10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hi, I have a query: [CODE=sql]SELECT h.id, h.creator uid, h.haiku, h.title, h.likes, h.approved, cat.name category, count(c.id) comms, h.anonymous, CASE h.anonymous WHEN 1 THEN 'Anonymous' ELSE u.username END username FROM haiku h left join categories cat on cat.id= h.category left join comments c on c.haiku=h.id left join users u on u.id=h.creator …

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Member Avatar for upload12300

i have one table, which has three fields and data. Name , Top , total cat 1 10 dog 2 7 cat 3 20 hourse 4 4 cat 5 10 Dog 6 9 i want to select record which has highest value of "total" for each Name so my result …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for leeZA1

The code below is what i am using to upload a photo to store it in a database, is it being stored correctly?? as it will not let me view them properly, any help is great!!! [code] $title = $_POST["title"]; $userfile = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $userfile_name = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $userfile_size = $_FILES['userfile']['size']; $userfile_type …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Atomika3000

I'm making some dynamic drop down boxes for a site that get their contents from a database, i belive i have the correct code to do this [CODE]<?php echo "Product Code"; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Product_Code FROM product_supplier"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $odbc) or die("could not run"); echo"<select name = Product_Code>"; …

Member Avatar for Atomika3000
Member Avatar for Bobon

Hey lads, Firstly apologies for the long message. I just thought it might be easier to explain my issues. I'm doing a website for myself and have been getting some amazing info from this forum. I've moved onto the database part to it. Now, for my website, user can sign …

Member Avatar for ds2r
Member Avatar for dreinzy

Hi, I'm trying to code a league table system and I was wondering if there's an easy way of doing this: [CODE]$result=mysql_query("UPDATE Championship SET played="++1" WHERE team_name='$home_team'") or die(mysql_error());[/CODE] The problem lies in the played="++1" part, I can set it to be any integer, but that's not much use, I …

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Member Avatar for sam023

Hello friends this is something weird... when i insert some italian characters in mysql. like [B]è ò à ù ì[/B] i got this in database [B]è ò à ù ì [/B] my table charset is latin1. thanks in advance. :)

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hiya All, Not sure if i should be putting thi up on the SQL section but i think the problem lies in the PHP part of my code. This is what i've got. I'm counting the number of times a category shows up in my database returning the name of …

Member Avatar for baseballfury
Member Avatar for tinkeydo

I have been writing a program that accesses data via a text file. I have recently been turned on to MySql which seems like it would be a more efficient way of organizing my data. If I am using Visual Studios to create both my database and my C++ program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I'm fairly new to php and am having a lot of trouble with a simple little select problem. I have tried it about 20 different ways and it just keeps spitting out errors and not working My code is: [code] <?php session_start(); // built in php function to start …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for SMHouston

Having a little issue with a from and MYSQL. I created a Job Interview form that takes certain criteria from the interviewer and places that information into a database so you can extract the information later. What my problem is I'm getting no error messages or successful output. It's not …

Member Avatar for SMHouston
Member Avatar for ruscan

Hello, I have a little issue getting what I want displayed from a single table. Basically, here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have the following type of table: Place Action B/S Qty Type City Full B 1 View City Partial B 1 View City Partial B 1 …

Member Avatar for unleashedmaniac
Member Avatar for tryphy

Hi people, My issue is more of a MySQL issue than php. I am trying to store a 3digit integer value with a leading Zeros in front such as 001 i have a company table , which auto increments the id as 001, 002, 003...and so on... In the company …

Member Avatar for axelotl
Member Avatar for ohgosh

Hi peeps... A good day to all of you yea~ as i know, i can retrieve only the first row by using the keyword [B]limit 1[/B]: [CODE]select * from tblTesting limit 1[/CODE] for selecting the first two rows are: [CODE]select * from tblTesting [B]limit 2[/B][/CODE] is there any solution to …

Member Avatar for know1stranger
Member Avatar for mikeypc2010

Hi guys, I'm a bit of a newbie to PHP/MySQL, so please excuse me if I seem ignorant of something seemingly obvious. I'm writing a booking system for a holiday home rental company. I'm building it up slowly. What I have so far is trying to calculate the number of …

Member Avatar for soldierflup
Member Avatar for myuncleisbob

Hello, I have been searching for a solution on how to solve this problem for almost a month now. I'm at a point where I feel like I've traveled around the world 7 times and still haven't found the answer. I hate introductions so I'm just going to go ahead …

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Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.mysql.com"]MySQL[/URL] users listened intently Tuesday, April 13 at O'Reilly's MySQL [URL="http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2010"]Conference[/URL] to Edward Screven, [URL="http://www.oracle.com"]Oracle[/URL]'s chief corporate architect, while he announced Oracle's grand plan for MySQL. What they heard was that Oracle is interested in MySQL, will invest in it and nothing should change for the community version of MySQL. …

Member Avatar for brahimhackman

hello everybody i have a big problem with the connection of mysql connect i want to connect to an other data base with out binding Ip adresse in the host server . i have an application and i want to manage 2 web sites with this appliction because the tow …

Member Avatar for brahimhackman
Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hi Guys , Have you any idea what does mysql.sock used for and where we can find in windows system. rgds

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am a php newbie. I am doing a sports site, and trying to get the team name to display in an admin area. I have tried the code below and many variations of it, however it continues to error the message : Notice: Undefined index: team in ... …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for dottomm

hello and thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this problem. I've scoured the internetz for a while trying to find a solution to what must be a common question, but I can't find anything that relates to what I am trying to do. I have …

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Member Avatar for AndrewT55

Hi, i've been working on this simple homework assignment and the only thing stopping me from finishing it is passing a c++ variable to a mysql query using mysql_query. I've searched around for about an hour and every potential solution I have found hasn't worked, so I figured maybe if …

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Member Avatar for jrb04c

While I've been working with MySQL for years, this is the first time I've run across this very newbie-esq issue. Due to a client demand, I must host their website files (PHP) on a IIS server that is not running MySQL (instead, they are running MSSQL). However, I have developed …

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Member Avatar for chunalt787

I have the following php code: [CODE]$query = "INSERT INTO flashcards VALUES (null, '".$_POST['front0']."', '".$_POST['back0']."', ".$link.", ".$details.", NOW()); INSERT INTO bundleflashcardlink VALUES (null, ".$flashcardbundleid.", LAST_INSERT_ID());"; $result = mysql_query($query);[/CODE] which gives me the following error: [CODE]DB Connection error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds …

Member Avatar for chunalt787
Member Avatar for tomkaczocha

Hi guys, I hope you can help me with a bug. I have an update form to update data in a mysql database. Whenever a user wants to update the picture they uploaded it through the html form. For some reason my mysql querie on line 67 is not updating …

Member Avatar for tomkaczocha
Member Avatar for cowen617

Hey I am using a trigger, if the trigger returns emtpy I want it to keep the data it already has. This is my trigger: [code]BEFORE INSERT SET NEW.calling_num = (SELECT users_name FROM cdr_phone_system_data WHERE extension_number = NEW.calling_num);[/code] How can I check if the return is blank? The idea is …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for jpknoob

I'm trying to create a form that updates stock in mysql database. I have created the forms to upload new stcok and they work fine. However, i'm including a link that will take the user to an update php that will then update the required fields, but i can't seem …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for girlscodetoo

Hi Guys! I am a Python noob. I wanted to merge data and eliminate duplicates. I have the solution. Now I am stuck at dumping the dict contents to MySQL. Any help is really appreciated. Data : [QUOTE]a b c d e f key dupe -------------------- 1 d c f …

Member Avatar for girlscodetoo
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi, I’m going to calculate a ratio between two entities but are having some trouble with the query. The principal is the same to, say a forum, where you say: A user gets points for every new thread. Then, calculate the ratio of points for the number of threads. Example: …

Member Avatar for svmvishnu
Member Avatar for westmeadboy

I have a table with about 150,000 rows. The table never changes and the rows are physically ordered by one of the columns. That column is the only column I ever need to query against. The values (TEXT) in that column are not distinct. Creating an index on this column …

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The End.