10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for Encrypted

I've been scratching my head for a bit now and I can't think of a way to make a mysql_query pull a set of data that matches a number in an array. It's easier to explain what I want to do with code.. so here goes.. Then I need my …

Member Avatar for Encrypted
Member Avatar for phpsteve

hi, i am using the following code to retrieve information for todays date: [CODE]<?php $query = "select * from CUSTOMER where DATE (date) = DATE(NOW())"; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die ("Unable to perform query.<br />$query<br/>"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "$num_rows"; ?>[/CODE] i cant seem to find any code to …

Member Avatar for phpsteve
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have this weird problem and i dont know how to make it work. the problem appears after i consider the OR statement.without or statement the first part is working . So idont how to use this statement in mysql. i hope someone can help me. Down is my script. …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for ashab27

hi, I have written the perogram in perl and i want take previous date in "April 3 2010" in this formate . plz tell me how can i get this. [code=perl]#!use/bin/perl use Date::Format; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my @weekday = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday); my @month = …

Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, could anyone recommend a free mysql query builder? i have been working on a database and had some help with some small queries, however i need to create a large recordset through dreamweaver and wondered what tool i could use to generate my query visually? many thanks

Member Avatar for andydeans
Member Avatar for polly89

Hi everybody. right now i'm doing a hotel reservation system using php and phpmyadmin. The process involved 1) user inputs check-in and check-out dates (to check what rooms are available during the dates input) 2) database is queried for all room categories AVAILABLE within the dates indicated step 1 and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mysqlnewbie

Hi, I have a search form that picks users of class name of course name. Now I have a problem viewing data in categorization from mysql database with php. For Example I need the following: Course Name: Name Class Name: Name 1. Name Surname(User) 2. Name Surname(User) 3. Name Surname(User) …

Member Avatar for joeedel89

Hello and Thanks, I am trying to create a teacher grade book for my school, I have a mysql database 'gradebook' and two tables 'students' and 'data' (mysql code below) to start, I am also using PHP. I have googled this to death and can't seem to come up with …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

Hello I need to do search through a mysql db on a column and search how many values are equal to a number and than post the number of the values that are equal to this. I would like the number of the values to be saved into a php …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for dre-logics

Dear Friends, I use the following: MySQL Server 5.1 MySQL Workbench 5.2 OSS I have a strange problem. I have a backup of my MySQL database with MySQL Workbench 5.2 I use MySQL Workbench 5.2 for importing MySQL database. That's works fine, see Annex. Then i go to SQL Development, …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for s_kanika

I have a field Status in my table message Its value when any message is entered in table is 1 but I want to alter it to 0 after 1 day of message posting how can I do so Plz help me

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for sambaby

I have a small desktop application created, i wan to create a login function for this. i have a database using MySQL which stores user name and password. i wan to know how to compare the user name and password entered in the text field with the data in the …

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hey Guys, I am developing one tool on perl to moniter mysql database in many systems(in all types of OS). I want to track some info like this getting databases parameters , getting database schemas, get logspace .... etc , what could be the good approach in perl.. If you …

Member Avatar for ashab27

hi, I have date in this format December 2 2009 December 2 2009 December 2 2009 and i want to insert it in my table in mysql .I m inserting this with the help of perl means i m doing my program in perl .ook at my program [code=perl]#!/usr/bin/perl use …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

Hello, I am really sorry for posting this here but I couldn't find anything simular to the net. I need to insert datetime values into my mysql db and in particular the current time second and minute value and than I want to call this value and do a $current_time-$mysql_time …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for visualmonk

Hello, I have two tables--QUESTIONS, ANSWERS. I store the questions in one table and the answers in the second. Table Structure--QUESTIONS Field 1: Question_ID Field 2: Question Field 3: Question_Type (There are 3 types of questions) Field 4: Step_ID (There are 15 steps in the program) Table Structure--ANSWERS Field 1: …

Member Avatar for tearose49

I'd like to display the contents of some fields in a MySql table as a table on a webpage. I found sample scripts, but I'm doing something wrong in trying to adapt them. Can anyone give me a link to a webpage that displays a table like this, so I …

Member Avatar for tearose49
Member Avatar for amdivoff

Hi, I would like to update the products table "ProductPrice" with the value "saleprice" from the distpricelist by matching the sku. the "products" table is permanent, I upload a csv file and fill the "distpricelist" with the new data. so basically i need help with a mysql statement to update …

Member Avatar for piyushsl

hey guys very sorry for creating a new thread here but i couldn't find my queries in available threads I just want to connect the java applets with mySQL database, so that the project i am working on, should move forward. Any suggestion would be thankful. The code specs would …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for decimo

I have a table like this (say, friends): [CODE] |_name1_|_name2_| | james | sarah | | bob | james | | james | dave | [/CODE] I want all james' friends. It will need to include 'bob' as well but I can not figure out what the query will need …

Member Avatar for decimo
Member Avatar for scmsimplybest

Hello There, I am Using This code to backup mysql database from my hosting server. [CODE]#!/bin/bash # # MySQL Backup Script # VER. 2.5 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/ # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 wipe_out@lycos.co.uk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of …

Member Avatar for scmsimplybest
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, [code] mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO user@% IDENTIFIED BY password; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '% IDE NTIFIED BY Savem3' at line 1 mysql> …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for trashed

Hi. I'm trying to write a script that fetchs image codes from a mysql database to display them into a 3 columns table. I got this so far: [php] $selection = $_GET['scelta']; $query = 'SELECT photo_code FROM'. $selection .';'; $result = mysql_query($query); $rows_nb = mysql_num_rows($query); print('<table width="75%" border="0" align="center">'); while …

Member Avatar for tips4php
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi, I am wondering if i am able to insert 2 entries from a form to mysql. for example: [CODE]</tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#eeeeff"> Is it a shared devices?<br> <font color='#F62817'>** If yes, please indicate the shared device num. </font> </td> <td bgcolor="#eeeeff"> <SELECT name="shared"> <option value="No"SELECTED>No</option> <option value="Yes">Yes</option> <INPUT type …

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka

I have a script that runs a static chatroom(User has to refresh the page manually). When a user submits a post, the user's data(Username, title, user level, etc..) is stored in the DB along with the post. The script for getting the post looks something like this: [code=php] $result = …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for phpsteve

hi I would like to be able produce statistics on my web page by counting the numbers of rows in my sql database. for example. within my database i have 10 defects in my table called "defects". 9 defects are major, 1 defect is a minor. is there a way …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for kbailey1734

Good morning all, I am having a few issues. Firstly, I am no expert whatsoever so I may not have done anything conventionally. I have been able to create a form with many fields, click submit and data is inserted into a table in my database. I was then also …

Member Avatar for kbailey1734
Member Avatar for viveks.nair1988

How do i join two tables in MySQL to form a third table having certain columns from both the tables?:?:

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys, I am trying to make a very simple booking system. The booking will be either for the current or the next year only. There are three fields; number of person, type of meal and date. In any particualr day and meal, the number of person can't exceed 100. …

Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, looking for some advice on the deisgn of my tables i currently have setup. the app is a sales management system. the sellers sell insurance policies, be it life, buildings etc what i was wondering was to allow calculations of commission due from each product table (as they all …


The End.