2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for drats

hello people, when i run this below written query then i get error as "ORDER BY clause is invalid in views,inline functions,derived tables, subqueries and common table expression unless TOP or for Xml is also specified". i want to have the top 5 result based on the Gross_written_premium . can …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for rajeshinfo17

hi, i am doing a project in attendance system in vb.net, i don't know how to maintain back end process ,i am using sql 2005 ie database and tables for different department... pls help me

Member Avatar for PaulNelson

Hi all, I am having a bit of a problem with implementing a nested statement that will update based on conditions. I know the logic behind it, but do not know how to implement it with nested queries. Please see below the pseudo code I've written along with an example …

Member Avatar for PaulNelson
Member Avatar for Alicito

I'm using the HR@orcl learning account from oracle. ----------------------------------------------------- and I have the following question : Create a an SQL query to display the department, the number of employees for that department based on their salary, and the total number of employees for that department, giving each column an appropriate …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for thebluestar

If I want to select the max value of 1 record, but there are two columns that having the same max values? How can I select both of them?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for deven_a76

HI, I have a requirement where I need to compare the data in different database(tables having same structure/schema). I know manually I can execute the queries in each database, compare the results and it is done. As this execution is repetitive in nature, how I can automate this. Thanks In …

Member Avatar for deven_a76
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a project created in C# visual studio 2008 standard edition and I am using a Microsoft SQl database file. I took my solution project in a filer and tried to run the application, going to the project folder and to the bin folder -> Debug folder …

Member Avatar for leahrose87
Member Avatar for Tommy.b

Hey using the following sql [code] SELECT DB_SALGSPRIS from pris_interval WHERE DB_INTERVAL_START < '11.78' AND DB_INTERVAL_END >= '11.78' SELECT DB_CUSTOMER from pris_interval WHERE AND DB_INTERVAL_START < '7.19'AND DB_INTERVAL_END >= '7.19' [/code] I get multiple results, 3 from first, and 2 from the second to be precise, what I am wondering …

Member Avatar for Tommy.b
Member Avatar for sachin1025

[CODE]Select CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Last_Edited1],106) As [Date], count([Lead_id]) as [Total Lead] from Avalan_cus Group By CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Last_Edited1],106) - (Select Count([Lead_Id]) from avalan_cus where [Lead_Id] in(Select Leadid from avalan_extract)Group By CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Last_Edited1],106))[/CODE] how can i do like this....i hv to substract

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for weegie18

[code=php]<?php $host = "Localhost"; $user = "User"; $pass = "Pass"; $db = "DB"; echo "<b>This will test your SQL Server connectivity...</b>"; /********** testing connectivity ***************/ echo"<font color = 'green'><br>connecting to Server....<P>"; $link = mssql_connect( $host, $user, $pass); if( !$link ) { die("<font color = 'red'><p>Failed to connect to server: database …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for مصعب علي

hi all, this is first time connect php with mssql 2005 code : [CODE]<?php $myServer = "srv\ins"; $myUser = ""; $myPass = ""; $myDB = "db1"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //select a database to work with $selected …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for el_vala

I know, is a very basic question, but I am in the process of re-learning sql stored procedures, and this is what happended: I was practicing with some simple delete / insert routines, when encountered with this: if I ONLY insert records: 1. dog 2. cat 3. t-rex 4. llama …

Member Avatar for el_vala
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, select row_number() over(order by b.inv_no) as sl_no,b.fyear_code,b.inv_no,b.inv_date,b.service_nature,b.inv_total,c.bal_amount,b.client_code,b.amt_received from fn_receipt a, trn_invoice_history b, mst_expenditureinvoice c where a.client_id=b.client_code and a.client_name=b.client_name and a.location=b.client_location and a.receiptno=35 and b.fully_recived not in ('Y') and b.amt_balance>0 and (c.fyear_code=b.fyear_code and b.inv_no=c.inv_no) union select row_number() over(order by b.inv_no) as sl_no,b.fyear_code,b.inv_no,b.inv_date,b.service_nature,b.inv_total,c.bal_amount,b.client_code,b.amt_received from fn_receipt a, trn_invoice_history b, mst_invoice c where …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for ApocDen

This is a User Defined Function to perform simple encryption on an input string. This is performed by transposing the ASCII value of each character in the string by the increment value (@increment in the parameter list) Pass the function the string you wish encrypted and the increment value, which …

Member Avatar for PeterKerk

I'm running MSSQL Server 2008 I did this: set CLASSPATH= C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar (I dont know where I can check if this has been executed correctly) Then when approaching this URL: [url]http://localhost:8983/solr/db/dataimport?command=full-import[/url] Using this data-config.xml: [code=xml]<dataConfig> <dataSource driver="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=wedding" user="sa" password="r00kw0rst" /> <document name="weddinglocations"> <entity name="location" …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for punnoosepj

i have procedure like this select count(*),sum(Transaction_Amount),dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, Created_On), 0),convert(nvarchar(10),Created_On ,105) from Collect_Transaction where convert(nvarchar(10),Created_On ,101) between @Date_From and @Date_To group by dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, Created_On), 0),convert(nvarchar(10),Created_On ,105) order by dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, Created_On), 0),convert(nvarchar(10),Created_On ,105) but it displays time when it has an entry . but when it …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for punnoosepj

[CODE]declare @Search_String nvarchar(50); set @Search_String =null select * from Punnu1 where Column11 like case when @Search_String is null then '%%' else '%'+@Search_String+'%' end[/CODE] i have a query like this . but this does not take any element in column1 with values null. what should i do to take query with …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for imavp2

Hi. I am new to this forum/community and need help to join multiple result sets in SQL. The last time I used SQL was in 2000. The goal is to provide one single data set result from multiple queries. I have included the code from two queries that I have …

Member Avatar for imavp2
Member Avatar for jugosoft

I have some text with Cyrillic and Latin (š, đ, č, ć, ž). How can I store that data in MS SQL 2008. I tried to store word 'Palačinka' but instead of 'č' i get 'c'.

Member Avatar for jugosoft
Member Avatar for pgperez

Hello everybody, I'm having the same problem. I can connect to a SQL server with default instance (no named), but can't connect to a named instance! I tried escaping backslashes, and putting port number, with no success. Examples: $connection = mssql_connect('MYSERVER', 'USER', 'PWD'); --> WORKS OK $connection = mssql_connect('MYSERVER\INSTANCE', 'USER', …

Member Avatar for pgperez
Member Avatar for Madmax

I know this is probably a stupid post but I cannot think of how to accomplish this. How do you do the equivilent to an autonumber in a SQL Server table? Please let me know my project is very close to deadline Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for hgdfjguigh
Member Avatar for DOdom75

Good Morning, I have inherited a database that I am not happy with the structure of. In the system there are components on the web application it reads as Level1, Level2, Level3. The tables are set up as Component ->Level1 Component ->Level2 Component ->Level3 The component table houses the level …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for blueman:-0

I have alot of tables in database in one of this contains owner_id and another one have relation many to many with that,and that table have dissent_type how i can select dissent_type where owner_id = ""

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for lukefuller

Hi All, I have been pulling my hair out over this one. What we are trying to do is pull sum values for the same item out of three different tables in the same DB (MSSQL '05) – Should be quite straight forward however... The result should look a bit …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for tiwas

Hi, Is there any way to do this? I tried using a 'select scope_identity()', but that returns null, apparently because my identity column is not a numeric of any sort. An answer to this would help me a lot! I would love to not have to use an integer or …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for achala87

Hi guys, Im running on PHP 5.3, Apache/2.2.12 (Win32 and SQL server 2008 using the sqlsrv driver 2.0. I have no problems connecting to my db instance using either Windows or server authentication as i Have enabled both. I use Windows auth for the application. I have enabled remote connections. …

Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello Everyone, I need to upload excel sheet in to the database. Which i am doing with the query [CODE] SELECT * INTO temp FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\l.varada\Desktop\BA-Control.xls', 'SELECT * FROM [qry_BA_Controlling (Report)$]')[/CODE] Here C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\l.varada\Desktop\BA-Control.xls is the path from where the excel file needs to be …

Member Avatar for alobal
Member Avatar for darkocean

Hi all, I am developing an application which to use different local computers. There is a computer has a mssql 2005 express and my database on it, I want to use it all local computer (5 computers), connection string like that : [CODE]"Data Source=DARKOCEAN\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Integrated Security=True"[/CODE] How can I use …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for Meeta123

[TEX]Hi, Can anyone tell me how to retrieve an image from mysql along with other columns of different datatype to a jsp page? [/TEX]

Member Avatar for Meeta123
Member Avatar for Tommy.b

Hello So, recently I obtained a horrid assignment from lé boss, and I have yet to figure out how to do this. The idea is to select the ID(db_medlem) of all customers that have purchased for over 1000, in the year 2010. (I know its a funny syntax, but its …

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The End.