2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for manibest

Below are my stored procedure to change password and the VB.net code to call it. The Sored Procedure executes properly and returns correct values when executed from SQL Server directly, but it does not check its conditions and returns -1 when called from VB.net code. please help me in this …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for nwalker78

hi, not sure if im posting in the correct section but im working on a site registration for a mate this bit has been completed, however i am wanting to extend this and display a plethora of info but i have hit a bit of a wall. iam wanting to …

Member Avatar for seger

hi, I need to update my data in two tables simultaneously,for example if i update product id in one aspx page it should be updated in my sql tables where i use product id in all my pages we can join tables to view data but how to update.. hope …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for heavens_cloud

Question: I just recently had a cut over for a web application using a SQL DB that was previously using xp_sendmail to dispatch messages to the users. In accordance with the cut over, xp_sendmail is no longer usable in Server 2005 and should be replaced with sp_send_dbmail. Previously, the emails …

Member Avatar for acidhax

Okay, so I've got THREE MSSQL Tables. First table is: Eponyms : ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, CATEGORIES Second table: Categories : ID, CATEGORY Third is the intersecting table: EponymCategory : ID, EponymID<FK>, CategoryID<FK> The "Eponyms" table has the list of Eponyms, and the CATEGORIES column is inserted with data like "PSYCH …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for SammmyJ74

Hi, I'm a recent IT graduate, I want to upgrade my skills from what I learnt at college to the SQL Server 2008 platform. I want to also get certified with Microsoft, it seems a lot of companies are asking for this now. If you have gone through the certification …

Member Avatar for indogeg
Member Avatar for SorinX

I am using a custom made application that is using MSDE 2000 transact SQL. Thing is that I've made a simple batch file in order to save databases automatically every day but it seems I made a mistake... I never expected the server to save in the same file if …

Member Avatar for SorinX
Member Avatar for ramendra.saini

hi any body plz help me I want to create new table from an existing table with data and definition.

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for youngmoolah

Hi I am using SQL express 2005 and I need to be able to take old data (data inputed two weeks ago or older)from a table in data base A and move it to a table in database B. I have very little experience with SQL so any suggestions will …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for agrarian

How do I retrieve data from MSSQL Server using Javascript? I am used to doing things in PHP, but I want to have an interactive form which is able to display Sales Tax after user types in his zip code. My query is similar to: "select top z.rate from zipcodes …

Member Avatar for agrarian
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I have a bit of a unique situation. I am loading a DropDownList (asp.net) from a SQL DB. Let me explain my scenario. [Products] [DB2.dbo.Orders] -Product_ID -Order_ID -Product_Name -Order_Product_Name -Product_Price -Order_Product_Price -Order_QTY [DROP DOWN] [PRICE_LABEL]* [OrderQTY] +ADD ProdName1 ProdName2 ProdName3 [PRICE_LABEL]: *(gets pulled by Select Product_Price where Product_Name=DropDown.Selected) After I …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for terraferma

When printing or exporting a SSRS report, is it possible to hide information? I don't want a hyperlink that is used for report navigation to be visible on a PDF. I would prefer that a user doesn't have to manually toggle visibility. Thanks.

Member Avatar for P00dle

I'm making some sort of mistake in the following code: [CODE]use xPress_CR select * from (SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE ENDDATEANDTIME = null UNION SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE STATUS = 'Failed')[/CODE] Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for DAmanding

I'm attempting to write the formula for a computed column in SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I get the error validating formula and I'm not sure how to write the formula to work. If it were standard math the formula would be: (mmtot * 22) + …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for khiat

Hi all i have a problem in a task assigned to me in sql 2005 i have table contains column called ID which is an integer i would to retrieve top 10 rows order by ID in descending order and i want the result of this query to be in …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for readbanana

I have a column in my database that has a list of keywords. sometimes the keywords are a couple of words and sometimes just one. Each keyword (can be more than one word) is separated from a comma. for example - this is my column - hi, how are you, …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Weppies

hi Im building an asp.net application which sends data to another webservice and then sends the data back. I get it to receive the data and save it into a sql database. But I cant get it to display in the gridview. I have been struggling with this for over …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for maips

people plix help me with ASP code for login. am using MSSQL i want users who have registered using their emailadress and passwords to be able to login.

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for durexlw

Imagine functions (as in coding): there is a function call, to each function there are parameters and whereas the names and the amount of parameters is specific to a function, the value of that parameters is specific to the function call. For example: Add (Number1,Number2) ADD = function Number1 & …

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Member Avatar for teebag

Join a table to itself with no specfic ID I have a table of customer records which has no ID column, a customer may appear in the table more than once with various of the columns populated. I have managed to build a column INIT_SURNAME which is fully poplated but …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for treFFnix

I want to fill a Table quick. I have tried something but its not working. Here is my MSSQL-Script: [code] CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fillTable] ( @Amount INT ) RETURNS @Integers TABLE ( [IntValue] INT ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Counter INT SET @Counter = 0 WHILE @Counter < @Amount BEGIN INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I have 3 tables which hold PO's which have uniquie IDs I want to get the last ID in the list then add one to it (i can add one in my code if needed). My query thus far is [CODE] SELECT TOP 1 (SELECT 0 AS [PURCHASE_ORDER_ID] UNION SELECT …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hi all.. i have created a cube in bids..here i am stuck in a very bad way.i have a measure called as total and a dimension called as date..what i want is a measure which will calculate the difference of the total for the years..eg..for 2007 total is 5 and …

Member Avatar for homeryansta

I'm currently converting an application that utilize sqldmo which has a feature .script that can just magically retrieve a script for a particular index for me. Is there a query I can write or a already built in stored procedure I can use to do similar things? Any help would …

Member Avatar for durexlw

Look at this image: [URL="http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/durexlw_QuickUL/SQL_join5Tables.jpg"]http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/durexlw_QuickUL/SQL_join5Tables.jpg[/URL] I want to select everything of tblPersons where all taskorders are connected to that person and where tblSteps.done = 0 and where tblPersons.id = a certain ID... needless to say: my head hurts and I can't seem to figure this one out. Any help is …

Member Avatar for durexlw
Member Avatar for agrarian

I have a form (Delphi 2010) that includes several data controls, including a DBImage. All these are hooked to a underlying MSSQL 2005 database and table. I'm using ADOConnection and ADO Table for ease of use. I need to include image data in this table, so I have set up …

Member Avatar for yousef.h85
Member Avatar for vineet4008

hello to all, i want to connect to mssql which is using windows authentication Can anybody help me with that... i know the server name

Member Avatar for Arpy Giri

hello i am working on this application where i need to import 60k+ user data and insert into different table. i have made a C# application which selects the database and inserts from a text file.like [CODE]insert into dbo.dbname ([user_name],[u_id]) values (a,b)[/CODE] but this apps hangs for 60K+ data so …

Member Avatar for Arpy Giri
Member Avatar for Odubz

Hi Im still quite new when using MS SQL but I have a pretty good understanding of it. -I am using Crystal Reports to retrieve and manipulate data from my database. -I am creating small tables for certain data. -This data is selected from a constantly updating table. So i …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Jihad

I am developing a website,where I am using windows authentication for my connection. I want to change that to server authentication. I want to know what are the steps needed, at what should I watch out, and is there any problems that will appear in my project due to this …

Member Avatar for Rapish

The End.