2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, With SSIS, upon load, I am receiving the following error: > Error 1 Error loading DownloadCSVPackage.dtsx: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. C:\Projects\EconAnalysisStatsCan\EconAnalysisStatsCan\DownloadCSVPackage.dtsx 1 1 I have gone through all of my connections …

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Member Avatar for weeraa

This is my SP code SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE SP_Get_Age @name varchar(20) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT Age FROM PersonDetails WHERE Name1 = @name; END GO This is my C# code private void callSP(string name1)//name1 comes properly in button click event { using …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Trench37716

I want to build a voucher system. I am developing an application and want users to login from a database (preferable MS SQL). I want the DB to randomly create codes for users to top up their accounts. The codes will be unique in that they will be based on …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sarathsshanker

While trying to connect to MSSQL Server 2012 using pymssql,I get the following error. My server name in Windows Authentication is SARATH,User Name is Sarath\SarathShanker and I did not set a password. >>> mssql_conn=pymssql.connect(host='SARATH',user='Sarath\SarathShanker',password='',database='matrix') Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pymssql.pyx", line 556, …

Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ManthanB

as title itself is saying what i am looking for over here. I formatted my pc and installed Sql server 2005. I detached db before formating the system and attached after formating. however after attaching i am getting Db in recovery/ readonly in object explorer. I tried to change properties …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi All, i have requirement like to Convert rows to columns in SQL server. i have retrieved data like below: MatchId SelectionName Odds 322 Home Win 1.33 322 Draw 5.00 322 Away Win 9.00 322 Under 2.5 2.40 322 Over 2.5 1.53 and want to convert like below: MatchId Home …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for draven07

Need help! As you can see, I'm working with a crosstab report that will display the product's "Total Sales" or "Quantity Sold" on a particular year in a monthly basis. Now my problem is, I can't figure it out how I can display the monthly total sales or quantity sold …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, I'm a little stuck with one table's design. I have a table called tblConference_Board that will be updated approximately 3 to 4 times per year. The following is my table design: `CB_ID int (PK)` `CB_Mnemonic_ID int (FK)` `CB_Value decimal (18,10)` `CB_Year int` `CB_Quarter int` This table is loaded …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, I have a table that holds monthly data in it. I need to average that data into Quarterly and Annual data but I'm not sure how to go about that. For annual I tried something like: SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT b.vSeries_Type as [Description],b.vSeries_Number as [CANSIM], Year(a.IPI_Ref_Date)as [Year], avg(a.IPI_Value) …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for de Source

hi i am new to sql i want to get some values from different tables and i have made my own logic like that "SELECT course_name, course_id FROM tbl_course WHERE course_id = (SELECT course_id FROM tbl_enrollment WHERE student_id = '" + lbl_StudentID.Text + "')" what could the correct sytax for …

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Member Avatar for sparksguy

i am trying to make this code work with no success. Can anyone help me? ` $to = $_POST["credits"]; $messaging = $_POST["message"]; $sub = $_POST["subject"]; @mysql_query("INSERT INTO `mp_creditmail` (`Id`, `message`, `subject`, `read`) ('select Id from oto_members ORDER BY RAND() Limit $to;', '$messaging', '$sub', no");` i am trying to insert several …

Member Avatar for sparksguy
Member Avatar for bios chips

please help me. i connected two system using a cross over cable, and was able to see the remote servers in both systems but i am experiencing a connection problem to the remote computer. how do i connect to the remote sql database server? and how do i replicate between …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, I sort of want to get a "best practices" perspective regarding numeric values. First, I'll give my scenario: In my SSIS package, a CSV file is used for data extraction. Once extracted, a staging table is loaded with all the values from the CSV. One column, called "IPI_Value" …

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Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi, Does anyone know how to pass table name as parameter in a cursor? ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[error_calculation] @tablename nvarchar(50) AS DECLARE @part_no nvarchar(50) --Current Year Cursor DECLARE db_cursorpartno CURSOR FOR select distinct part_no from @tablename ///This gives error OPEN db_cursorpartno FETCH FROM db_cursorpartno INTO @part_no

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jrosh

Can I get data from two databases (in same database server) to a c# project. How to include two edmx files? Or is there another way? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for jrosh
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, I'm working on filling a user variable called "EmailString" via a db connection with SSIS. I've created a script task to do this (the only way I can see how) and in it I have the following code: Public Sub Main() ' ' Add your code here ' …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group! I've created a stored SQL procedure that will need to be modified to lock the table, run the commands and then unlock the table. I need to do this because I want any other users/programs that will need access to "wait in line" until the procedure is finished. …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for taekiewzz

I have a table called `DUTY` (columns: `dutyid, dutyname, staffid`) and a table called `STAFF` (columns: `staffid, staffname`) In order to be fair, each of the staff will be auto assigned to each duty entry (record). So what should I do whenever I would like to insert a duty entry, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi Im working with a project, simple IM for our office... I have a Table in sql with column Status, if a user opens this application, the status column changes from 0 to 1, if it closes this app, the status turn back to 0. On my form load event, …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for jrosh

CAn i use 'waitfor' in t sql in sql server 2012 to wait in terms of days? eg. Wait three says after an event to do something else? Thankx in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gumbi17

I am moving from database from Microsoft Access to MS SQL and I have not worked with MSSQL before, can you recommend a good place to get some initial and then follow on training in SQL and MS SQL?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Dazzler123

Hello! I need some help with a stored procedure for insert. I know this might sound stupid but I'm a beginner and I know the answer is there but I just can't find it. I've searched the site but I couldn't find an answer to clear me out ...or maybe …

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Member Avatar for spowel4

I have a table with several columns, the two relevant columns for what I need to do are invoiceNumber and stockNumber. The scenario here is that it's a table of invoice information, so each invoice can have and will most likely have multiple rows in the table which represent each …

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Member Avatar for Deeksh
Member Avatar for Deeksh
Member Avatar for Markie76

Hi, Can anyone help me with my CASE statement update on a temp table. In my report I have the following case statement; 'STATUS' = CASE WHEN customer = 'BUS' AND country = 'GB' AND field_1 = 'X' THEN 'UK_BUS' WHEN customer = 'BUS' AND country <> 'GB' AND field_1 …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hi Guys, I have a problem using the sqlsrv_connect function (in that it's failing!). I have been using mssql_connect on a server with an older verison of PHP where my connect string worked fine. But putting the information into the sqlsrv_connect doesn't let it connect. Here's my code that I …

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Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

while ( select AVG(Rate)+2 From HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory) <20 begin update HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory set rate=rate+2 From HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory if(select MAX(Rate)+2 From HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory)>127 break else continue end **I have Execueted this query but I am Not able to know what is this query working ? what is the use of this query ?? it will …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for jrosh

What is the procedure can be used in MS-SQL server 2012 in order to create a workflow as in dynamics CRM? Is there a way. Or what is the alternative? Thnakx in advance.

Member Avatar for jrosh
Member Avatar for jrosh

I have an assignment where i should demonstrate concurrency controls.In order to do that i should work with two sessions in the same database in ms sql server. How can i do that.

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The End.