10,944 Topics
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While creating a DTS package i want to include a Stored Procedure with input parameters? Can any help in this. | |
Hello people, Well The problem that I am facing is: I have a date in string format like 30 Jun 2009, how can I insert it into MYSQL table as DATE data type? I created the table and declare data type for Date column as DATE, when I insert 30 … | |
While creating a userid the password is saved in type md5 in mysql The below script to change password does not save password in md5 in mysql and hence user after changing password cannot login The script also gives password chaged sucessfully but also says you have typed wrong password … | |
I need to import TEST.TXT (located in the same directory as my script It has 1 Record: "6","Lunch","234" Iget this error message: Warning: mysqli_close() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in C:\wamp\www\test\import.php on line 19 Why? Heres my script: [code=php]<?php // Connect to the MySQL server and select the corporate … | |
MySQL database server is running on ubuntu. I have installed an GUI for everybody in office to access the database called Navicat. It uses ssh to access the database. It was working on almost everybody's machine week back. Now its not working on few machines and I am not sure … | |
I'm building a few simple CMS variables into an Dynamic site that I half-built with Dreamweaver. The following code is the initiation of a paginated recordset display generated by Dreamweaver: [CODE]$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $maxRows_creditsList = 6; $pageNum_creditsList = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_creditsList'])) { $pageNum_creditsList = $_GET['pageNum_creditsList']; } $startRow_creditsList = $pageNum_creditsList * … | |
Could anyone lend some help? Trying to figure out how to do this in SQLite3 (this is mySQL) [code] CREATE TABLE car_contacts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, carriers_id CHAR NOT NULL, name CHAR NULL, phone CHAR NULL, phone_ext INTEGER NULL, fax CHAR NULL, email CHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id, carriers_id), … | |
I use MySQL and Turbo C++. I can connect correctly to the server but when I try requests on the server (like INSERT INTO or DROP TABLE), it does not work although it returns that the command executed correctly. Does anyone have an idea why this may happen ? | |
Hi, Check out [url]http://www.landwatch.com/Land_For_Sale[/url] Notice the filters on the left column and how they all have the count of the entries within them. I am sure they are not calculating all these count at the run-time. They have these values stored somewhere and just retrieving the top 5 values. Not … | |
Why it won't send this to mysql.Connection is ok.Here is the code. [CODE]<?php $connect = mysql_connect ("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("login4") or die (mysql_error()); session_start(); $_SESSION['username']; $username1 = $_SESSION['username']; $username = $_POST['username']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; $micro = $_POST['micro']; if ($submit){ $queryreg = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('','$micro','$username') "); … ![]() | |
i have to call Mysql Procedure from Php... I dnt know how it is work..!! Waiting for positive reply..!! :) | |
[CODE] Newbee in php Below is my table and script, I know it should change the password I am using a registration application the password is saved in this manner 1d7d2fcc49f157c0be4456580011a58d469c71b6 I could not make out if this is a md5. I echoed the php, the password i type in … | |
hi, can any one tell me how to i use my sql sever's databse itno ms sql 2008 server. I tried to to do dat with the help of mysql backup file & execute it on ms sql server, but there are some syntax related problems. please help me. thanks … | |
Hi, Basically what im looking to implement is a function where a user performs a search on my site, and is presented with the results and an option to be emailed similar items in future. I have all the search stuff done, but have no idea where to start on … | |
How can I create a SQL Script using MySql? I already created a database and tables. I populated the tables and wrote queries to solve the questions in my homework. But the professor want me to submit the SQL script. Can anyone help me? | |
I need a bit of help with a mysql join query. I have tried and tried and keep getting unhelpful errors. I have two mysql tables: friends: friend1 INT friend2 INT members: member_id INT name varchar lname varchar Basically I want to loop through friends and find all records where … | |
Hi all, The following code should link 2 tables, showing: student id, surname, firstname, study type, start year. However, its not :-). its just a white screen. ive got php5.ini with ERROR_REPORTING (E_ALL); in it but im still getting nothing at all. The tables definitly exist! have i missed something … | |
HI GUYS, I HAVE A PROBLEM IN FINDING OUT AN INTERFACE FOR PYTHON 2.6.3 AND MYSQL-5.1.31. IS THERE ANY COMPATIBLE VERSION FOR BOTH THE ABOVE???? WHEN I RAN THE setup.py file of MySQL-Python1.2.2 version, i got the following error. -[COLOR="Red"]-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Green"]This script requires setuptools version 0.6c5 to run (even to … | |
[CODE] <?php $host='localhost'; $user='root'; $pass=''; //establish database connection $conn=mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die('Unable to connect'); //select database for use mysql_select_db('acumenchain') or die('Unable to select database!'); $query2 = "SELECT tblclasslist.studentNo FROM acumenchain.tblclasslist JOIN acumenchain.tblregistration ON tblclasslist.studentNo = tblclasslist.studentNo"; $result = mysql_query($query2) or die('Unable to execute Query' . mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); //close connection … | |
I want to set a password to [B]phpmyadmin interface[/B] in WAMP.. How can I do that?? I jst want to make sure that no one will change my databases using Phpmyadmin GUI ..() mysql console is ok..... thankx in advance.. | |
I want to find the capacity of my data fields....how can i calculate capacity of varchar(10) or int(15)...???? (in kilobytes s or megabytes s) please help..t hankx in advance. | |
We've had an old website move server but am having lots of problems with it, plus it's been nearly two years since I did any PHP so any help would be greatly appreciated. Have sorted some problems out but am stumped by this one. Have stripped the code down to … | |
I currently have a table structure like this [code=sql]create table main(id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, fname varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) insert into main(1, 'abcd', 1), (2,'doll',1), (3,'animals',1) CREATE TABLE category ( `cid` int(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id` int(2) NOT NULL … | |
I'm trying to find out what the legal laws for the internet are on storing text via e-mail/chat. I am not sure if there is such a law but than again it's better to ask than to find out the hard way. Does DaniWeb keep history of Private messages for … | |
Can you divert one database to another database if the former has crashed? My site crashed and would like to have a backup database if this happens again (hopefully not!). Thanks. | |
Hi i have this section of code that looks for user info on another table... this code works fine querying the database locally... but i need it to work remotely can anyone see what im doing wrong... [CODE]from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite import MySQLdb as mysql from mud.common.persistent import … | |
hello im studying dba, right now im stuck with project i have to do. Here is what bothers me. i have 2 tables one with tasks and one with salarys. Task table describes who is working on what from when how many hours on so on. Salarys gives me info … | |
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in activation.php on line 11 Invalid Validation Code what is wrong here? [CODE]<?php session_start(); include "mysql.php"; $c; if(!$_GET['code'] || !$_GET['act']) { die("Invalid Use Of System."); } else { $code=$_GET['code']; $cq=mysql_query("select * from confirm where code=$code",$c); if(mysql_num_rows($cq)== 0) { die("Invalid … | |
hey; I'm creating a image database. I want each user to register, login and be able to upload images. I however, do not know if each user needs to have their own database for images to be stored in or if I can grab the image via foreign ids from … |
The End.