10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for samy.youssef.12

whenever i use mysql_connect() It gives Fatal errror of using unidentfied function i'm using mysql version 4 on windows 7, what to do? it looks like php never heard of that function, wonder if someone does have a straight forward solution?

Member Avatar for samy.youssef.12
Member Avatar for weeon
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hello. I have and event.php page and del_single.php page. event page has a form: <form action='del_single.php' method='get'>//<-i already have the method as get <input type='hidden' name='event_id' value='$id'> <input type='checkbox' name='check[]' class='check' value='$id'> <a href= '#' value='$id' name='e_n' onclick='getsum(".$id.")' >$name</a> <label>$formatDate</label> <input type='submit' name='del_single_event' value='Delete'> </form> as you can see i …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for prakash2813

There is a String object called detailMessage in java.lang.Throwable class, which says the reason of any exception thrown in java code. This object is initialized through a constructor using super(string message) statement or setter or whatever from subclasses like Exception and again from its subclasses like SQLException. When SQLException is …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for riteshuae

Hi i have installed prestashop, i want report from mysql, Number of orders per customer with customer name & customer id plus i want total amount of order customer wise. can you help me with SQL query so i can generate this report from phpmyadmin. thanks, regards, Ritesh

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Member Avatar for ohgosh

Hi there, wanna ask if the sql syntax order by and group by the same? eg: i have a dropdownlist and the values displayed should be in ascending order. hence is there any difference if i use these 2 sql statements below. [CODE]sql1 = "select distinct * from t_staff group …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for Daneos

Hello, I need for my game inventory function a mysql query which checks the next available free slot id. example: I have item on slot 1, 2, 3 and 5. Slot 4,6,7,8,9 ... are free.. Now I need query which would get the number 4. Something like SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for hermanSA

Hi, I need to retrieve only 1 row for each 'message_id', with the Latest Date('sent_date'): ------------------------------------- message_id | sent_date | ------------------------------------- 805 | 2010-08-04 17:48:24 | <--- 805 | 2010-08-03 17:48:24 | 1007 | 2010-08-07 17:48:24 | 1007 | 2010-08-09 17:48:24 | <--- 1007 | 2010-08-08 17:48:24 | ------------------------------------- The …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for rjusman90
Member Avatar for berserk

hey i have this code that always evaluates to true but it should only in the case of there being a value in the database i have selected, maybe im doing this wrong or maybe its something else but i cant seem to figure out the problem :( any assistence …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for berserk

I need to add a check box on the end of each value in my html table that will be checked if the user would like to remove that value from the mysql database, my current cod elooks like this: <?php $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbers") or die(mysqli_error($con)); // …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

i got this code from the internet to export mysql query to excel using php..i just modify it to meet my need. i need some help on this..thanks.. <?php $DB_Server = "localhost"; $DB_Username = "root"; $DB_Password = ""; $DB_DBName = "dcde"; $DB_TBLName = "po"; $filename = "filename"; $sql = "Select …

Member Avatar for prateeksha
Member Avatar for Peter1

I have five tables as listed below. Question: is it possible to join all five tables and output the result as show below? <table> <tr> <th>Subject</th> <th>Last update (date from table. nr.3)</th> <th>Last update (date from table. nr.4)</th> <th>Last update (date from table. nr.5)</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Mathematics</td> <td>2014-06-01</td> <td>2014-07-05</td> <td>2014-03-15</td> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Nikhil_4

This code is to create a simple database to insert records into a table ... but the table appears to be empty with the following errors after entry>> errors: Notice: Undefined index: FirstName in C:\xampp\htdocs\my_php_files\insert.php on line 34 Notice: Undefined index: LastName in C:\xampp\htdocs\my_php_files\insert.php on line 35 Notice: Undefined index: …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Marco25Me

Hello and many thanks to all for your attention. I need to draw an HTML menù (<ul><li>...) over data retrieved from a table with a schema like this: id(int autoincrement), parent_id(int), childs_count(int), description(varchar). Where id fields is a identifier for a category and parent_id identify parent category for child. I …

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Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi Friends, I am developing a Music download system. I thought to have two database tables. One for songs and other one is for artists because some songs have two or more artists. Then I created two tables call `songs` and `songartists`. Following are the structures of that tables. `songs` …

Member Avatar for ms061210
Member Avatar for dimi231080

Hello everybody.I am amking a programm in vb net and mysql. My question is the following: i have one main form which it loads ,it loads all the database data in a datagridview.When i press the button"add customer" it opens anew form where i enter the person details.Then when i …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for dopeynite

Hi.. I'm trying to extract the day, month, and year from a datetime to use it within a 'WHERE' statement. Table: workshops workshopid - int(10) workshopgroupcoursecode - text title - varchar(255) description - text Table: workshops workshopscheduleid - int(10) workshopid - int(10) startdatetime - datetime enddatetime - datetime timedescription - …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for showman13

I need to create a table to track page visits to landing pages on a website based on the page name / the member ID / the Year / the Month and maintain the count of visits based on each unique combination Basically, I think I can create a table …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Tess James

I need to copy only some selected rows from a table and insert these rows into another table (having the same structure) in another database. Is it possible?

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder what's the difference between *.frm, *.MYD, *.MYI ? I have tried to transfer filelogs.frm to another xampp server and it works on one machine while it doesn't on the other one. Do I have to have all of the extension in order for the xampp server to …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davnlou

Hi there, I am struggling with a bit of code and need a bit of help please.. I have information in a database that I want to display in a table, then allow users to choose a number of items and click 'add to cart'. It works fine if I …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for david.roun.7

Ok, so this is cool. On my site, I learned how to create a simplified "wall" like facebook has... sort of. It's great for me to have done that because I am self taught with all of this. There is a problem, however. My <option> is not displaying the names …

Member Avatar for david.roun.7
Member Avatar for jaspertan
Member Avatar for samalahyd
Member Avatar for mesh457
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder what is mysql table name requirements? I have tried creating mysql table with these names: group_mgt --> squprime.group_mgt table does not exist file_uploads_log --> squprime.file_uploads_log table does not exist In order to make the table creation works I have turn group_mgt to group AND turn file_uploads_log to …

Member Avatar for kgariando
Member Avatar for samy.youssef.12

i have dove every thing, uncommented the extension for mysqli in php.ini but no way i can't connect to mysql or mysqli throught php 5.0.11 i appreciate any suggestions thnx;

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Daemon_CC

I am using My SQL Database. I have two databases of My SQL which are used in a appplication simultaneaously as backend and log databases. So i need to stop services of log database only to view some results relating to my application. Is there any way to stop the …

Member Avatar for kgariando
Member Avatar for adishardis

Hi, I would like to loop the data-attribute to contain all column names and values from a mysql table. This is what it looks like today: while ($row = $result->fetch()) { echo "<div id='{$row['namn']}' data-column1='{$row['column1']}' data-column2='{$row['column2']}'... So some kind of magic :) loop inside there so I don't have to …

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The End.