10,944 Topics
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My website host supports MySQL and has a simple MySQL “workshop” available in their “V-Deck” (user control panel) to make simple tables for things like subscriber email lists, etc.. [B]My question is, can I use MySQL on my HTML web site, to update item prices on multiple pages at once, … | |
If You need to login to a MySQL server with a username that is different from the username you use to log in to your operating system. Which command will we use? | |
range of datetime data type (show all records in between 2 dates. example: form 2008/10/01 to 2008./12/12). thanks | |
Hi, I am a beginner in VB.net. I have some problems here, that is how to transfer data between 2 different mySQL servers using VB.net? Myself have 2 solutions this problem but when i implement it, i face some difficulty. 1st solution is insert the data line by line means … | |
i have some entries in a databse like: <a href="85\test\some\other link.pdf"> 85\test\some\other link </a> I need to change that to just "85\test\some\other link.pdf" Is there A way it can be done without having to go through them one by one? Any help would be extremely appreciated | |
Alright after a few months of logging visitors to my site, I've compiled a database with the bots IP addresses and names. As of right now I have a little more than 1,400 recorded IP addresses. I've attached a 4 text documents of the IP addresses. I will continue to … | |
![]() | I have an RPG programmed in PHP and people do fights against each other. Once someone's health is below 0, experience and rewards are calculated, and then the appropriate entry into the database is updated. The problem is that the sql queries near the end are not executing. People's money … |
Im trying to set up an application that will connect to a MYSQL database across the a distance using internet connection. i did it with VB 6 but it seems like the connection is not that stable and sometime it wont connect. Is it because of VB 6? would be … | |
I've taken over a site and i see certain tables being updated without any code on the site doing the update. (It's logical updates so I know its by design and not a hacker) What I can't see in PHP admin and I also have MySql Query Browser is to … | |
Is there anyway to have (in one query) two separate queries? For example if query one fails then it will not affect the rest of it. Example code: Say that the lastLogin table does not exist: UPDATE userInfo SET lastLogin=3 WHERE id=5 UPDATE userInfo SET LastLogin=3 WHERE id=5 Is there … | |
Hi, Red line below generates error "Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource". I have checked sql string too. Thanks [code] <?php ob_start(); $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbuser = "root"; $dbpass= ""; $dbname = "test"; @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ("No connection."); @mysql_select_db($dbname) or die ("No database!"); $page = … | |
I am trying to create website that has questions with drop down options. Do I need to know MySQL for that? | |
Hi, It's took me a weeks to figure out this query. I'm trying to select all the data from 7 tables but i got empty result. All these table has a link on region_id column. Your help will be much much appreciated. here's my query: [code]$q = 'SELECT rs.*,rr.*,cs.*,cr.*,cl.*,ls.*,ll.* FROM … | |
hi friends i hava two primary key in single table no auto incriment.when i insert the value in jsp i getting like this error. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry '0-3' for key 1 | |
I am new to both c#.net and sql server. I am working on a project in which I have to 2-3 users using their application and connecting to common database in lan. I decided to use c# as my programming language. when coming to database i m very confused. microsoft … | |
I am building a ticketing system and am currently working on the profile page. I have created drop down menu's so admins can select assign users to a specific group. My page is written in php and when submitting my form everything gets updated except the drop down menu's. I … | |
I'm new to php and am working on my first large scale project. I am making a custom ticketing system that requires users to login and let's technicians login to work tickets. I am trying to implement a account disabling feature so tech's that are no longer with the company … | |
Hello all: I'm currently building a website for a radio station and I want to setup a programming lineup. The fields I'm using are: ID Title Dayofweek (Show Day) Timeslot (Show Time) AMPM (AM or PM) Description Name (Host Name) Bio (Host Bio) Photo (Host Photo) I set these all … | |
Hello friends, when iam working on mysql server 4.1 the power suddenly went off. and when i restarted the mysql the mysql service is not starting and the error [B]"#2003 - The server is not responding"[/B] is comming can any one please help me to get back the database please. … | |
i am trying to set up this db and i am getting a parse error which it says it is on line 24 i cannot see the error. help need [CODE]$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `merc_users` ( `****` int not null, `******` varchar (250) not null, `*****` varchar(250) not null, … | |
Hi, I don't know what is LEFT JOIN at all, but i accidentally made this query work. Can someone tell me if there is a shorter version of this query? [CODE=SQL] SELECT j . * , k.report FROM ( SELECT x . * , y.category AS parent_category FROM AccountCategories x … | |
hi friend I want insert value to three table in single query any body have idea pls send the query for me advance thanks by san.. | |
Hi: I have developed a website using php with a mysql database running on an Apache 2.2.8 server on a Windows machine running XP Professional. I now want to make this website available on the WWW using my own machine as the host server. Can anyone point me to the … | |
Hi guys, Me again, I have just noticed something which i cant figure out whats going on. Below the query pulls back and account type from my db however the result which is coming back does have the account type but has a number 1 after it eg: Current Account … | |
Hi, I encrypte my data when i insert into database. [code]insert into person (name, psw) values ('john',SHA1('111'));[/code] What about when it comes to checking that particular encripted values? Is there any function to use agains SIH-1. I have a textbox and i wanted to verify it with checking encripted data. … | |
[code] Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in config.php on line 60 [/code] I have checked a previous thread and they said it was due to the '' in the select statement. But I dont think this is the case here. All I did was … | |
hello, I try the following query: [code=mysql] SELECT IF TIME(hour_end) > '21:00:00' THEN timediff(time(hour_end),'21:00') AS diff ENDIF FROM `hours` [/code] Why whould this not work? Any help would be appreciated. | |
Hello to all, I am quite new to sql, and so the time has come that I don't understand why a query has a certain output.I apologise for the long post but I'd rather describe exactly what I am doing in, hoping that someone can spot the problem that I … | |
I have one application in two version: the online version and the offline version(USB). How can I update the online version after some change in the offline database? |
The End.