]) [/CODE] QUESTION: I know you can do this in ORACLE but Is something like this possible in T-SQL. I can also write something like …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for bradleyc
Member Avatar for bradleyc
Member Avatar for jeffy1

I have developed some webpages using asp and they work fine on my computer with Access 2003 (using iis as a local server). However, I am aware that SQL 2000 is a better db to use, but I am not sure in which ways. Since I intend to put my …

Member Avatar for webDev04

i decided to switch over to ms access (thinking it would be easier) from mssql but i am having the same problem that i had with ms sql: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" i have put the ms access db into the web server from the web …

Member Avatar for amitlokare
Member Avatar for campkev

ok, here is the script I ran to create the stored procedure [code] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [insertFunction] (@Id [int], @class [nvarchar], @type [nvarchar], @name [nvarchar]) AS declare @classID [int] select @classID = tblClass.ID from tblClass where tblClass.Name = @class INSERT INTO tblFunction ([ID],[Name],[ReturnType],[Class]) …

Member Avatar for carey2487

Hi, I have a dts package that I created which uses an odbc connection to go and copy a dbf file using visual fox pro drivers. The package runs fine when I execute it. But whenever I try to use the sql server agent to run it as a job …

Member Avatar for carey2487
Member Avatar for Jeppe

The MS SQL 7.0 Server is installed on a Windows server, not placed in my home. I want to make a SQL query from my home, using java JDBC, but I get an error: java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Connection timed out: connect - This error I don´t get if I´m …

Member Avatar for michael123

Hi, I am in the process of deciding the database and application language. We have exising MS SQL server running on windows OS, to save the company's product data, right now I need to build another seperate system for intranet use, as I am more familiar with PHP+Mysql, I want …

Member Avatar for michael123
Member Avatar for blindmancries

I need a help. I have a SQL SERVER database where I have put persons with their birthdate. I need to calculate ages of them. For examble my birthdate is 12/27/1982 and I have to debit (minus) from current date. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem.

Member Avatar for blindmancries
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Can someone enlighten me on this issue ? I have data source A - with a stored procedure in which I'd like to select records from tables in a different data source, B.

Member Avatar for sifuhall
Member Avatar for raydenl

SELECT NZDate - CAST(NZDate - '2005-01-01' AS int) % 7 AS WeekStarting, sum(score)/7 from myTable where (NZDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-01-21') and name IN ('John','Bob','Harry') group by NZDate - CAST(NZDate - '2005-01-01' AS int) % 7 order by weekstarting Hi, I have a query (above) that given any start date …

Member Avatar for raydenl
Member Avatar for sqlchopper

Current app runs a stored procedure which runs 16 nested procedures and takes from 3 to 10 min depending on how must data needs download from the as400. The problem is that there are some other web apps on the web serverr that use old com objects that have memory …

Member Avatar for sqlchopper
Member Avatar for NilovSerge

Hi, all! I need to load base from ODBC-source into MSSql base using MsSql DTS at my customer's side with automatic as much as possible('Pushing 1 buton'). I have found such an example: DECLARE @object int DECLARE @hr int --create a package object EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @object OUTPUT …

Member Avatar for capt_phill

Hello there, we are converting our applications from a sybase server over to MS SQL Server 2000 and have run across a query that is acceptable in sybase but not ms sql. It is giving us a table name correlation error that we can't figuire out. In sybase the sql …

Member Avatar for Estuardo
Member Avatar for arron

Hello, I have two questions, first some background info: We are running SQL 2000 on a Windows 2003 server for out aircraft parts database software. There are 7 workstations (windows 2000 and XP) that run the parts database. 4 of those workstations run really fast, the database calls are near …

Member Avatar for Estuardo
Member Avatar for pramodDR

HI 1. I have a typical problem.We have a 2003 server which is a user authentication server.I have a sql server 7.0 on NT platform.I am logging in to the 2003 server from my XP workstation. 2. I am authenticated to 2003 server & simultaniously to NT server which has …

Member Avatar for Estuardo
Member Avatar for wchitamb

Please help !!! I am designing a database system and I am a bit stuck and do not know my next step forward. I am using SQL Server 2000 to develop a database system from scratch for a medium sized company which does not have an IT dept therefore I …

Member Avatar for Kate Albany
Member Avatar for TheShadow

I'm having trouble thinking how to write a query ... i have two tables customer and contact ...they share a common element of customerID ... their is a login form based on the contactID, contactPassword within the contact table, based on that i want the contactID and customerID of contact, …

Member Avatar for manishkaushik
Member Avatar for NilovSerge

Hi, all! I run in PHP процедуру MSSql-procedure: $Stmt= mssql_init( 'ProcName', $Con ); ... $Result= mssql_execute( $Stmt, true ); if ( !$Result ) { echo mssql_get_last_message(); ... The problem is that if this proc generate an error(for ex breaking the unique index), mssql_get_last_message() gives "The statement has been terminated." but …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for jamesg

Hello all, I have a MS SQL database which is meant to be quite small. For some reason it appears to have grown to 1GB in size. There are quite a few tables in the database. Is there any way to get a report (using enterprise manager) of the table …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for hmoner

Hi guys Lemme explain the situation in 2 lines: DB Structure: [url]http://img133.echo.cx/img133/6610/dbstructure6hs.jpg[/url] Client goes to computer shop. Shop has 1 or more NORMAL promotions (of the kind: for each u$sXX ammount you buy, you get X qtty of points to exchange them later by gifts). EACH NORMAL PROMOTION can have …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for MagicM

:cry: I'm new to this MS SQL and I've been trying to understand this Primary key and Foreign key. I know that I use the foreign key to reference a table but for some reason I'm not getting this down right can someone point me to the right direction. Also …

Member Avatar for Kate Albany
Member Avatar for sham

I created a database in Sql Server 2000, unless I made atleast one field in the table as "Unique", I could not insert data into table. But no-where in the documentation , books or Sql server online I could get a text saying we need atleast one Unique Key per …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for chai

Hi! i have a table with 3 fields: ParentFolder,DocumentNo and VersionNo the DocumentNo give each document a unique number. ParentFolder is a number specifying which folder a document is in. and each document(with same name) can have many VersionNo(1,2,3 etc). i am creating a house keeping function for user. this …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for abhishekj

i have two tables table1 has the folowing fields lastprice symbol time table2 has the same fields now table1 stores only the last data of the corrosponding symbol but table2 goeson adding the data as it comes in now i want to write a query get the difference of the …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for zaphod2003

I have programmed a web application using classic ASP and MSSQL, but our company is upgrading to ASP.NET and for my next project I thought I would the application in pure VB.NET. However, I am struggling to get my application to talk correctly to the MSSQL tables. I know my …

Member Avatar for zaphod2003
Member Avatar for SquirrelProdigy

When attempting to connect to my sql server through Vale Software's MSDE Manager, I get the error [SQL-DMO]Service Control Error: The RPC server is not available. I made sure all processes involving RPC were turned on, and I also turned on the DCom service process launcher as I read to …

Member Avatar for jwshepherd

The End.