2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for mmazeemahmad

Hi i am making a stored procedure with multiple select statements when i execute them than different resultset are maken for each select statement all i need is to get one resultset from all select statements of sql quries in the stored procedure......HERE is the SP code..[CODE]SET NOCOUNT ON; Select …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Trying this Query, [CODE][B]DECLARE @SR VARCHAR(8),@SC CHAR(15),@ST CHAR(15),@SNO int; SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.rno) AS rowid, @SR=a.rno,@SC=a.kat, @ST=a.type FROM SMas a, SDet b WHERE b.id='X' AND a.rno=b.rno) AS C WHERE C.rowid=4 [/B][/CODE] but getting this following error: [CODE][B][I][U]Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line …

Member Avatar for jacksantho
Member Avatar for GLT

Hi, I am trying to create a stored procedure to add a new column into a database from an ASP web application. The SQL Code for this is:- [code] ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN columnname columndatatype [/code] I have tried to insert this SQL into a stored procedure:- [code] CREATE …

Member Avatar for triptikumbhat@g
Member Avatar for choboja621
Member Avatar for choboja621
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i have shifted my application from mssql server 2000 to mssql server 2005 , now the prob is the command object is not returning the recordset if command text is stored procedure , here is my code please check it and guide me through errors . [ICODE] dim cmdsp …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for moone009

Basically I have a trigger that is fired off whenever a workorder is reopened to close it again. The trigger works perfectly but I want to track the workorders where there is an attempt to reopen it. so basically if workorderid 8 is attempted to open again I want to …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for arbazpathan

i have two tables in my sql database one is "vendor" and other "purchase_order" they both have one common attribute "vendor_name" my problem is that i want vendor name in my "purchase_order" table to be same as that in "vendor" table but vendor_name is not a primary key in "vendor" …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for tommyarcher

I'm trying to create a webpage that will allow the user to input a vendor number(text box) and if the number exists populate the form with vendor name, phone and state using a stored procedures. Below you will find the stored procedures and after it my webpage. Stored Procedures: SELECT …

Member Avatar for tommyarcher
Member Avatar for trilju2005

I have to create a stored procedure that will view data from a table. The user will audit the data, with paid dates. The user comes back to the view report, check/select all lines that have the same paid dates to change. The user will enter the paid date, then …

Member Avatar for trilju2005
Member Avatar for arsheena.alam

Hi Friends!! I am coming across this problem that whenever I am trying to retrieve the data in a dataset Through database, it is taking around 10 min to get the data no the localhost. And when I am running the same code on the live server it doesnot take …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for dieterm

Hi, How do I design a table column named UpdateDate that will give the default date and time upon inserting a record into the table I'm using Enterprise Manager in MSSQL Many Thanks

Member Avatar for AliQadir
Member Avatar for thehunk

i have a combobox i want to show all the student name in it , i am using mssql database , and when we select student a textbox will show the rollno of that student , please help me

Member Avatar for thehunk
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all, SQL definitely is not my area of expertise, so I need help with something. Suppose I have 3 tables (I'll try and keep this is as simple as possible): - User (with UserID). There are 13,000 records - Status (StatusID as the PK). There are 10 records - …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for arbazpathan

I have developed following web service in vs2008 but cannot resolve th following error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric. here is my web service code using System; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; [WebService(Namespace = …

Member Avatar for arbazpathan
Member Avatar for arbazpathan

I have made a web service to insert product details the web method is as follows [code] using System; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] // …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for rockout15

is it possible to create a view with a primary key.. if so... how can i do that using a query of t sql.. anyone.. help..:?:

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Tommy.b

Hello, I have a table with clients: id, name, email and the likes I am looking to find all ID's where emails are the same, I tried the following [code]select db_email, db_medlem, count(*) from kunder group by db_email HAVING count(*) > 1;[/code] however this generates an error due to not …

Member Avatar for sankarssn
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

How can I ensure that the stored procedure below is able to use either one or all the parameters to filter records from a table? CREATE PROCEDURE ABC @StartDate datetime = null, @EndDate datetime = null, @UserId varchar(255) = null, @AccNo varchar(255) = null AS BEGIN IF @StartDate IS NULL …

Member Avatar for solomon_13000
Member Avatar for ndodi

hi everyone, I wish to share the mdf file on the network so that other computers can use the file to capture or retrieve the data. Is there any way I can do this on MS SQL SERVER 2005?

Member Avatar for ndodi
Member Avatar for Conficker111111

Below dynamic query will set StartDate and EndDate to 1st of March to 30th April as UK financial year. DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME DECLARE @EndDate DATETIME SET @StartDate = DATEADD(dd,0, DATEDIFF(dd,0, DATEADD( mm, -(((12 + DATEPART(m, getDate())) - 4)%12), getDate() ) - datePart(d,DATEADD( mm, -(((12 + DATEPART(m, getDate())) - 4)%12),getDate() ))+1 …

Member Avatar for Conficker111111
Member Avatar for geniusvishal

Hello Guys, I am trying to get the data from two columns of two different tables using Join as combining them as a whole to insert into dropdownlist... The situation is like this: There are two tables named tblPropertyCategory and tblPropertySubCategory.. I have PCName in tblPropertyCategory and PSCName in tblPropertySubCategory.. …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Jorgensen

Well, when almost finishing this tutorial: [INDENT][/INDENT][url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff677562.aspx[/url] I found a problem on connecting the Add-in to the database, and so the lobInstance can´t be opened: [url]http://i.stack.imgur.com/AFzie.png[/url] This is the error code. (in fact the error message was being popped out when the Excel 2010 client starts, but I commented the …

Member Avatar for Sonny101

Hi, I recieve the following error message: "java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression'name '" when I run this statement: [CODE] sql = "INSERT INTO empDetail VALUES("; sql += txtName.getText()+ ", "; sql += "'" + txtAddress.getText()+ "', "; sql += "'" + txtSuburb.getText()+ "', …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

this is my query for displaying monthly business [CODE]select convert(varchar,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0),101) as 'months with date format', sum(inv_amount) as 'business' from invoices inner join customers on customers.cust_id =invoices.cust_id where fname+' '+lname='lala fazlani' group by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) order by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) [/CODE] So when I execute this command, It gives me this result [url]http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6492/sqle.jpg[/url] [url]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/538/chartv.jpg[/url] …

Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani
Member Avatar for uva1102

Hi everyone, ALTER TABLE preventiveRecord ADD Verifiedbymanager BIT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT preventive_verify DEFAULT 0 WITH VALUES ALTER TABLE preventiveRecord ADD Verifiedbysupervisor BIT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT preventive_verify DEFAULT 0 WITH VALUES SELECT [ID] ,[Date_Done] ,[Date_Due] ,[SME] ,[Status] ,[History_ID] ,[Remark] ,[Verifiedbysupervisor] ,[Verifiedbymanager] FROM [demo].[dbo].[preventiveRecord] Here is my query : from d in …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for haranaboy

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me develop the right sql query. I'm trying to select a "customerNumber" in table 1, but only if it doesn't exist in table2. I tried this [CODE]Select Table1.customerNumber From Table1, table2 Where table1.customerNumber NOT IN (select table2.customerNumber from table2) [/CODE] It isn't right …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for Saranya86

Hi.. I'm developing a website for the first time in visual web developer using asp.net and sql sever database. I have designed my pages and master page. I have created my sql server database too. Please could you help me how to connect the database to asp.net master page? Also …

Member Avatar for m27grace
Member Avatar for jcarbillon

I cant load the image from database please help.. [CODE]strsql = "select top 1 id,shape from table" set rsgetimage = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") rsgetimage.open strsql,application("connectionstring") Response.Expires = 0 Response.Buffer = TRUE Response.Clear Response.BinaryWrite(rsgetimage("shape")) Response.ContentType = "image/png" rsgetimage.close [/CODE] it just display an x icon - thanks

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for walkermat

Daft subject header, but its early and brain not awake yet! One for the SQL gurus (either that i've missed something here....lol) I want to select rows where there are duplicates of data in some columns, but not others. Where a duplication IS found, i want to return all rows …

Member Avatar for dwyaris
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on a single page of asp ,and i am using ext js 4.0 with it . i have a grid of extjs , my task is to show records in that grid from mssql server 2008 , for getting records i am using webservice . …


The End.