2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for Madiya122

I have following quary example. SELECT t1.TeamID, MemberList = substring((SELECT ( ', ' + FirstName ) FROM TeamInfo t2 WHERE t1.TeamID = t2.TeamID ORDER BY TeamID, FirstName FOR XML PATH( '' ) ), 3, 1000 )FROM TeamInfo t1 GROUP BY TeamID Its giving error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FOR'." …

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Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi I want to do a silent install of sql express 2008 (free edition) In my configuration file, how can I set the default language to British English and date format to "dd/MM/yyyy". Thanks for your help SQL Newbie

Member Avatar for BlindArcher
Member Avatar for kahaj

I only have experience using pretty basic Oracle. However, I'm now in need of a better understanding of SQL. I'm trying to write a query using CASE statements (as this seems to be the best approach), but am admittedly lost at the moment. Here is what I have as a …

Member Avatar for ugi.nagesh
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi Guys I have a "StudentNames" column in an sql table. Each student in the table has atleast two names all in one column. Assume that the following as studentNames. StudentNames ------------- John Smith Joseph Smitter Johan Smittin How can I use the LIKE statement to select students with same …

Member Avatar for gbhs
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

Hi Everyone, Can anyone guide what is EXEC sp_cycle_errorlog? Is it safe to just manually delete the ERRORLOG in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG folder? This ERRORLOG is consuming too much space that is using up c drive. Can any advice? Thank you!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi All Daniweb PHP Group, I have a big favor to ask (well for me this is big lol). I have 3 databases first (LOCAL),(AIMIS),(ERM). Here's the table (namely account_manager) of LOCAL. ![7938f748bd02de5247f37aaa10a5f0c2](/attachments/large/4/7938f748bd02de5247f37aaa10a5f0c2.jpg "7938f748bd02de5247f37aaa10a5f0c2") and Here's the table (namely customer_call) of AIMIS. ![247807516642224dfd5f6e93eadef14b](/attachments/large/4/247807516642224dfd5f6e93eadef14b.jpg "247807516642224dfd5f6e93eadef14b") and Here's the table (namely quotations_header) …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Ahmed_39

dear all i have tables(aztrd) it conatis invoice deatils like itm_code , date,loc_cd ..... ect - in each in invoice they are itmes (itm_cd) from loc_cd "1" or loc_cd "2" and some invocies has items from loc_cd "1" only or loc_cd "2" only i try this query to get only …

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Member Avatar for arkulin

I am trying to create stored procedure which will insert one row in the first table and identity of inserted row in other two tables. For some reason I am receiving error "Procedure or function expects parameter '@id', which was not supplied.". My code is as follows: ALTER PROCEDURE InsertProf …

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Member Avatar for saguni

Hi friends, I am having a doubt in insertion of data create table table1(name varchar(10)) In this table, when i insert the following record manually, it produces me an error that it cannot insert. insert into table1 values('asdfghjklqwe') But when I try to insert it with the procedure, it trims …

Member Avatar for ugi.nagesh
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im having a hard time figuring this maybe a simple query. This is my first time to use sql compact edition. How can I query a select statement inside a select statement which tables are not related at all. What i need to accomplish is to insert a logo …

Member Avatar for ugi.nagesh
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi I have an issue to update data between two table. I want to update data from one table to another using Store procedure. My code is SELECT NoMonth,ACC_P,StartDate FROM dbo.tbl_Accural_Basic UPDATE WEB_tbl_Accural_Audit SET NoMonth=nomonth,ACC_P=ACC_P, StartDate=Startdate But Nothing happend. It will show the data in select command Pls help me …

Member Avatar for ugi.nagesh
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi all, i am passing comma separated values to my stored procedure. something like below: @id=1,2,3,4 @firstname='a','b','c','d' now if i write select statement then i want single data from @id and @firstname. something like below: id firstname 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d thanks

Member Avatar for ugi.nagesh
Member Avatar for kau14

Hi, I need data table desgin for transaction table. I want transaction history for particular client having unique client_id but many having many transaction id's. transactions relate to credit, debit, transactor name and date. Regards Kaustubh

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

Hi Everyone, Thank you for the time you spend to look at the post. I am required to retrieve report based on a date field in the table. the date field filtering must be from the previous month of the 6th till this month of the 5th. For example, today …

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i almost spent 3 hours on EXISTS operation, used in SQL especially with subqueries, i got its purpose :) that's ok but what i don't get is that WHY TO USE IT ? e.g. couldn't understand this example: *TABLE STORES* storeName----Sales-------Txn_date *TABLE GEOGRAPHY* regionName----storeName SELECT SUM(Sales) FROM Store_Information WHERE EXISTS …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

actual differecne between SQL Server's STORE PROCEDURES and USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS ? i looked up these in google but couldn't satisfy me. Differences ? better to use ? and why does UDF can only implement SELECT statements not else , y ?

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[customers_udfMin2] ( @decission tinyint ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here DECLARE @min int Declare @default int = 10 -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here if (@decission = 1) Begin SELECT @min = MIN(customers.cus_id) from customers End else RETURN …

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i'm trying to access a database backup that i usually keep in my pc's hard disk, trying to access it via my laptop. Both pc and laptop has SQL SERVER 2008 with same server name, using windows authentication, i spent 2 days but can't figure out that how to access …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for alek.mieczkowski

Hi all, Im working on a page that sends information to a mssql database. Its a basic registration page with a UserID, Password, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Email box. When Sign up is clicked, all the information in the textboxes should be sent to the Users table …

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Member Avatar for rgodfrey1

Hi I installed mssql200. It works fine, but outside application can't communicate with it because it doesn't open port 1433 as it is configured to do. Instead it opens 2 other ports that communicate with the DNS server. What is required to change in order to open port 1433? Ronni

Member Avatar for barresoft
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi, We have MS sever 2012 and MSSql Server 2012. ODBC Connection in Server is fine. But If create the odbc from Client PC (OS Windows 7 profession SP1), it could not connect Error : Server not found or Access Denied. Even in Admin level also, it shows same error. …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for fx.eko

How do I connect from another machine to SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installed on Windows Server 2008? I've setup the network configuration to be enabled and the TCP port is set to 1433, but I still can not connect to an existing database on the server when creating ODBC …

Member Avatar for fx.eko
Member Avatar for ses03

we should create a program that could run through two computers and the computers should be able to access 1 database for record sharing. how can we make that? we already made the system. the problem is, how can we implement this in a networked way? thanks in advance. :)

Member Avatar for tomtem
Member Avatar for abhig

Question: Given the relational schema: ENROL (S#, C#, Class) - S# represents student number TEACH (Prof, C#, Class) - C# represents course number ADVISE (Prof, S#) - Prof is project guide of S# PRE_REQ (C#, Pre_C#) - Pre_C# is prerequisite course GRADES (S#, C#, Grade, Year) STUDENT (S#, Sname) - …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for MEHMET TURAN

This SP is working well. But when recordcount in dbo.PTSGELEN is over 1000000 approx. it comes timeout error. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PTS2Tabloya] @KOLETIK nvarchar(40), @SIL tinyint , @EKLENEN int OUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; set @EKLENEN = 0 IF @SIL=0 AND LEN(@KOLETIK)=20 begin INSERT INTO dbo.URUNGIR (GTIN,SN,XD,BN,CLABEL,SLABEL) SELECT GTIN,SN,XD,BN,CLABEL,SLABEL FROM …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for ruhestorer

Hi, I have problems with getting data out of the **MS SQL Server 7.0** database in right encoding using **odbc** connection: $conn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=$database; CharacterSet => UTF-8", $user, $password); I had the same problem when I used MS SQL Server 2005 and sqlsrv connection, but I found the solution. …

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Member Avatar for chdboy

I had two versions of SQLEXPRESS on my computer earlier ,now I have uninstalled 2012 SQLEXPRESS from my computer Now when I try to attach .MDF file made in 2012 version it gives me error. TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Attach database failed for Server 'My-PC\SQLEXPRESS'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) For …

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Member Avatar for ss125

Hello friends, I am using sql server 2005 as a backend. I want to filter the datagrid based on fromdate,todate,companyname,employee name. I have done the date filter's.... The problem is with the other two filters. The actual problem is.. The application has to filter based on company only if the …

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Member Avatar for sid_2

Hello, I am dealing with SQL server 2005 and i have data from a system where i am tracking an application at each stage in the system. i have data in a tabular form as follows and the dates are derived from an sql statement. how best can i write …

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Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, I have a requirements to backtrack 2 days if the date fall as Monday. Why? We dont have any transaction from Sunday to Monday at 6:00AM that's why need to backtrack 2 days. i want to share with you my query. if you have any additional idea to …

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The End.