2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for nishu.tbz

can anyone tell me how to insert { in sql. Eg. insert into dm_dbo.prsn_ps_epm(product_id,imprint_name) values('123456','nisheeth{jain');

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for telmessos

Hi All, I have a SQL database which has many views and needs indexing. Unfortunately SQL server does not let me add indexes with schema bind error. There are app. 50 views created on the database and I don't want to delete and re-create them one by one. Is there …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for amrita111

What is the difference between oracle and sql? I am new to this field.Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, How to make an scripts if itemnumber have no '-U' then i will place this on the right side while if there's an exising '-U' then no replacement to be done. [CODE] ItemNumber ------------------ P300-4410-DROIDERIS P300-4110-TOUR P333-4410-EVO-U P333-4129-8530PUR-U P333-4170-9330GRY-U P333-4110-8350-U RESULTS: ItemNumber ------------------ P300-4410-DROIDERIS-U P300-4110-TOUR-U P333-4410-EVO-U P333-4129-8530PUR-U P333-4170-9330GRY-U P333-4110-8350-U …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, There are unwanted character in my columns. this character is came from the bulk insert. How tdo i removed this character using scripts. Please see sample below. [CODE] ItemCode--Item Number ---------------------------------------------------------- 123--Phone power on but vibrate is too weak P300-3110-VX8575 124--place a test call. P300-1710-DROID 125--power issues.touchscreen not …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for amrita111

Whats the use of super keys and candidate keys when primary key can handle the entire thing in database?????

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi everyone .... how to graph data from MSSQL database using php? i research in google and i found phpgraphlib but it only graph the value of the array

Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for watoth

Ok im not sure what it is I need. But I have a sort of fantasy baseball website that I want to add something to. I want to see what players have been on the most championship teams. I just don't know how to query the players against the results …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Singlem

[CODE]select CS.Ref, CS.C, DT.ID, DT.Init, DT.Surname, 'C' [P], 'C' [A], 100 [M], case when Convert(Varchar(10),CA.A,120) is null then Convert(Varchar(10),CS.DC,120) else Convert(Varchar(10),CA.A,120) end, C.R, Convert(Varchar(10),C.CDate,120), Do.Outcome, CT.PhysicalOwner, Convert(Varchar(10),CS.CDate,120), Convert(decimal(8,2),CS.B, Convert(decimal(8,2),CS.CB), Convert(decimal(8,2),CS.IB), Convert(decimal(8,2),CS.Calance), Convert(money,SUM(dd.C)), Convert(money,SUM(cl.C)), CT.CID[Cust_ID], Convert(varchar(10),CS.JDate,120), CS.JCN, CO.C, Convert(varchar(10),CS.OD,120), CS.OCN, CO2.C from table1 CS inner join table2 DT on DT.DID = …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Please help me out . I need to retrieve the records from 11th row onwards using select query. Please help me out . Its urgent. Thanks

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for y2kshane

hey how to answer to these questions Table: Sales(CustomerID , RepID , Area , SaleDate , ProductNo , Quantity , UnitPrice , ItemTotalPrice) a)considering the above table write a function to calculate the IemTotalPrice as ItemTotalPrice=Quantity*UnitPrice b)Write a SQL statement to create the above table (you must use the above …

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Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, I have records from table 1. the objective is to get the date from Table 2. when i try to use select statement to obtain the records it pull all itemnumber with the same item number in TABLE 2. is there any idea to to this using the result …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi everyone i have this code(dont think its a code spam ..its a trick) which display the date(only): [CODE] <a href="index.php" STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE">&laquo;Back•</a> <br> <br> <hr width="200" align="left"> <br> <?php $conn=odbc_connect('datasourcegaby','',''); $search=mysql_escape_string($_POST['SEARCH']); if (!$conn) {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} if($search==null){ header("location:index.php"); }else{ $sql="SELECT * from generators WHERE convert(datetime,convert(char(10),TIMESTOMPX,101))= '$search'"; }; …

Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for aplee

Hello, Please help me with my problem, this is the simple select statement I have for target bid date: [CODE]ProjectOverview.[Target Event Date - Date] AS [Target Bid Date][/CODE]now, I want to ask how can I select the latest target event date and if value is null, put "no date" caption …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, I have a Date string. My objective is how to get the Datename. I got this Receivedate as string when I used the Bulk insert. i make the receiptdate as nvarchar because i got an error when i used the bulk insert. [CODE] Select ItemNumber, PurchasePrice, ReceivingPO, Cast(ReceivedDate as …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

How do i change the name of a table in my sql server 2005 express edition database using visual studio server explorer?

Member Avatar for optician
Member Avatar for Fortinbra

Right now the company I work for is using Microsoft enterprise library very extensively. From what I've found online recently, these database objects aren't intended for web (asp) usage, and are relatively bloated. I don't know how accurate my research is, but I do know we have optimization problems in …

Member Avatar for dougancil

I have the following stored procedure: [code] SELECT moncallAdd.FirstListing, DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime, DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart, DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration, DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime, DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd, 'Added' As Activity FROM mdr.dbo.mOnCallAdd WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime, DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) BETWEEN Convert(VARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 101) AND GetDate() and mOnCallAdd.SchedName = @schedname UNION SELECT moncallDelete.FirstListing, DATEADD(MINUTE, …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi everyone i have a search page that will search base one date... but if i search with only date (9/27/2011 ) it will only display the data from database that has the same date and time but not the whole data in that specific date: example: in my database …

Member Avatar for calebcook
Member Avatar for coroll

Hi all, In my table i have duplicate rows. i want to get distinct rows. select distinct * from table1 does not work. select distinct col1,col2,col3,col4 from table1 does not work. both say: The text data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable. select distinct(col1) col2,col3,col4 …

Member Avatar for coroll
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello, I'm trying to do a very basic page that allows me to edit a single column in a MSSQL database. For whatever reason I can't figure it out and am hoping that you can help. Here is my front page (sorry about the silly names) [CODE]$ninja_conn = odbc_connect('XXXXX','XXXX','XXXX', SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC); …

Member Avatar for agr8lemon
Member Avatar for coroll

Hi all, I want to know how to assin a return value to a variable when calling a regex function. it always returns a bit type of value(its ok). i want that bit type of value tobe cheked whether it is '0' or '1' this is my C# code in …

Member Avatar for coroll
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi everyone i want to create a search page in PHP... where i can search data from database by a specific date by using odbc command (since i use to connect the DB by odbc) ...can some one help me ...

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ZER09

can any one tell if there existing database administration tools like mysql workbench but for mssql i know about sql management studio, but there is other one who will manage mssql other than SSMS? I will appreciate for any help will come. thank you.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, How do i obtain the nearest shipdate prior to Returndate. here is my sample script. thanks. kindly check my script. the result should be 2011-02-23 [CODE] Table1 ESN--DateReturn 123--2011-03-08 TABLE2 ESN---ShipDate 123---2010-09-28 123---2011-02-23 Select a.DateReturn max(b.shipdate) from Table1 as a left outer join table2 as b on a.esn=b.esn …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i have a question in data tables. i am coding in C#. my scenario is employees have many benefits in a company such as life, health, dental, 401k and such... i have a tabel in MSSQL database to represent the employee data and a emp benefit table to hold …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for Walahh

Hello, May be the there is a very simple solution for my problem, but I am stuck on this for 2 days already. May be I had been looking at the wrong places...I would really appreciate any kinds of helps....feeling really frustrated right now. You see, for my project at …

Member Avatar for Walahh
Member Avatar for aplee

Hello Everyone, I know this is going to be easy to all of you, this is my first time performing an if else statement in SQL, after performing this query: Collapse | Copy Code IIf(IsNull(EventSummary.[Event Information - Event Status]),"ACTIVE",EventSummary.[Event Information - Event Status]) AS [Event Status], I get this error …

Member Avatar for aplee
Member Avatar for dhfg

I am using SQL Server 2008. I have data from SQL like this. [CODE] ID ID2 PartNo -- ---- ---- 75 23921 DENT 75 26145 PLGD 75 26145 PRRP 75 26145 SIST 75 57290 PRMD 75 57290 abc 75 57290 def 75 57290 ghi 75 57290 jkl [/CODE] I need …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for azamsalam

I am using SQL Server 2005. I have a data from SQL like this. ID ID2 PartNo 75 23921 DENT 75 26145 PLGD 75 26145 PRRP 75 26145 SIST 75 57290 PRMD 75 57290 abc 75 57290 def 75 57290 ghi 75 57290 jkl I need an output like this. …

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The End.