2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for 143wena

please help me on this making a payroll system using MSSQL.. i dont know how to start.. just a simple one.. please..

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ttboy04

Hello, I don't have technical problem. I was just thinking the difference between arrays and SQL. I am currently learning OOP in java and C# but my employment history is based on SQL Server. So I was thinking about this subject in my head and I don't see why bother …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for 143wena

please help me on this making a payroll system using MSSQL.. i dont know how to start.. just a simple one.. please..

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I got a question to check if a date time is within another date range (So as to check conflicting schedule) There are various possible types of schedule: 1: One time start - end event. Typically such schedules is like a tour / outing / camp event, and hence …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for vedro

Hello How can I clone a database in MS SQL 2005 Express? I have the original database and I want to create a new database that has to be the same as the original one. regards, Vedro

Member Avatar for susyed
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, for a database project (music festivals) several search options are to be included. While some search fields will be filled from a dropdown list (like "countries"), other will have a fuzzy option (like "song titles"). For this I want to use the full-text search (you may remember the words …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for upstream

Hi, I'm currently designing the schema of my database for an application. and there's this table that has a default content or records. i'm torn between what type should i use for its key, because im always using autonumber, i was thinking that because i have a default content for …

Member Avatar for upstream
Member Avatar for Borkoff

Hi! I need some help please! I have to create a DB that has to be normalized to 3NF. I have a table 'Products' that contains info about all the products - product_ID, product_name, quanitity (left in warehouse), procurement_price, sales_price. And I have [B]TWO[/B] more tables that contain info about …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for _taz_

I am trying to insert data from one column in one database into a column in another db. the tables already have the column in place. they both have a unique identifier column (userid) I wrote a little insert statement, but when I try it I get the following error …

Member Avatar for _taz_
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

hi, let consider, A table has following fields, name amount date I know to get sum of amount based for particular date condition be.. select sum(amount) as val from table_name where date='06-16-2010' Same as I want to get list of name for a particular date. How can I achieve this..

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for thebluestar

I want to store a map that is drawn using Map info software, then store it into the database, but I have not known about spatial data in sql server I tried creating a table using geometry data type like: [CODE] use master go CREATE TABLE Districts ( DistrictId int …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for homeryansta

hello all! Anyone know how to count all the constraints in a given table? I'm new to stored procedure and need it to finish some work.

Member Avatar for homeryansta
Member Avatar for tchiloh

i try to insert data in database, but i have a problem. example: [CODE]double price = 12,55; mySelectQuery = "INSERT INTO order (total)" + "VALUES (" + price+ ");";[/CODE] now price are 2 values because the ",". now C# see 12 and 55. so a get a error that a …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for remshadm

please tell me how i make a sql query for selecting data's from a table where that data repeated 4 times in that column

Member Avatar for rohinireddy
Member Avatar for mrugeshm

Hi all, i want to transfer data one sql database to another database in same sql server. i try to insert into table2 select * from table1 , but this query useful for same database, but i want to use different database, in same sql server. help me here to …

Member Avatar for xuqi
Member Avatar for Uzumaki52

Hello, I have a table which has mail body...i.e. it has html code in the column ..i need to make changes to one of the rows in the mail body column. I have made the changes and when i am trying to copy and paste the column. I am getting …

Member Avatar for seebharath

Hello, I have a SQL Server DataBase and have about 10,00,000 entries to be inserted into the database before the database becomes operational. I am currently performing an insert query for each entry, as they have to be read from a file and decided into which table they should be …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for jammiedude

Hello there, Im trying to write a query where if a query is run on a set of tables and the result of that query is null then i want it to run a different query based on different tables. i.e. [CODE]SELECT CASE WHEN (Resulting Value from this query is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anjagma
Member Avatar for sandeepani

I have database for a project i'm working on. yesterday i restored it from an old backup and the schema changed back to a earlier state. but now all the sstored procedures , views etc are missing and the project system can't use it and work. so is there any …

Member Avatar for gbraden
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

let output string will be, str="01/Mar/2010,02/Mar/2010,03/Mar/2010,04/Mar/2010,05/Mar/2010" Some manipulation, ******* Resultant string should be, "01/Mar/2010,02/Mar/2010<br/>03/Mar/2010,04/Mar/2010<br/>05/Mar/2010" Here I want to replace Comma (,) by <br/> Note: I want to replace even commas only. (before 03/mar/2010 & 05/Mar/2010..like)

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for StrangeLoops

Hi, what would you recommend as the best book for someone *new* to SQL and SQL Server (specifically 2005, Developer version)? Thanks!

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for marcoakis

Hi guys, I'm learning basic SQL. I have a query I can't solve. Need to create a query named Task1D to list the last name, first name, number of matches, total number of points, for players who have played more than 10 matches and scored more than 330. A portion …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for M_K_Higa

Greetings - I need your help. I have an SSIS package with a [icode]Data Flow Task[/icode] which has the following Data Flow tasks: [icode]Excel Source[/icode] -> [icode]Data Conversion[/icode] -> [icode]SQL Server Destination[/icode]. The data in my Excel worksheet contains strings as well as numbers. (Also has some blank cells.) I'm …

Member Avatar for M_K_Higa
Member Avatar for gvwiberg

Hello I'm working a website that is going to be very,very critical. For now, there is one MSSQL 2005 database online. I'm trying to figure out how to setup mirroring for two MSSQL Servers. (Like two mirrored servers) I understand that you can setup a mirroring like "Server", "Server backup" …

Member Avatar for david.1982

Hi everyone, Wondering if anyone can assist me with this; I've done some googling but haven't come across anything. We have a dedicated server running SQL Server 2005, express edition. I recently set up the server to allow remote connections to the DB engine and everything is working just fine. …

Member Avatar for pee2002

Hi there! I´m with some difficult to do this query. I have this: [CODE]SELECT IDReport AS [ID Report], IDHardware AS [ID Hardware], DataHoraReport AS [Último Report], Versao AS Versão, DataInstalacao AS Instalação, DataUltimaActualizacao AS [Última Actualização] FROM Report[/CODE] in which result this: [URL="http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6872/26352213.png"]http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6872/26352213.png[/URL] How can i query those results to …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for synfist

Hi I have zero knowledge about sql,databases,mssql etc etc. I have installed MSSQL 2005 express edition. What i need i have two access files say data1.mdb and data2.mdb. i need to create a database database1 which has tables from both data1.mdb and data2.mdb. Please tell me how i can do …

Member Avatar for synfist
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

[COLOR="Red"]I can't login on the server giving error: 17892. I want to drop the trigger but , as soon as I tried to login, the trigger(Tr_ServerLogon) get executed and login failed.[/COLOR] [CODE] CREATE TRIGGER Tr_ServerLogon ON ALL SERVER FOR LOGON AS BEGIN INSERT INTO AuditDb.dbo.ServerLogonHistory SELECT SYSTEM_USER,USER,@@SPID,GETDATE() END GO /*Where …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello again I have 1 well working function and one working stored procedure which counts the quantity of rows in table. Now I've created special table which has only two rows 1. Id (int null)(!++) 2. Rows(int not null) In Rows I want to store the quantity of rows from …

Member Avatar for jaikanth123

The End.