2,935 Topics
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Hi, I am having a table which contains emp_name, basic_pay, PF, other_info. Now i want to display as, emp_name1 basic_pay emp_name1 PF emp_name1 Other_info Like this, Instead of displaying in single row, i want to display in different row based on that emp_name. How Can I achieve this. | |
I have an mssql database that I need to migrate to mysql. For some reason though any queries to any columns of type datetime are returned in French in the following format: 7/avr/2004 14:00 This also includes all the text of an SQL dump which not surprisingly makes mysql unable … | |
Hello All, I am new to SQL Server 2008.I was just wondering if there is any way to add a user as an admin in SQL Server 2008? Is it possible to do using SQL Server Management Studio? Thanks. | |
I have a table having shop details where shop opening and closing time are available. My need is to find shops that are open in a time range supplied. For Example: Shop1 opens at 9 pm and closes next day at 4 am. Shop2 opens at 1 pm and closes … | |
Hi I have installed Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005. This consists of the Configuration tools(SQL server configuration manager,SQL Error and usage Reporting, Sql Sever Surface area configuration, Reporting Services configuration) and SQL Server Management Studio. However I dont find SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. Can anybody tell me how to … | |
I have exported data from sql server to access but the views are exported as tables can you pls tell me how to convert sql server views to ms access 2003 queries please help...urgent | |
I have tried to upload the xml file into a column with xml type of the database table I use sql statement like: [COde=sql]USE xml_tbl go INSERT INTO xml_tbl(Filename,DATA) SELECT 'file1' a,* FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'C:\XML\file1.xml' ,SINGLE_CLOB) as a [/COde] or into the existing column: [COde=sql]update tbl_xml set data = … | |
Hi, i'm using .Net framework 1.0 & MS Access 2003 database. Using ODBC connection, I want to list all tables in ms access database in a listbox....Please help me.... very urgent... | |
Hello, I have a website (in development) with sql express 2005 db, and I want to upgrade to express R2 2008 version (mainly because of 10gb vs 4gb max db size), how do I do that?, I have win xp os do I need to upgrade to win7? Also I … | |
When I edit the information from a database table from my program I have made, I get this error: [COLOR="Red"]Cannot update identity column 'ID'.[/COLOR] How do I [COLOR="Red"]SET IDENTITY_INSERT[/COLOR] To ON? | |
Please someone can help me. I need a function which just returns the number of rows from known table. I tried it like: [CODE] CREATE FUNCTION getRows ( @id int ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN DECLARE @rownums int SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo.MainData where id=@id RETURN @rownums END [/CODE] But it … | |
i have installed microsoft sql server 2005 that comes along with vb.net 2008 but after installing i couldn't find any option for ceating table and database can anyone help me | |
Hi I am using two linked server Both have same tables by using sp_tables_ex 'linkedserver name' this I can see list of tables.One Emp table is available in that list but when I try select * from Openquery(linkedserver,'select * from public.Emp') then it show me error like Error message: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … | |
Hi guys. I'm pretty new to sql and I'm having some trouble with a store procedure. I tried to read about it by searching goggle but all the references i got to the topic contained to complex store procedures for me and my current level :P. Here is my simple … | |
Hi Everyone. I have problems with solving a sql question. There is an assumption: The database of naval ships that took part in World War II is under consideration. The database has the following relations: Classes(class, type, country, numGuns, bore, displacement) Ships(name, class, launched) Battles(name, date) Outcomes(ship, battle, result) Ships … | |
Please, try to help with this. I use case statement but for 2 arguments. Down here is the idea of what i want to get: select x case x when x = 'AB' and y like 'CD%' then x= 'CD' when x = 'ZZ' and y like 'CC%' then x= … | |
Hi folks, I had mysql database with English+Chinese data in it...I had to migrate that database from mysql to MSSQL 2005. Now I cant view any chinese character..It shows '?' symbol in place of chinese characters. How can I set the collation in MSSQL that I can view chinese data … | |
Hello all! I'm trying to convert one of my columns in MS SQL Server 2005 from an integer to a decimal field (ex. 59670 ---> 596.70), but I keep receiving an error message: [COLOR="Red"]Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1 Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric. … | |
Hi, This should be a simple query but I am not able to figure out how to get the result I want. I have two tables A and B and want A left Join B however, I do not want all of table A. I want to restrict table A … | |
Table1 has clustered PK A, 2 has clustered PK [A,B] and has a foreign key to table1. Both A and B are uniqueidentifiers and when table2 adds a record, B is always set to newid() so B is unique in table2. For each A value, there aren't more than 100 … | |
Hi friends..... As when i am doing this task and found know help .............. here i am putting steps for importing data from Excel sheet into SQL Server 2003. How to Import data from excel sheet to SQL Server Note : - Sheet should be exactly same as Table in … | |
Hi Guys, I have a problem connecting to a SQL Server from Windows 7 - this particular server I can only connect to by using the named instance from Win XP - I can connect to other servers that does not require you to connect to the named instance eg: … | |
Hy, I have a select like: [CODE] select case when isnull(my_table.entry,0) > 0 and my_table.edate = convert(datetime,substring('2009-09-20',1,10)) THEN COUNT(*) else 0 END as no_entries_date1 ,case when isnull(my_table.entry,0) > 0 and my_table.edate = convert(datetime,substring('2009-09-21',1,10)) THEN COUNT(*) else 0 END as no_entries_date2 ,case when isnull(my_table.entry,0) > 0 and my_table.edate = convert(datetime,substring('2009-09-22',1,10)) THEN … | |
** database table in visual foxpro ver.7 db2, fields: pid,fl1,fl2,fl3 ** database table in MS SQL database1 database1 fields: field1,field2,field3 Code in fox: SET DATE GERMAN uz1=ALLTRIM(db2.fl1) uz2=ALLTRIM(db2.fl2) uz3=ALLTRIM(db2.fl3) pMySQLstr="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER="path+"\SQLEXPRESS;"+"UID="+name+";PWD="+pwd+";Database="+database1" pMySQLhandle=sqlstringconnect(pMySQLstr) SQLSETPROP(pMySQLhandle, 'Transactions', 1) && Automatic transactions SQLEXEC(pMySQLhandle, "update database1 set field1=?uz1, field2=?uz2,field3=?uz3 where id=?pid") SQLDisconnect(pMySQLhandle) ** end sql … | |
Hi all, been working on this problem for a while now but having little success finding a satisfactory solution. I have a DTS package which contains two connections. one for SQL, the other for AS4000. I would like to pull records from the AS400 table using Account numbers stored in … | |
Hi, I'm developing this query for a dashboard using System Center Config Manager Dashboard. The query needs to produce a table which shows the number of computers which have Office 2007 Standard edition in one row, and the next row should show the number of computers which do not have … | |
I have to add a not null column in a table. I am using [code]IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name = 'xyz' AND table_name = 'abc') BEGIN ALTER TABLE abc WITH NOCHECK ADD xyz MONEY NOT NULL END[/code] It gives me error ALTER TABLE only allows columns to … | |
while sending request parameter to this stored procedure i need to insert an department _id ,fy_id, vertical_id , while inserting .Before that i set one temp int variable and then assign it to query And checking the condition of temp variable if temp variable is 0 then could not only … | |
[CODE]<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AdNetConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT AdCampaign.ID As [ID], AdCampaign.CampaignName FROM Account INNER JOIN AdCampaign ON Account.ID = AdCampaign.AccountID WHERE (Account.EmailAddress = @EmailAddress)" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [AdCampaign] WHERE [ID] = @ID" > <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="EmailAddress" SessionField="EmailAddress" /> </SelectParameters> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" /> </DeleteParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>[/CODE] In tge previous code. When … | |
Is there a difference between regular SQL and Scalable/Pervasice SQL? |
The End.