10,944 Topics
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I know this forum isn't for databases but I couldn't find a proper one so i post here. (my original post is at forums.mysql.com, but not much seems to be happening there) can MySQL server be started as a globally accessible server by using libmysqld? For example, can a application … | |
I have made stored procedures in Oracle...but need to export them to mysql. I have searched on google but cant figure out the syntax. Here is the oracle procedure: [code=sql]create or replace procedure delgroup (g_id in number) is begin DELETE FROM grouptable WHERE GROUP_ID=g_id; commit; end;[/code] I jus basically want … | |
Hello, I have a two tables created to apply keywords to a given entry: Table: File FileID (int, pk, auto incr) Name (varchar) Table File_Keyword KeywordID (int, pk, auto incr) FileID (fk) Keyword (varchar) Given that I have a record in table File with 2 corresponding records in table File_Keyword … | |
Hi, I tried to restore my decompressed database [B]'cyberview_db_2809_2009-10-27_17h30m.Tuesday.sql'[/B] using the command : [QUOTE]mysql -h localhost -u root -proot123 info < /backups/daily/cyberview_db_2809/cyberview_db_2809_2009-10-27_17h30m.Tuesday.sql[/QUOTE] but there was no restoration. I checked the [B]/var/lib/mysql[/B] directory where all restored databases are located, and in the 'info' folder, the only script that was available was … | |
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to connect a C++ program to a MySQL database on Linux Fedroa Core 5 os. It would be great if I could create a program in C++ that allows me to create a completely new database in MySQL, edit, modify, delete and … | |
I have be struggling to turn the below while loop into a foreach loop with no result, so I am asking for help here on how to do this. [code] $query = "Select * from TIME_TABLE Where Extract(month from DATE_FIELD ) = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%c') and Extract(day from DATE_FIELD ) = … | |
VC++ access MySQL query problem Hi guys, Could you help me out with ------------ string str1 res=stmt->executeQuery("select * from test2 where english='str1'"); ------------ anyone can tell me where is wrong with this query code?below is the error msg I got: 1>.\temp6.cpp(48) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before … | |
could someone point out the error in the followin php/mysql code [code=php]$strSearchVal = $_GET['q']; //database connection.. //... $strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT area FROM hospital where area like '%'+ $strSearchVal; "; $result = mysql_query($strSQL); while ($arrThisRow = mysql_fetch_array($result )) { echo '<li>' . $arrThisRow['area'] . '</li>';[/code] | |
hi i keep getting this error on my php page Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/internal/public_html/includes/xpage_admin.php on line 871 Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/internal/public_html/includes/xpage_admin.php on line 877 the code below works perfectly on my test … | |
This is my Stored Procedure DELIMITER $$ [code=mysql] DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `call`.`sp_login`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_login`(userid varchar(50),pass varchar(50),out chk int(11),out user_alias varchar(50),out user_tariff varchar(50),out c_credit decimal(15,5),out r_reseller varchar(10),out r_level varchar(10),out c_tariff char(2)) BEGIN select id into chk from cc_reseller where useralias =userid and uipass=pass and level!=0 and activated!='0'; if(chk!="") … | |
Hi, I want to create script like in facebook. When we log into facebook, go into any friend's profile Their gift button , show gifts with pagination. when click on image and ok button it save into database. Any sample demo script ? How to create script like this? Please … | |
Hi everyone, I sat down to create a what I thought was simple SQL query but once I got thinking about it I realised I'm not sure where to start. The objective is to return two resorts from a Resorts table for each country code in that table. Countries table … | |
I am receiving MySQL error 1265 when I try to insert records into a table and after googling this error I am no closer to understanding the problem. Here is the error message that is returned: Warning Code : 1265 Data truncated for column 'DATE_FIELD' at row 1 Here is … | |
Hi I m making web page and for that i am using mysql and php. In tha i enter data and that is to be stored in mysql database. I m having a problem in that. I want add, delete, previous, next, cancel and update button in that. But can't … | |
I installed WAMP5 1.7.0 When I try to access localhost & phpmyadmin, it asks for a username and password. I'm pretty sure that i didn't configured any. I installed the same thing in another computer, and it worked. what could be the problem? | |
I am cycling through a return set and trying to capture the result in a concatenated string. I have verified that I get a valid return value and also verified the quantity in the return value. This works [code] while ( $i < $num) { $bone .= "<item> <record_num>" . … | |
Hi! Does anyone know of a good tutorial for installing Ruby with Php, Apache and MySQL. I have tried InstantRails but i want to install it without using the instant option! Thanks. | |
As I am new to MySQL, I dont know how to connect my jsp page to the MySQL Database. So please help me by giving some code on how to connect. I have downloaded driver for Java named as Connector/J. MySQL version is 5.0. In this line con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/JSP_MYSQL?user=root&password=admin"); … | |
how do i get started with MySQL and get the command prompt like MySQL monitor to write the command for creating a database in MySQL? | |
At the risk of coming off like TV's "[url=http://www.amctv.com/originals/madmen/]Mad Men[/url]," Amazon Web Services really are New and Improved. The company today announced the addition of [url=http://aws.amazon.com/rds/]Amazon Relational Database Service[/url], giving users of Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) access to a virtual instance of MySQL. That's the New part. Improvements include … | |
Hi there, I have 2 columns in my mysql table, (1) Status (2) Type. For the status column I would like to have one row with a STATUS of 1 (live). And all the rest to have a STATUS of 0 (hidden). Is there a way to change a row … | |
Hello everyone, I've searched a lot of time today for a solution, but not succeed! I want to insert value from the radio button and checkbox into mysql database. Here is my code: insert.php [CODE] <div id="form"> <form method="post" action="process.php"> <h1>BESOIN </h1> <br><br> <label>Sujet:</label><input type="text" name="sujet" /> <label>Date: </label><input type="text" … | |
l want to upload images into mysql as blob type data using php | |
I have an assignment that states >Research on Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. Briefly describe each database application. What are their inherent benefits or limitations? Assume a pro or con approach: Based on your research, which would be the most reasonable approach to this solution and why> All i … | |
1. What types of data does the DBMS support? 2. Does it support NULLS? 3. What about Primary and Foreign Keys? 4.Can you specify an index that is unique and then have the system enforce that? 5. Does the DBMS support views? 6. What type of data dictionary does the … | |
Anyone has experince with MySQL Dump Timer tool ? I just download it from here : [URL="http://www.softwarevenue.com/download/mysql-dump-timer/"]http://www.softwarevenue.com/download/mysql-dump-timer/[/URL] Is it good ? I have not install it yet, still looking for more information about this tool This is the sort description from the site : [I]MySQL Backup / MySQL Dump and … | |
Hi everyone Don't know if someone can help me with my problem. I'm trying to get a total from a loop variable name($cost), I'm running a for loop, thats getting values from mysql, all that i need is for the $cost value to be added up. Code example: [code=PHP]$sql="select * … | |
[code=php]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>::SISTEM SEMAKAN KEPUTUSAN PEPERIKSAAN KOLEJ EASTERN::</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style7 {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } .style8 {color: #000000} body { background-image: url(eastern1.jpg); } .style10 {color: #FF0000} .style9 {color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-size: … | |
i dont know why but sometimes i use the same exact thing ive used on other pages that it has worked for and it just doesnt work on the new page im working on. i have a table called users. with columns called username password and status why isnt this … | |
Hello everybody, :) I'm trying to import an access database to mySQL by using c#, I'm using this software: MS Access to MySQL from Bullzip, and it seems to be working ok; by using c#, I can display all data from tables, using this connection: [CODE] private void btndisplayBooks_Click(object sender, … |
The End.