2,935 Topics
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HI All, I'm writing an application in Visual Basic .NET but the application will use a SQL backend. If the user runs the application and the backend database is not set up, I want the user to select a SQL Database Instance, supply an administrator user ID (sa) and Password … | |
Hello I have a table item1 | Item | Qnty | ProdSched | | a | 1 | 1 | | b | 2 | 1 | | c | 3 | 1 | | a | 4 | 2 | | b | 5 | 2 | | c … | |
Hi All, I have intermediate knowledge in VB.Net coding. I have searched the web to find help with my issue but to no avail. I mean I can't find one that is helpful though there are some in Web based applications. I have an urgent issue where I want to … | |
Hey everyone, I have the following two queries, and want to know why the first one would return a count of 52, but the second would return a count of 51 when technically they should be the same; SELECT count(*) from Inquiry Inner Join NoDecision on Inquiry.ID = NoDecision.InquiryID_fk Inner … | |
Hello, Can we perform bulk insert for SQL data? I have the complete SQL data in text files. There are multiple tables and the corresponding text files. I tried to do the bulk insert but always got some new error. Please help me to get an answer. My code Imports … | |
is it possible to run mysql and ms sql at one pc ? mean local host ? | |
i have a table for cities and data which has entries in LACS , now i want to copy that table from one database to another, is it possibe ? i googled but couldn't find reliable solution mean i have fear to loss data .s o anybody , plz suggest … | |
when i use sha 512 on password field then it says k pasword field cannot be empty but when i remove sha512 constraint then it works and with any other hash it also works why ? and plz suggest me some good secrity hash etc to apply on password field | |
Hi I have a question, I want to transfer all nodes to a datarow Here is my XML <Employee> <person> <firstName>Jon</firstName> <lastName>Johnson</lastName> <skills>Singing</skills> <skills>Dancing</skills> </person> </Employee> THE HEADER TABLE SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS WITH RELATION Profile_ID | Firstname | Lastname| 10 | Jon | Johnson | AND THE DETAIL TABLE … | |
Hi, I have a dynamically generated sql query that is generated in VB6 and then passed on to SQL Server 2005. The query joins(inner join, left join, etc.) multiple tables. If I were to execute that query in Sql Server Management Studio, I would get something like this: TrayID| TrayID … | |
Hi, I have 2 tables tbl_class & tbl_Divisions. structure: tbl_class tbl_Divisions tbl_class_division ---------- ------------- ------------------- class_Id (pk) division_Id(pk) class_division_id(pk) class_name division_name class_Id(fk) division_Id(fk) In my application I want to select division_Id,division_name by passing more than one class_id. if I pass 3 class_Id's , I want to get only those divisions … | |
Hello hi. I am seeing flames with using FILESTREAM in SQL Server 2008! I have a table (Products), in which I wanna store a link to an image stored on disk, under the ProdPicture column. This is what the script looks like: CREATE TABLE PRODUCTS ( ProdID INT PRIMARY KEY, … | |
Hey Everyone, I am using the below query to try and group together values by the month of the date selected. the problem is that sometimes CTE2 will not have the same dates as CTE and those values end up omitted. Is there anyway I can just group these on … | |
Hello all. I have a simple quoting system I am developing for a project, and need help with how to query rates. There are two tables, one for zips (with state, county, zip code, and a zip lookup code associated with each zip), and one for rate data (company name, … | |
The procedure for Insert/update.I use datagridview get and display the data. I get the error message "Procedure or function Updatedata has too many arguments specified." // this is my Procedure ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Updatedata] @item char(30), @uom int,@group int,@orqty int,@avgcons int,@reorder int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; IF EXISTS( SELECT * … | |
Good afternoon. I am trying to import a csv file to a SQL database hosted through GoDaddy. However, I continue to receive an error which states "Line 7 has 24 values (20 expected)". Line 7 in my .csv file only has 20 columns (20 values) and no matter what I … ![]() | |
Hi All, Ever tried to make a change to a SQL database table only to get a message telling you it is unable to carry out the change as it would have to drop and recreate the table? This is one of these things that you encounter once, correct and … | |
I need you help in making a query about this table. ------------------------------------ boss # | bet1 | bet2 | bet3 ------------------------------------ LastName |Bet1 |Bet2 | Bet3 11111111 |1 |0 | 1 22222222 |1 |0 | 0 333333 |0 |1 | 1 44444 |0 |1 | 1 i want to count … | |
Dear experts, I have to contnous transfer data from one sql server to another sql server , but condition is that first sql (database used and inserted by another application) should maintain 3 month data at any time and anohter sql will store all the data transfer from first sql. … | |
i have a signup form on my website for user registeration ....... so i want to make it secure , by secure i mean , Password should be encrypted etc etc.....or any other precautions for security i already used hash functions of MS SQL on password field through queries but … | |
![]() | I got SQL Server Compact I got a database called Pages and a row called pName the row contains page names, but some are upper-case I now want to make all these lowercase. So there is a page like Downloads, I want to change it to downloads is this possible … |
Good day. I have this running query that I want to pivot the sum of CurrentBalance where in Monthdate =[2011-11-30],[2012-12-31]...etc. But everytime I try to put the Pivot, it cannot detect the CurrentBalance column alias. Here is my query so far. use MFR_Merchandise go declare @MonthColumns as nvarchar(max) declare @SQLtext … | |
Hi all, To perform the delete data from Product table by ProductID of Adventure Works database needs to use delete cascade. Has anyone done this yet? Can provide for me examples to do it? Thanks a lot! | |
I am having a rquirement that I need to save details of Event in one table and PassTypes of that Event in another Table.Like ID EventID EventTitle EventDescription 1 E00001 EventTest This table Conatins all Event Related info… 2 E00002 EventTest2 This table Conatins all Event Related info… ID EventID … | |
I have sets of data that i want to put in tables, however the data is big and want to put it in different rows, something like have a table like MSISN DBSG OSB1 OSB3 BS2G BS3G TS11 TS21 TS22 CSP NAM 256392999829 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 … | |
HI, I want to retrieve list of executed query for a specific date in sql server. Thanks in Advance | |
Here is the code that can be copied into sql server to better assist with what I am trying to accomplish. Hope it makes sense and post back with any questions you may have: create table #temp(period int, location int, custnum varchar(10), driver varchar(25), dollar decimal(10,2)) insert into #temp values(201201,221,'ABC123','dwcustcomm',52.37) … | |
i installed .net framework windows installer and then sql server 2008 then sql server management studio 2008 iam using windows xp it shows very less shared features while installation... i want to know why it showed so less features? is it because of poor hardware resources? | |
i have a database ,i want to make it accessible to 3 type of users(admin,applicant,official) with different permissions .... how can i resolve,what i modifications it gonna need like to table , relations etc | |
Example data in column1 2|3|3|3GES|5|3 |3|334|3ere||343 I would like to split this by pipes so I can update the corresponding other blank 6 columns in each row. Example Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 2|3|3|3GES|5|3 2 3 3 3GES 5 3 I hope this makes sense! Any help is … |
The End.