2,935 Topics
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Hi, I have a problem with a code harness given to me by my tutor. Every time i enter values into a form, I get the following message: > Warning: mssql_query(): message: Invalid column name 'N56DSRT'. (severity 16) in /web/users/l1099341/SDD/insertCarController.php on line 27 Warning: mssql_query(): General SQL Server error: Check … | |
Hello, i installed MS SQL Server 2008 0n a stand alone/member server runing windows server 2003 R2. I connencted it as a member server to a Domain Controller(child1.parent.local) in another site. This worked very fine both the replications were succecssful. The domain controller which i connected to, is a child … | |
hey every body , i need to know how i can create an automatic back up for my database step, i am using sql Enterprise server 2008 R , what i need is the steps of how to do thats and how i can check if the job start or … | |
How would it be possible using T-SQL to find the raw amount of time that has passed between when the job started and when the job ended? i have used this function datediff(ss,grn_date,GETDATE()) . this function gets the jobs done how ever if the diffrence btw the dates is huge … | |
In my project i want to create a database through my application, how can create new database using sql statement.( i.e create database...) | |
how i can make the relation ship in MS SQL ? | |
Hi All! I have 3 tables: test1 id name1 1 value1 test2 id name2 1 value2 test3 id name3 3 value3_01 4 value3_02 I want to display all records of table test1 with values of table test2 (test1.id = test2.id) and values of test3 (if test.id match with test1.id) - … | |
I have a table named Machines with fields: MACHINEID, MACHINEName MACHINECode, FACILITY where MACHINEID is a primary key. And i like to create a general stored procedure that does ADD, EDIT and DELETE operations and after updating i want the old record to be kept. How can i do that? | |
Hi All, I have the following statement which is intended to have a Year over Year Percentage change: select CurrYear.Variable_Date,CurrYear.Variable_Value,cast(100*(CurrYear.Variable_Value-PrevYear.Variable_Value)/PrevYear.Variable_Value) AS Percentage_Change from dbo.tblCPISC as CurrYear left outer join dbo.tblCPISC as PrevYear on year(PrevYear.Variable_Date) = (select MAX(Variable_Value) from tblCPISC where year(Variable_Date) < year(CurrYear.Variable_Date)) order by year(CurrYear.Variable_Date) For some reason, I … | |
Hi, I have a problem that in a database (named DDS) i can change or delete records in all tables but there is one which i can't. There isn't any primary or foreigh keys(There is one dependency, a view). So could you please tell me that is there any way … | |
HI TO ALL, I get this error:[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.When Running my vb6 module on Another server SQL Server is installed on Windows Server 2003,and i am testing the application from WinXP and Win7 on my server it will work. Testing from other machines(Server) with … | |
Hi, Im trying to get the depreciation value of an equipment every month. My system gets the number of months from date of purchased up to current date for the computation of depreciation. I can run the report anytime but the computation must be like this: Sample: Date purchased January … | |
Hi All, I am wanting to round up my values at query time to 0 decimal places from 2 decimal places. I have SELECT DISTINCT b.vSeries_Table_Number, b.vSeries_Number, b.vSeries_Geography, b.vSeries_Type, b.vSeries_Unit_Type, a.Variable_Date, ROUND(a.Variable_Value, 0) AS 'Value' but the output still has the 2 decimal places which are 0s and pointless in … | |
hi i am writing a report, it must have parameters ToDate and FromDate,now the thing is i did all that but it stllrespond with just headring no data. Please help what am i doing wrong | |
I want to make the closing balance of the current month lets say of March to be the opening balance of April in sql or crystal reports how to i go about it. Help need the solution agently please. the script below is the one i have used to get … ![]() | |
Hi All, I'm having a go at SQL queries and have the following: SELECT b.vSeries_Table_Number, b.vSeries_Number, b.vSeries_Geography, b.vSeries_Type,b.vSeries_Unit_Type, a.Variable_Date, a.Variable_Value FROM tblPopulationSC AS a INNER JOIN tblVSeriesList AS b ON a.vSeries_ID = b.vSeries_ID and b.vSeries_Geography='Manitoba' --and b.vSeries_Unit_Type=' 15 to 64 years' and b.vSeries_Type=' Both sexes' and b.vSeries_Unit_Type=' 65 years and … | |
Hello, I had a very peculiar problem today which I am sure hundreds would have had and solved before. I have developed a VB.Net + SQL Server application and installed it in a few dozen places. All worked very well. Then I installed it in a persons computer in Middle … | |
I want to develop a simple application which runs on single computer (just runs in one mechine) and did not need network. Program has to store some data in database and show them for printing. I have no experience with real-word program so I confused here: If the program is … | |
How to delete duplicate record in sql serer plz suggest me............ thanks | |
I want to have the following on SQL Azure: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [sys].[databases] WHERE [name] = db_name() AND [compatibility_level] = 110) BEGIN ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test] AS BEGIN -- Omitted body containing lots of strings END END or a work-around that does something similar. What follows is what I'm trying … | |
Hey guys ineed help on how to install or which is first to install using VS 2008 and MS SQL server & and IDE server management tool for MSSQL 2005 | |
Good Day All I imported data into a Ms Access 2013 from SQL and all the data is there. I created a Query and also created a report that will use the Query. So the Query returns all the data. There are around 590 000 records that needs to be … | |
is it true that no. of rows affected by select statement (ado.net) , is always -1. i.e. NO. OF ROWS AFFECTED BY SELECT STATEMENT = -1 ; if it is then why ? | |
i am sending emails to more than 1000 users at time , so i used a datatable to fetch email addresses from DB's table and then i loop over it voa foreach and then send it to each user via net.mail namespace's code that's ok, Done But problem is that … | |
i am getting error ERROR: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. but when i pass static email address , it works , why ? protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); String command = "select visitorEmailID from tblvisitorSubscriptions"; … | |
hi there. I have a problem in making my amortization. I just only want to know how to change data grid view's command text with where conditions. this what i've got: LoanSampleDBDataSetTableAdapters.loan1TableAdapter.commandText = "Select * from Employees where ID =" & n1 Then error occurs. | |
hi there.. I just need some help for my loan management system. thus anyone know how can i stored schedule of amortization to the sql serve? is it 1 insert statement is enough to store in database? do this problem need looping. I don't know what code should I need … ![]() | |
I am running a script on our production database reffering two tables : our table of users (3700 of them) and the table of quotes that they have made (280000 of them). Quote is the main object in our application, a very large object, for whom many data tables are … | |
Hi, is there another way of hiding or formating column value in asterisk in select statement? im using the command replace SELECT REPLACE([Item].[Price],[Item].[Price], '**********') AS Price From Tablename it works fine, but is there anyway to do this? Instead of replacing/forcing the value to display asterisk, i just need if … | |
I published my project in vs2010 and im trying to deploy it to other computers. I used this connection string that runs smoothly on my pc. This code tries to retrieve the servername and try to connect to database mysysDatabase. This forcely change the app.config. Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As … |
The End.