10,944 Topics
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Hi guys, I hope you can help me with a bug. I have an update form to update data in a mysql database. Whenever a user wants to update the picture they uploaded it through the html form. For some reason my mysql querie on line 67 is not updating … | |
Hey I am using a trigger, if the trigger returns emtpy I want it to keep the data it already has. This is my trigger: [code]BEFORE INSERT SET NEW.calling_num = (SELECT users_name FROM cdr_phone_system_data WHERE extension_number = NEW.calling_num);[/code] How can I check if the return is blank? The idea is … | |
![]() | I'm trying to create a form that updates stock in mysql database. I have created the forms to upload new stcok and they work fine. However, i'm including a link that will take the user to an update php that will then update the required fields, but i can't seem … ![]() |
Hi Guys! I am a Python noob. I wanted to merge data and eliminate duplicates. I have the solution. Now I am stuck at dumping the dict contents to MySQL. Any help is really appreciated. Data : [QUOTE]a b c d e f key dupe -------------------- 1 d c f … | |
Hi, I’m going to calculate a ratio between two entities but are having some trouble with the query. The principal is the same to, say a forum, where you say: A user gets points for every new thread. Then, calculate the ratio of points for the number of threads. Example: … | |
![]() | I have a table with about 150,000 rows. The table never changes and the rows are physically ordered by one of the columns. That column is the only column I ever need to query against. The values (TEXT) in that column are not distinct. Creating an index on this column … ![]() |
mytable1 contains the customers information (phone, address, first name, customer code, last name...) mytable2 contain the flights (charter, date, destination,customer code...) They are joined by the customer code. My goal is to print names of customers that have more than the average number of charters [CODE]SELECT cu.cus_fname, cu.cus_lname, COUNT(ch.char_trip) ch … | |
I am trying to code an update sql command which can be seen in the code below, however, i am getting the following error: - Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/qchqsdju/public_html/project/lines/update_line.php on line 40. The code is: - [CODE] <? // Connect database. … ![]() | |
Hi, I have a text data type field in MySQL table that I need to read out to a page. When the value is entered into this text field the value will have returns as follows: ------------------ TEST TEST aaaaaaaa asdasdasdfas 3rd lineasadas ---------------- When I read this value out … | |
hi, i have been trying to write a query which will return all clients and the related tables so that i can then allow the users to filter in a php website. at moment i tried this but returned no results even though there are records: [CODE]SELECT * FROM clients … | |
Hi guys, Here is my problem.. I have two computers with Win XP pro. The one has static IP and i want it to be used as a web server. I want to create a database such as Mysql and put it on the web server and using the application … | |
Hey guys. First of all, its been 2 days, and already 2:30am in the morning. I've eaten a steel fork, jumped over the moon, broke an arm, and cant get it to work. Will somebody please assist me in this; The end result sound simple, and maybe it is, but … | |
![]() | I running MySQL 5.1.30 on Solaris 10. As I have a table which I partition into 12 according to each month. The table structure as follow [CODE] mysql> desc my_events; +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | event_id | bigint(20) | … |
hey guys - I'm sort of new to php5 and mysql5 but I'm pretty decent in php4 and mysql4 and thus far I've not seen that many differences. I am, however, new to SSL technology. I am building a site for a friend and am working on the login processing … | |
I am new to using php and mysql and am really enjoying the experience so far. I want to use an if statement where if the user fills in a field called gamertag and if it is less than 6 char, then it will display "No Gamertag Available" otherwise it … | |
Hey guys, I have the following table: persons - name - street - number - regioncode - state - city I want to count the amount of people per region per street. I can do it with the following query: [CODE=mysql] SELECT state, city, regioncode, street, COUNT(*) AS personsStreetRegion FROM … | |
General Question, no code: I have the daunting task of automating the import of mysql, ms sql and ms access into a central location. I've nailed the microsoft crap using ms sql DTS but even with mysql odbc drivers, cant seem to nail that one. The optional is that I … | |
i need some help fixing this .. i've made the td id the counter, which works. In mysql i have a column named position. For this particular row in mysql the position is 1. how do i input this result into the td id='1'? i tried below but it for … | |
Hello, I have been trying to setup mysql API with C. I followed tutorials but I don't think I am installing the API correctly. Could someone tell me the package to download, and what to do with it. Thank you very much. | |
Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a assignment and have to write a short (max 3 lines) definition on some different kinds of queries. I've written a definition to all of them but I'm having a really hard time about one particular query: Scan Query. I've tried to look in … | |
Hey i'm writing my own first full website with PHP and MySQL and i've come to a problem. I know i need to optimalize it with some fewer echo's and more elses, but this is what i have now and apart from the problem, it works. On the site at … | |
Hi I have a table which have 4 fields. How i can give rights via DB for update, Select, Delete and insert. For example User A only Update Field 1 User B only Update field 2 and select all fields. User C can delete field 3 records User D can … | |
I'm writing a simple forum system to go along with one of my projects - nothing fancy, just categories, forums, threads, and posts. Some threads, however, are marked as 'stick', which means that they're stickies. No matter how many threads there are or where they're posted on, they always must … | |
Hi to all, i am trying to set the logon data for crystal reports that i have created. in crystal report builder i manage to connect to mysql by the jdbc driver downloaded from the official site of mysql. [link=http://www.eakes.org/80/connecting-to-mysql-with-crystal-reports-xi/][/link] but i want to change the ip of the mysql … | |
I have one join query with 3 tables, which takes lot's of time to execute. I need to reduce execution time i.e., optimize it [code] QUERY: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating, 0 AS prodgroupdiscount, pi.* , (IF(p.prodname='gold', 10000, 0) + IF(p.prodcode='gold', 10000, 0) + ((MATCH (ps.prodname) AGAINST ('gold')) * … | |
Hi I have a table with info that I want to read and display. I can read it and display but I cant seem to format it can anyone tell me whats wrong. [code] <html> <head> <title>comment</title> </head> <body> <form action="postcomment.php" method="post"> name: <input type="text" name="name" ><br> comment: <textarea name= … | |
Hi All, I am developing a mysql monitering tool , So I don't want to give password inside the script, the script should able to access the database from OS user authnetication. Can you please help me here , how to access mysql database without prompting / or giving password … | |
how to get popup window if new row inserted into mysql database for a particular table... That to be display inserted values in popup window... Advance thanx... | |
Hi, wonder if anyone can help. I want to insert a jpeg as blob data into a table column holding blob values. So far I just can't seem to come up with the right script to run in mysql workbench. The jpeg is stored on the same machine where mysql … | |
Hi, I can't solve this problem: I have a query which fetches the contents of the page meta tags from a database. It works fine when I have the query on page but when I turn it into a function (which is placed in my functions file) and call it … |
The End.