10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... here i m doing search for my website... [CODE] $mcat='abc'; $query="SELECT * FROM news WHERE topic LIKE '%$mcat%' "; [/CODE] here , the problem is in my db table $mcat value stored as doublequotes ...the word itself having double qoutes.... the above query working for all other sarch …

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, The following code displays the form, but when i click submit, it empties all of the fields. I get no error messages at all. Im stumped [code] <?php include("includes/connectpdomysql.php"); if (isset($user_username, $user_password, $user_email)) { //Prevent SQL injections $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_id']); $user_username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_username']); $user_password = md5($_POST['user_password']); $user_fname = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Dear all, I am trying to submit my data on a php created form to mysql database where it is separate by 2 tables (device) and (location). As some of the devices shared the same location, 2 tables are created as below. For location table, i had created 2 fields: …

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for gpss

Hello! I need some help please.. i searched a lot, and tried everything... can someone help me please.. here's the deal: i have this select: [CODE]SELECT * FROM localizacao, cliente, dispositivo WHERE disp_id = clien_disp_id AND disp_id = local_disp_id ORDER BY local_id desc[/CODE] it's output: [URL="http://i.imagehost.org/0746/tabela.jpg"]http://i.imagehost.org/0746/tabela.jpg[/URL] but what i really …

Member Avatar for gpss
Member Avatar for techgossips

I’m going to demonstrate a very short and simple method of avoiding SQL Injection at the SQL query level. You’ll need MySQLi support, on Debian you can apt-get install php5-mysql will contain everything that you need, and would be installed by default with your LAMP Installation. Calling: [url]http://www.mynonexistentdomain.com/test.php?user_id=10&record_number=1[/url] Ignoring any …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, I have a pdo connection script to mysql, which works fine. What im a little stuck on is that when i "include" the file, its connected, but how do i call the table to which my query is related to? The first snippet is the connection, and the …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for Andy_nexus

Hey all, need some advice. which would you say was more efficient i've checked the execution times of both scripts and they average out about the same tbh, just wondered if one way was a 'better' way of doing it. Code 1 [CODE=php] <?php $url_home = 'url'; $top_10 = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for s28walters

I am a new SQL user and I have created my code but when I execute it I get this error : [COLOR="Red"]Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 1 There is already an object named 'Job_Title' in the database.[/COLOR] I do not understand why I keep getting this same …

Member Avatar for spthorn
Member Avatar for statutoryape

Hello, I'll preface by saying this is a school project. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. I'm trying to develop a database of books. In and of itself, that's simple enough, but I'm also trying to implement a tagging system following [URL="http://www.pui.ch/phred/archives/2005/04/tags-database-schemas.html#toxi"]this solution[/URL]. Where I'm getting …

Member Avatar for statutoryape
Member Avatar for waleed66

Hi, I am creating a website where users will be able to submit forms. In the form they will be able to submit text and uploaded images. With regards to uploaded images, once they are submitted, what is the best way to save them? Is it to a MySQL database …

Member Avatar for sylstain
Member Avatar for rich69

Hello ALL: New to the forum. I have run into a problem over the past 48 hours for which I can't seem to be able to resolve. I am running an Apache 2.0 Server, with PHP, and MySQL. All servers were working fine until 48 hours ago when all hell …

Member Avatar for omoabobade
Member Avatar for starboy

Dear. everybody. when i progress the developing some functions using mysql db with vc++2005, i have the following problems i connected mysqldb and i runned the query to insert some records to my table in the DB, but i cant success in inserting. my sample code is followed as : …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

As the title says, I'd like to select a certain number of rows from a table starting from a specified row. So for example, I have a table with 250 rows and the rows are numbered incrementally using a column called 'ref'. I now want to select rows 51-100. How …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for starboy

Dear. everybody. when i progress the developing some functions using mysql db with vc++2005, i have the following problems i connected mysqldb and i runned the query to insert some records to my table in the DB, but i cant success in inserting. my sample code is followed as : …

Member Avatar for starboy
Member Avatar for ucud

I want to insert multiple records or update those records if 2 specific column values do not exist in a record. But the 2 values are NOT UNIQUE, so I can not use ON DUPLICATE KEY. I am trying to not use IF...Then statements. It seems to be bad programming …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for sstewart

Hello, I have a piece of code that pulls data from a mysql database. I am displaying the results in a table but want to format the background of certain cells based on the query results (ie red for no green for yes). Here is my code: [CODE] $query = …

Member Avatar for sstewart
Member Avatar for Vikk

Hi all, I'm a newbie in sql, please can someone help me out in constructing a query. What I want to achieve is to have filter/search menu with a list of the different options/optionsvalues that applies to a particular category of products and a count of the products that possess …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for nazarahmat

hi dear, i'm going to develop database that can access file in the user profile folder. but, i dun know how to create link in database mysql. i have 5 field in database.username,password,email and file. file contain link that access the file in file://C. i dont know how to do …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for carobee

While creating a DTS package i want to include a Stored Procedure with input parameters? Can any help in this.

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for ajay_p5

Hello people, Well The problem that I am facing is: I have a date in string format like 30 Jun 2009, how can I insert it into MYSQL table as DATE data type? I created the table and declare data type for Date column as DATE, when I insert 30 …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for j_limboo

While creating a userid the password is saved in type md5 in mysql The below script to change password does not save password in md5 in mysql and hence user after changing password cannot login The script also gives password chaged sucessfully but also says you have typed wrong password …

Member Avatar for sariraj
Member Avatar for niche1

I need to import TEST.TXT (located in the same directory as my script It has 1 Record: "6","Lunch","234" Iget this error message: Warning: mysqli_close() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in C:\wamp\www\test\import.php on line 19 Why? Heres my script: [code=php]<?php // Connect to the MySQL server and select the corporate …

Member Avatar for niche1
Member Avatar for zackkv

MySQL database server is running on ubuntu. I have installed an GUI for everybody in office to access the database called Navicat. It uses ssh to access the database. It was working on almost everybody's machine week back. Now its not working on few machines and I am not sure …

Member Avatar for revata

I'm building a few simple CMS variables into an Dynamic site that I half-built with Dreamweaver. The following code is the initiation of a paginated recordset display generated by Dreamweaver: [CODE]$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $maxRows_creditsList = 6; $pageNum_creditsList = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_creditsList'])) { $pageNum_creditsList = $_GET['pageNum_creditsList']; } $startRow_creditsList = $pageNum_creditsList * …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for lukerobi

Could anyone lend some help? Trying to figure out how to do this in SQLite3 (this is mySQL) [code] CREATE TABLE car_contacts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, carriers_id CHAR NOT NULL, name CHAR NULL, phone CHAR NULL, phone_ext INTEGER NULL, fax CHAR NULL, email CHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id, carriers_id), …

Member Avatar for francis77

I use MySQL and Turbo C++. I can connect correctly to the server but when I try requests on the server (like INSERT INTO or DROP TABLE), it does not work although it returns that the command executed correctly. Does anyone have an idea why this may happen ?

Member Avatar for dipaq1976

Hi, Check out [url]http://www.landwatch.com/Land_For_Sale[/url] Notice the filters on the left column and how they all have the count of the entries within them. I am sure they are not calculating all these count at the run-time. They have these values stored somewhere and just retrieving the top 5 values. Not …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for web3
Member Avatar for web3

Why it won't send this to mysql.Connection is ok.Here is the code. [CODE]<?php $connect = mysql_connect ("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("login4") or die (mysql_error()); session_start(); $_SESSION['username']; $username1 = $_SESSION['username']; $username = $_POST['username']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; $micro = $_POST['micro']; if ($submit){ $queryreg = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('','$micro','$username') "); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nish123

i have to call Mysql Procedure from Php... I dnt know how it is work..!! Waiting for positive reply..!! :)

Member Avatar for Atli

The End.