2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for icarium

O.K. I've been agonizing over this for some time now, in this website i'm building, every registered user is gonna have some data that he can review add update delete. what would be the best way to store this data? in sql?, so that we have this one huge table …

Member Avatar for mstrans
Member Avatar for SkyVValker

i want to concateneate my query with textfield value [I][B][COLOR="Green"]select tablename.columnname From TableName[/COLOR][/B][/I] lyk this Select tablename. & Me.textfield.text & from tablename plz tell me where m i doing wrong actually i m trying to only select single column by combo box.whenever combo box value is equal to column name …

Member Avatar for SkyVValker
Member Avatar for Oreo1982

Hi, I've writen a stored procedure that is supposed to load 4 tables in a database that are to be used by a vendor to load their tables for an application we purchased from them. being that our data is on multiple servers, the query must read from two servers …

Member Avatar for Oreo1982
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, How can I write a stored procedure to select a value from a table and return that value?? I have a table Employee, when I send the email as a parameter to the stored procedure, I should get the employee number (it should return the employee number) I …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for erum

i have code [CODE]Protected Sub btn_submitt_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_submitt.Click Try If (ddl_Country.SelectedItem.Text = "Select Country") Then Me.Label1.Visible = True Me.Label1.Text = "Please Select Country" Else Me.Label1.Visible = False Dim n As Int32 Dim connString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("containerConnectionString").ConnectionString Dim con As SqlConnection = New …

Member Avatar for erum
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all.. i've written the code in expression field... =format(sum(fields!salary.value),"##\,##\,##\,##\,##\,##\,##0.00") the code is for printing the number in this format(12,23,23,34,123.00) now i got an problem i.e if i give 5 digit the it will print ,,,,,12,123.00 the remaining commas are printed.. i dont want to print the extra commas.. …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... in which version of sql server i can get the below two option... 1) performance tools 2)database tuning advisor.. please send me the download site...

Member Avatar for Batoul88

Hello... Can anyone help me...? I have the problem when installing SQl Server 2008 on Vista.. The message is : The performance counter registry hive is corrupted... please I need it Quickly... thanks......

Member Avatar for Batoul88
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

hi all, I am new to mssql but C# programmer, can anyone help me on how to merge columns from different tables to a single table in sql for example i've 4 tables and the first table has a,b,c,d columns second table has e,f,g,h thrid table has i, j, k, …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn
Member Avatar for bruceoz

Hi folks I need some help! I have two tables the first contains account information, and the second contains flags that records in the account table may have. These are joined by the account?id. One account record may have several flags from the flag table. ie the following select select …

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Member Avatar for kobekobe

I'm trying to set up performance dashboard in SQL Server Management Studio Express. I'm currently running SQL Server 2005 SP3 ('product level') and also have installed the Performance Dashboard add-on. A couple of forums I've seen said that I could access the reporting feature by updating the Management Studio Express …

Member Avatar for novedturn

I am trying to pull data from a table to fill a drop down list. Now, i got the fill part working, but am having an issue passing a variable value to my form post action. Code: $query ="SELECT UniqueIdentifier, LastName, FirstName FROM BrokerMain ORDER BY LastName"; $result = @mssql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for novedturn
Member Avatar for Philky001

HI I have to create a small database that will be used by the clients, to get and be able to run their own reports. Can you think of any other Columns needed? You have to allow for a client to have one or more persons be the admin, that …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

Here are the 2 procedures in question and the code that I use to call it. I will follow it all up with the error that is being produced. [code] set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER Procedure [dbo].[usp_GetPropertyData]( @page int, @page_len int, @sortfield varchar(100), @desc bit ) as …

Member Avatar for shoestring
Member Avatar for SkyVValker

[B]hello..! required a help i want to store a date in sql server field...i set the field type is datetime..bt i jus want to save only Month and year ...kindly help me in it..! i m working with vb6 i set the date formate [/B] [COLOR="Green"]myDate = Format(cmbMonth1.Value, "MMMM-yy")[/COLOR] [B]bt …

Member Avatar for shoestring
Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

Im Writing a c# Code that Takes an Excel Sheet ,creates the Corresponding SQl table and Dumps the data in a new table in SQL. Now My problem is: In the " create table" command , i have to specify the DATATYPE for the column !i.e. CREATE TABLE "table_name" ("column …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi...... to all i have one problem in executing the ssrs reports.. i've developed one project for that project there are some SSRS reports which are deployed in path ( "http://localhost/reports/") it is working fine... when i run through the project and press F5 ( i.e execute) the reports are …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... i've developed on ssrs report which displays the number in words i.e in million and billion.. i want it in crores ,lakhs,thousands,hundreds,rupees and paise.. can any one modifiy the code below.. which is in reports properties->code tab.. the below is my code which is of million and billion dollars …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... The code is about place the comma's (,) i.e separator between numbers in this format (12,21,21,123) it works good.. but when there's a decimal point such as 12345.58 it will show as 12,346.. it will round up the values.. ( which i dont want that .. i want as …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all.. i've developed one ssrs report in "sql server 2008 express with advance services"... The virtual folder is not there in IIS .. ok it works fine .. i.e [url]http://mysystemname:8080/reportserver_sqlexpress[/url] it works good... but the same thing i want to execute in another system .. with my system …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... to all.. i'm using sql server 2008 express with advance edition with BIDS... i've developed one report in that employee salary.. i want to print the salary in the format (12,34,56,78,91,01,11,233.89) and i want to print in words such as (" ninty nine crores fifty one lakhs fourty nine …

Member Avatar for romilnagrani

[ATTACH]17851[/ATTACH] Hi, Format my PC and installed SQL Server 2008. Setup hangs as shown in attached image. Installing on Win 7 64 bit OS. To install SQL Server SP1 is left to do due to this. FYI, the top text reads: Running post-Windows Installer configuration timing actions the bottom text …

Member Avatar for wrobellukash

I have a query like: [code] select * from tableA where id in (1,2,3,..) [/code] List of ids ids very long about 200 000 ids. There is an clustered index on id colums. The same query on mysql rus fast but on MS it cant take about 20 minuts (on …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for chesnutsy

Hi, I know that when you set a column in ms sql to auto-generate IDs you won't be able to change the values. i'm having a problem with that restriction, because i have a table called Requisition, and for each entry, the requisition has a revision number. I've set the …

Member Avatar for max_krauzer
Member Avatar for milenio

Hi all, I hope anyone can give some pieces of advice on the following matter. I have developped internal server with a few DB in our company. Recently the system has been introduced to the all users, which willl acccess the data via Business intelijence SW (Business Objects in p[articular). …

Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, Please me to do this. I have one Webapplication. its build on vs 2010 and back-end is MsSql server 2008 and create setup for installing in another Standalone PC. The Problem is I can't run Application without installing Vs? is there any solution? can I run setup without install …

Member Avatar for jackparsana
Member Avatar for khaled_jawaher

pls,i need help in inserting a date from a text field using java, to mssql database. i am getting incorrect date for example when i insert 13/3/2010,i am getting the date 1/3/2011.i want a solution,i've searched a lot but useless.the problem is in mssql not java,so what i can do …

Member Avatar for khaled_jawaher

pls,i need help in inserting a date from a text field using java, to mssql database. i am getting incorrect date for example when i insert 13/3/2010,i am getting the date 1/3/2011.i want a solution,i've searched a lot but useless. the code is: [CODE] try{ java.util.Date d; String s; d …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, please help me to know how to backup and Restore the Database. I am newer in backup topics. please help me. thanks jack

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for plugsharma

Hi, I need to pass a parameter into a stored procedure which values are dynamic always. Executing a variable which having the Select statement. Following query working fine. BEGIN DECLARE @strQuery NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @CountryId INT DECLARE @CityId INT SET @CountryId = 2 SET @CityId = ' AND CityId IN (23,45,85,86)' …

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The End.