10,942 Topics
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I am having trouble with this code: <?php // Username $username = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $default = "default image"; $size = 40; // MYSQL mysql_connect('host','username','password'); mysql_select_db('database'); $grav_url = "www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) ) . "?d=" . urlencode( $default ) . "&s=" . $size; $sql = … | |
I am newbie in php and i have code for retreving data from the website where the $id=id now i want to retreive the data based on the code Select * from users where cat1=cat1 and cat2=cat2 and also show the data according to the id in decrement order. i … | |
Hello. I'm trying to make a dropdown script to work and I'm stuck to a point where I feel the answer is simple ,but I simply can't see it . The script should display data from the MySQL Database when I choose the last option but I don't know how … | |
I keep getting this error message You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Hits and had 24,000 listener sessions; over 30 days. Get 5 commercials a day' at line 7 <!DOCTYPE … | |
Hello all, I'm having a bizarre problem with the most basic of logins. I'm using a function to pass two parameters, just email and password but it just will not work and I can't understand why. I ran the query in the database and it returned a COUNT value of … | |
Ok, What i need is a Login script that will verify the information that is on a MySQL database. What people will do is sign up on a website and their Login information will be stored on the database. Then they will be able to login to a special members … | |
Hi, I'm just want to ask if it's possible if I want to update multiple record with same condition at the same time. For example, I have a table named *userTable*, it has two field, *year* and *status* fields. On year *field*, it has value of years and on *status* … | |
Hello, a noob in web programming here. Doing some course related database, would appreciate any help :), I want to ask whether any of you can help me on how to retrieve get data from mysql using php function, but separate each data from mysql one by one, cause i … | |
Hi. I'm Mike, a developer in Los Angeles, working for a small company. Quick question: I want to write something that's potentially a contract job posting (at the company I work for), but really the project isn't defined well enough yet for me to be comfortable handing it off, saying … | |
Hi, I have been looking at a few tasks I want to do using a MySQL DB and Python. Therefor I'm spending some time looking at the MySQLdb module for Python and how I can use it. I've worked out a few bits but I want to be able to … | |
I need a bit of help understanding what I should do here. I have an .php page called view that has the following drop down form code in it. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dept FROM sw_lic WHERE dept != ''"; // (1) $result2 = mysql_query($sql); echo "<form action='NB_sw_lic/filter_view.php?$nt' method='POST'>"; // … | |
Hi All, How to Play Sound where record of mysql table is added?. thank you. | |
Hi, I am looking for a procedural PHP script that would allow me/my users to upload video content in a number of popular formats. I would also like all the information to be linked into a MySql database as well. I already have a upload script for uploading documents but … | |
I have two pages one called upload-file.php, this page uploads the image into the database and my folder. My PHP page looks like this. if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $file)) { $insert=mysql_query("insert into match_item_image set item_id='".$_SESSION["session_temp"]."', image='".$name."', adid='$adid'") or die(mysql_error()); $cc=mysql_insert_id(); echo "success".$cc; My other page consist of a javascript function which displays … | |
Hi all, Help me please. i have two table: outbox and contact. condition outbox table befor query/ insert. CREATE TABLE outbox ( id int(11) NOT NULL, phone_number varchar(30) NOT NULL, message varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; Contact table: CREATE TABLE contact ( id int(11) NOT … | |
Hello all! I have hit a small bump in my development of a program I am working on. Basically what I need to happen is this; for each item in the listview it executes a SQL query to input values into a database. In this case it pulls the quantity … | |
I have two pages one called upload-file.php, this page uploads the image into the database and my folder. My PHP page looks like this. if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $file)) { $insert=mysql_query("insert into match_item_image set item_id='".$_SESSION["session_temp"]."', image='".$name."', adid='$adid'") or die(mysql_error()); $cc=mysql_insert_id(); echo "success".$cc; My other page consist of a javascript function which displays … | |
Not sure the best way to ask this question, but here goes... I have a Database table that has a column called pos_id that is an auto increment field, and I have used it as a tracking device for the next position number in a company forced matrix system... Now … | |
Hi, I'm writing a small C program to clean the radius radacct table, removing ended sessions records and inserting on a separated database. The problem is that MySQL C API doesn't have an easy way to insert the result of a query on another database/table directly, you have to build … | |
hi all, I am new to php and have started some coding.I want to insert values in one table1 and update values of table2. It worked for me last day..but today it doesnt work.I have hardly changed any code.i guess except fr deleting some comments in code..u plz tell me … | |
I am trying to display my vbulletin usergroup ids for each user who posts an ad in my photopost classifieds. in doing this I can execute my code based on that usergroup id. I have been working on this for 3 days now and I just can't get it to … | |
Hey Guys, I've got a question that's gotten me stumped. Granted, i've been away from MySQL and daniweb for well over 18months, i've picked up pretty much where i left off back then, and am just filling in the blanks as i go along. **My question is:** i have a … | |
| Hi I'm having issues with **get_magic_quotes_gpc()** function. I download this **Ajax File and Image Manager** from this site: http://www.phpletter.com/DOWNLOAD/ I install it on tinymce & fckeditor to test it out. They both work. I try to link the images and it didn't work and I also realizes the links are … |
Ok so I have a script that I am writing and I have encounted a problem. I can not get the information from a dropbox to submit into mysql data base here is my script. <form action="work.php" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Email" tabindex="1" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Messgae:</td> … | |
| hello i want to add search functionality to my website . my task is to get input from user then check it if its domain like google.com then (do work 1).... else if keyword like news etc then search database so i made search.php mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `title` … |
I tried to insert data using the following code, but I really I don't know how can I get result and what is the problem in my code, I tried to build firstly my form then I write the insert query and send it to a new form , any … | |
Hello i can not figure out how to take images from my database to jQuery gallery. User uploaded images in the data base. Images are sorted by date. And how I can do, what all imges goe's in the jQuery gallery, besause now i can get all imges in one … | |
Please help me. I want to connect to mysql using the connection string from connectionstrings.com. It gives me error that: format θƒ the initialzation string does not conform to specification starting at index 13. Please help me.... •̸ŤђαϞĸs ĩ̷̊ñ advance | |
Hi There, I'm busy developing a PHP / MySQL billing system for our company but can't seem to get the following working for me. I need to have 1 page that will display the extensions billing period / month for local, national and international calls and it needs to be … | |
Hi there, Can anyone help? Why is the following code displaying "P1P2P3..." etc, instead of "P1 , P2, P3 ,.." etc. ? Thanks Paul <!--Conect to database--> <?php include "connects/patientconn.php"; ?> <?php $query = "SELECT `Patient I.D.` FROM `patient`"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($patient = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $pt = implode(" , … |
The End.