10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for kohuke

Hi, Well to start od i decided to learn how to create jsp pages and finally finish my project. So i used the netbeans tutorial for making jsp pages. The sample worked fine, but when i wanted ti retrieve information from my own database it do not work like it …

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Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi, Thanks for checking this out. My goal is simple. Create a list of all the years that have had articles published in them (so basically every year). I have three unique dates in the date column, 2008-08-20, 2007-08-20, and 2006-08-20. The code below only returns this as the print_r …

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Member Avatar for youmak

Hello everyone :) Sorry for bothering you, but I have a problem with solving one query, in general query is much more compllicated, but I will try to simplilfy it Lets asume that we have table named info and it looks like this: id , name,price, from_date, to_date, 1 , …

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Member Avatar for mekdes

i am working on a project and i have faced trouble in connecting php with mysql. anyone out there who can give me a clue can contact me. thanks mekdes

Member Avatar for heni_pro
Member Avatar for dina

Hey there everyone! I'm just about to start a database assignment for uni but don't know whether to use MS Access or MySQL. I am an adequate use of both but does anyone know the advantages and disadvantages of them??? Thanks ;)

Member Avatar for morphosin
Member Avatar for jackparsons

Hey Guys Can anyone help me. On my website i receive this message Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/mangofitness.net/httpdocs/developments/includes/mysql.inc.php on line 26 The coding for this file is below, can anyone help me get no errors. <? require_once("config.php"); function db_connect() { mysql_connect(DATABASE_SERVER,DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD) or …

Member Avatar for jackparsons
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi Code below generates this error "Table 'sis_audit.pay' doesn't exist". [code]UPDATE pay SET Ref='111', date='2008-11-11' WHERE id=29[/code] When i create same table in different database, no error at all. Why? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for xcesmess

I'm fairly new to the C++ world (did some C work in the past years ago) so I'm a little rusty on some things :) I've got a small table in a database and I'm trying to grab some date information out of a UNIX EPOCH time stamp (all seconds). …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

Is there any easy way of mirroring a mysql database, without having access to the config files?? Reason I ask is that I have 3 servers all running of the same mysql databases. 95% of the access to the DB is read data. So what I'm thinking is for both …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for mavelgm

Uhmm,, im new round here, And i just wondered something,, I have recently made a private server for World of Warcraft.. And i need to make a website to advertise obviously. But the only thing is that i have no idea how to make a registration page so people can …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for sweet cLassy

i am assigned to convert data from microsoft excel to mysql... pls tell me how. pls help. thanks ! :(

Member Avatar for sweet cLassy
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do we save person's pictures in database?Do we just create column "pictutePath" and enter this value "../pictures/user1.jpg" for each person or is there any other way? Thanks

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for abhi_tec

Hi This might be a basic question for all of u, but i need help from you guys. here is my query select (sum(datediff(dd,DateAdmitted, DateDischarged))/count(*)) AS Avrvg from table1 where DateDischarged is not null this gives me the result as 4 in the column Avrvg. but the actual result should …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AON07

First off I am new to PHP, I am trying to display categories from a mysql db in a drop down menu. for some reason it is not displaying the category options. Need help with the code. Can anyone help me out. "the db has two fields "id" & "category_name" …

Member Avatar for AON07
Member Avatar for heni_pro

I'm having a problem in displaying data from the table.I've a candidate table in the db. i 've got the problem when i try to select the place of the candidate in the main html code. the html has the place selector, frist name, middle name and partystatus of it. …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for tegansnyder

Hello everyone. This is my first post to this site. I've used it before as a reference and now I'm here with a question of my own. I'm currently storing some data in a row like this: "apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches" Basically the row contains just a few terms …

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Member Avatar for adelsin

Hello, I manage Sun servers for a living that are ONLY used for DNS. With that said, I've been hired by another company to manage their dedicated server. P4 1gig with CentOS is what they have. They are running mysql, php, and apache 1(httpd). What concerns me, after this transfer …

Member Avatar for dklima
Member Avatar for atplerry

I have a php webpage file that contain all the file and the code i want to edit that database content from all the file extrcted from the www folder of the wamp serve rthat will be use to connect to the database pls where will i get the database …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for gpdrums

Hi All: I have an extensive website in which I would like to echo the name of the company various pages after the user logs in. I think I should be using the $_SESSION global, but I'm having difficulty implementing it, placing it in my code, and knowing what php …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for andrew13d
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

hey guys, I have made a database using mysql and php. I have also put in a search option. But what i want is that if the item which is being searched for is not in the databse it should return "Database Not Found". I am not able to execute …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

hey guys, I have made a database using mysql and i am showing it on the browser using php. now the problem is that i only want those columns to display which have entries or some data in them for a particular row. Suppose that if there is one entry …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi all! I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL database. This database is located on my LAN at the address I am using MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 (MyODBC 3.51) for the connection. The connection string that I am using is the following- Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Database=mydb;User=root; Password=;Option=3; The …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for iamlevicious

Hello, I am a graphic designer who does some web design on the side. The store I work at had a website that the boss wanted transferred to a different host. So I downloaded it off the server and uploaded it onto a new one. I knew that I was …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shadowrider

how may i create stored function in phpmyadmin simple one is create but one i try to use a variable in function it is mysql manual error. can anyone help me.

Member Avatar for derekcpt

WHO CAN CRACK THIS ONE FOR ME. I have never figured out how to do this. About 2 or 3 years ago, I tried varios methonds which I found on the net. When adding data to a mysql database, I'l like the text to be the way, including the line …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi. Thanks for looking. I am setting up a dedicated server for the first time to host a site and I have the FTP accounts set up, the PHP and MySQL packages installed. MySQL administrator GUI tool installed but I cannot get phpMyAdmin to work. I have unzipped it and …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for agsd

Hi, maybe my problem has a very simple solution, but I'm going crazy to find a way to do that. I have a single table that looks like this: Number | Value (both string and numeric) 123 | foobar 123 | 23846 123 | foobar 345 | 34523 345 | …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

Hi what sql query will I use to checks the "users_theme" table and finds all the user_id's which exist in this table and not the "users" table. Once I have those id's that exist in the user_theme table that does not exisit in the users table I want to delete …

Member Avatar for Jaulm
Member Avatar for Shanti C

hello friends.... I am PHP programmer using mysql as my database... Now it is the time to make fast all my queries ,which im using in my programming... I heard about indexing... Tel me what is indexing,how to put indexing to my table... mainly what are the advantages and disadvantages...or …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.