2,935 Topics
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I have an ssis package the loops through an entire folder importing records into a sql 2005 database. I pull these records from a table in my database through an "execute sql task" then that gets pushed into the foreach loop container. However when one of the filenames is missing … | |
Hello Friends, I have three table ->PatientDetails ->ParentDetails ->InsuranceDetails -Patient id is the common column in all the three tables... While saving the data in table using VB.Net there is a column in PatientDetails i.e. Insured If the patient is insured then only the values from text boxes and the … | |
hi, i am currently building an application that depends on a third party application written in .net using a mssql server database. i am more of a lamp guy and prefer mysql. to extend the application i would need to add some tables to the database. i am currently thinking … | |
I have a table called Product. In the Product table we have something called ProductCode and NewProductCode. When we first built the tool we were anticipating the NewProductCodes to be coming down the pipe at a later date. So we added this column with NULL. So right now the DB … | |
I have an sql table that stores English words and second table that stores meanings of those words in related maner. Here are some informations about table structures: Table1 name: Words WordID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, //This is primaryKey Word varchar(50) NOT NULL, Table2 name: Meanings MeaningID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT … | |
hello every one , ! i have same prob as the user had in this thread [Click Here](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/databases/ms-sql/threads/421214/remote-server-access) first i thought to post my question in that thread but then i thought it is better to open new thread . in above mentioned thread a user have prob to connect … | |
I am trying to insert values from a table to another table. The thing is I want it such that only a row in the source table that does not exist in the destination table should be inserted. I have set each table to have a column that automatically increments … | |
Good evening guys, i just want to ask if the dbname.ssmssln something is sendable and usable on other computer or not. because i created a database and my other friend wants to see it and i send the ssmssln file i just want to know if he can access it. … | |
I need help with the format for single qoutes. I am using dynamic sql in an SSRS for error trapping records inserted with single qoutes during bulk imports but I cannot seem to format the actual select statement properly. SQL Sever 2005 Dev edition. Any help is great. Declare @DB … | |
Two parted question really... First off, I've been trying to enable my SQL Server 2008 R2 to allow remote access so my friend can view it from his RDBMS (also SQL Server 2008). I've enabled TCP/IP, I've allowed Remote Access/Connection, I've opened TCP and UDP Ports and also added the … | |
how do i create service accounts for the various SQL Server 2008 components? | |
hi everyone i have to 4 table and two different database ----------------------- first db = rotadb first table =Rota rota pRotabos ldchangetime 101 6 NULL 102 7 NULL 103 8 NULL 104 9 NULL 105 10 NULL ------- second table = Rotabos Rotabos_rowid pRotaBa 6 1 7 2 8 3 … | |
Hello! I have a query regarding Merge Replication. I have 5 Tables. 1. SetYarnMain Fields (MainId(PK), MainName, Comments) 2. SetYarnSub (SubId(PK), SubName, MainId(FK), Comments) 3. SetYarnDet (DetId(PK), DetName,SubId(FK),MainId(FK), Comments) 4. SetYarnGrp (GrpId(PK), GrpName, DetId(FK),SubId(FK),MainId(FK), Comments) 5. SetYarn (YarnId(PK),YarnName,GrpId(FK),DetId(FK),SubId(FK),MainId(FK),Comments) **These Tables doesnt have Identity Column** Lets take 2 tables SetYarnMain and … | |
hello all! I have this SQL code that I am supposed to write and am worried that my code may be wrong. I am fairly confident that the first 2 questions are correct but after that......who knows! I have attached an ER diagram( which is acutally really messed up...but whatever) … | |
I need to have a text field in a search form that pulls from our DB, to default to uppercase for the search. I tried to use java script in the html part of the form for that field but it bombs out after you submit the search. Here is … | |
![]() | Hi, I'm trying to create a form in which a user selects a Customer from a Combo box and then can select a "Dongle" (or Product they have) from a list box. Below is a screen shot of the relationship between the tables.  Also here is a screen … |
Dear All, I am beginners in MS Sql, now I have three tables (Companies, Product, SaleBody). and their fields are (CompanyId, CompanyName), (ProductId, ProductName, CompanyId, PurchaseSTPrice, TradePrice), (SerialNo, SaleId, ProductId, Quantity, Price, TotalPrice).............. I want to create Report in which I want (companies.CompanyName, product.ProductName, product.TradePrice, salbody.TotalPrice) How can I get … | |
Hi, On executing CROSS APPLY Clause using UDF: create function Reg(@pc int,@pp varchar(15)) Returns Table As Return select cr from crt where piod=@pc and cr=@pp Go select distinct a.cr from cdet AS a CROSS APPLY Reg(a.cr,a.piod) AS a where a.piod='208'** Am getting this following errors: Incorrect Syntax near '-'. Thanks. | |
Ahoy, I'm having a bit of trouble executing a stored procedure using PHP's SQLSRV package thing. It's pretty much just a simple select query, with the parameters being passed through a php (it's from a property search). SqlSrv is a tough nut to crack as docuemtnation is either non existent, … | |
hello! i am working on a client and server application , i want to connect my server with my client application to perform some database transactions.i think it is very simple to connect a client with the server , but here is the point , i have two pc , … | |
Guys, I have a select statement ere one of the field has a negative value. How do i convert it into zero in select statement. ;with CTE as ( Select Itemid ,AVAILORDERED as OnHandQty - just want to convert some negative result into 0 From MyTable ) Select * from … | |
Hello everyone! I am trying create some table for ticket escalations.Escalation have more than 5 levels.. There is two table example: table_escalation id serviceId ownerId table_level id escalationId levelId currentUserId userLevelId I need advice: if this good structure. | |
hi, how to create nested table in sql server for example employee table contains 3 column id name address where name should contain 3 sub columns like firstname middlename lastname how can i get this one help me plz | |
I need some help updating data in my table based on data in the supply chain group's table This is how the table looks on their side ##Table Name: ProductSC## ID Code Description Status 1 N461579 Phone Available 2 N836257 Headset1 Discontinued 3 N836258 Headset2 Available 4 N748956 Adapter Available … | |
I am newbie in sql server i'm using sql server 2005 and the northwind database i wanted to join order and order details tables and calculate the total purchase made by each customer by using group by clause. When i used select orders.orderid,orders.customerid,orders.orderdate,orders.shipcity,orders.shipcountry, orderdetails.unitprice,orderdetails.quantity,(orderdetails.unitprice*orderdetails.quantity )as total from orders inner join … | |
I have a table 'Asset' with a column 'AssetDescription'. Every row of it has some group of words/sentences, seprated by comma. row1: - flowers, full color, female, Trend row2:- baby smelling flowers, heart Now if I put a search query like:- `select * from Asset where contains(AssetDescription,'flower')` It returns nothing. … | |
hello ! how are you all , hope all of you are in great state of health and peace , well i have some questions , 1- WHAT IS MSSQL TRANSACTIONS . 2- where we use it. 3- Advantages /Disadvantages 4- Any imp information or point which you think it … | |
Hi, Am having, some doubt, please clarify this? [CODE] 1. Using Import/Export wizard, can i able to import the excel data into the temporary table ? How ?[/CODE] 2. The following TSQL is working fine. Can i able to do this, from the CLIENT Machine itself. I don't want to … |
The End.