10,944 Topics
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How can I send some data to a MySQL database? I'm using php. | |
I am still trying to get a grasp on the php/mysql interaction. Why does something like this not work and without all the error catching, can one do something like this? [CODE] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stadium WHERE gametime = `$_z`;"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $bababa[name] = $row[0]; $bababa[town] = … | |
<?php include"header.php"; if(empty($_SESSION['UserName'])){ header("Location: http://localhost:1234/city"); exit;} $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM menu"); echo "<td><a href='http://localhost:1234/city/menu_update_insert.php'> <img src='images/create.png'>Add New Record</a> </td>"; echo "<table border='0'> <tr class='tableheader'> <th>PageName</th> <th>MenuName</th> <th>ParentMenuId</th> <th>LinkWidth</th> <th>OtherUrl</th> <th>Status</th> <th>CreatedDate</th> <th>OnMainMenu</th> <th>FooterMenu</th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr class='tablerow'>"; $rpId=$row['PageID']; $result1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM page WHERE ID=$rpId "); … | |
I'm using: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system Netbeans IDE 8.0 WAMP Server 2.5 Here is my issiue. I am attempting to follow the E-commerce tutorial in the Netbeans Java EE & Java Web learning trail (Section 3 "The NetBeans E-commerce Tutorial - Setting up the Development Environment"). In … | |
I use the following code to generate a uuid concat with CMRC it works fine uuid is generated in lower case i.e. CMRC+someString in lower case I could not find anything to resolve this i had to post this on here for help how can I convert this generated uuid … | |
Hi there, I have a little bit of a problem, i keep getting the following message when i try retrieve info from my database: "mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given" Here is my PHP code i don't see the error could someone please help? <?php require("connect.php"); //Check … | |
I'm creating an Web-Based Inventory System, currently stucked at this module where I need to scan QR code. The process flow that I want to achieve should be like this: 1. Scan QR code containing the inventory ID wirelessly using an Android app 2. Show the information retrieved from the … ![]() | |
hp $mysql_hostname = "localhost"; $mysql_user = "root"; $mysql_password = ""; $mysql_database = "farm_house"; $prefix = ""; $bd = mysql_connect($mysql_hostname, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) or die("Could not connect database"); mysql_select_db($mysql_database, $bd) or die("Could not select database"); $myysql= "SELECT customerinformation.CustomerFullName, customerinformation.CustomerID, customerinformation.Housenumber, customerinformation.Sector, customerinformation.StreetNumber, customerconsumption.MilkDelieveredCow, milkrate.CowMilkRate, (customerconsumption.MilkDelieveredCow*milkrate.CowMilkRate) AS t_amount_cow, customerconsumption.MilkDeliveredBuffalow, milkrate.BuffaloMilkRate, (customerconsumption.MilkDeliveredBuffalow*milkrate.BuffaloMilkRate) AS t_amount_buff, … | |
Table: numdata id numb 1 123 2 456789 3 123 4 456789 5 123 6 456789 7 123 8 456789 9 123 10 456789 11 123 12 456789 13 123 14 456789 ...... What i would like to do is combine the data in numb only, so the desired data … ![]() | |
I am retriving image from mysql database and want to hyperlink this processed image but not able to find solution for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $description = mysql_fetch_array($result); $img_str= base64_encode($description["nImage"]); echo '<a id="zoom" href="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.$img_str.'"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.$img_str.'" width="150" height="150" /></a>'; if($i%3 == 2) echo "</br>"; } | |
Hi friends, In my site, simply I want to save the configuration data, site details in the php file. For an example, in vBulletin they are using config.php file to save all the general details. // ****** DATABASE TYPE ****** // This is the type of the database server on … | |
hi all! it might look similar to previous question but actually different.. i'm trying to calculate stock value. for this i want to use "average last purchase value" of item. like if closing stock is 14 and purchase detail is like this 2014/2/2 15pc @ 38000 2014/2/15 5pc @ 36000 … | |
This code was to create a simple database with a table and add records with the following. toIm having trouble with the 'id' auto_increment. <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","distortion","my_databs"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // Create table $sql="CREATE TABLE empl(ID INT NOT … | |
I have two tables with column name price I want to order by price from both columns so if is in first table 100eur and in second is 200eur I want to order results like this: 200, 100 SELECT a.price, b.price FROM table1 AS a INNER JOIN table2 AS b … | |
Hi All, As usual I here with a PHP & MySQL problem. Most of you know, I am developing Music Download system. Today I have created Widget to display last 5 songs. <?php include('datab.php'); $get = "SELECT * FROM `songs` ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $getres = mysql_query($get) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($getres)> … | |
<?php $host = "localhost"; $usr = "root"; $pwd = ""; $db= "DB"; conOpen($host,$usr,$pwd,$db); function conOpen($host,$usr,$pwd,$db){ $con=mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd) or die ("Connection Failed "); mysql_select_db($db,$con);} $rows_per_page=5; // database connection stuff here $result=mysql_query("Select * from newsimage"); $pages=ceil(mysql_num_rows($result)/$rows_per_page); if (!isset($screen)) $screen = 0; else echo $_GET[screen]; /* $start = $screen * $rows_per_page; $sql = "SELECT … | |
Hey guys I'm new on web development, I'm just started with php and mysql , I've been using php for a couple of months,, thanks !:) | |
Hi guys. i have an event page that displays events from database. in my database I have a column with datetime format. is there a way to only get the date or time separate from each other in a select to be displayed? php: <?php require "connection.php"; $sessid = $_SESSION['sess_user_id']; … | |
I have error with this line while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pregled)) in line 42 here is part of code that has problem, can anyone check this out? I need to fix this as soon as possible thanks in advance <p align="center"><font color="#0000FF">Pregled grupa</font></p> <p align="center">Grupa kojoj koncert pripada: <select name="grupa_select2" id="grupa_select2"> <?php … | |
Suppose I have a tow SQL tables: Fathers id | name ------------- 1 | Clinton 2 | Gates 3 | Bush 4 | Clinton Sons id | fatherid | name --------------------- 1 | 1 | bill 2 | 1 | suzy 3 | 2 | mera 4 | 2 | … | |
I am unable to get my text file data.txt to read correctly into my database. This is what my text file looks like 9889483782,6068378394,6069437364... and so on for like 50 numbers I have to get each of the comma seperated values to show up in the database, id like them … | |
Okay I hope my title is not confusing. I have two checkboxes names Delete[] and Update[] followed by a textbox named Name[]. When I tick checkbox Delete[] and click Submit, I ran a query to delete the data based on that Checkbox's value (which I have set to be the … | |
i made union to two mysql tables select cashid, sum(amt) as ramt, NULL AS pamt from receipt where cashid in ('17', '23') GROUP BY cashid union all select cashid, NULL AS ramt, sum(amt) as pamt from payment where cashid in ('17', '23') GROUP BY cashid and now i want to … | |
->Hi,I hope all is well. Here is what I have difficulties with, I am NOT good in Java Scripts and I wanted to have a Slide show Image on My Page and lucky was I to find these fancy slide shows [here](http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex14/shockwave/index.htm). I downloaded necessary associated files and the whole … | |
I have three tables i want to search for customer data depending on the equipment type. $test = "SELECT custid, equipment FROM customer WHERE custid='$id'"; $data = @mysqli_query ($dbcon, $test); $equip = mysqli_fetch_array($data, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if($equip['equipment'] = "cellphone" ){ // Make the query: $q = "SELECT custid, cdate, custName, customer.equipment, customer.manufacturer, … | |
Hi all why this code doesn't work correctly but php validate without js work correctly and js without php validate work correctly ?! form.php <html> <head> <title>Registration Form</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> Function validate () { var str=true; document.getElementById("name").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("username").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("pass1").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("pass2").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("email1").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("web").innerHTML=""; if(document.frm.nameTxt.value=='') { document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Please Enter your name"; str=false; … | |
Hello, I am installed php 5.3.28 with apache 2.2 and mysql 5.5.38 on windows 64 bit machine, despite configuring php correctly with apache and also enabled the extensions, its not able to recognise the mysql extension loaded. The connection attempt through adodb throws the error "call to undefined function mysql_connect() … | |
Can anybody help or point me in the right direction what is missing on my code. The postcode is a mysql table and one field stores user's choice of postcodes in the form of array(a,b,c,d and etc....) Now I want to load selectedPostcode in checkboxes for user_id = 2 to … | |
Hi Guys I wrote simple PHP script for get value from URL and check similar values from the database. This is a code <?php include('../../datab.php'); if(!empty($_GET['ip'])) { $ip = $_GET['ip']; $ipcheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `report` WHERE `ip`='$ip'"); if(mysql_num_rows($ipcheck)> 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ipcheck)){ ?> <body> <p>Report ID : <?php … | |
OK, I have the following regulare expression for phone number validation, but it doesn't really do EXACTLY what I want... What I want to see is a forced format 000-000-0000 where it needs to be entered with the area code-prefix-suffix including the dashes. I store it in a varchar field … |
The End.