10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jaulm

Using MySQL..I have a stored procedure that contains an input parameter defined as a text value. A list of ids are passed in through that parameter... the input parameter is used in the where clause of a select within the stored procedure, however, currently I have this created as a …

Member Avatar for drewtemp

Hey guys, I need a "little" help with a query. I'm trying to pull information regarding referrals from search engines which grab the keywords. For example, two people search for [b]foobar[/b] and another searches for [b]barfoo[/b]. I would need the results returned similar to this: [code] Hits | Page URL …

Member Avatar for tomii

Hi All, I am using VB6 with mysql database recently. But I am having problem with showing the text type of mysql field value in a Msflexgrid. Msflexgrid1.TextMatrix(i, 3) = "" & rdoRS.rdoColumns("products_publisher").Value This line gives error message. Anybody could help me? Many thanks. Tomii

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Member Avatar for mousey182

Hi Guys, Im having problems with some mysql select statements. I have a database containing 7 tables in the following format: [U] Adverts [/U] Field Type Null Default advert_id int(11) No 0 frequency int(11) No 0 [U]keywords[/U] Field Type Null Default key_id int(11) No 0 keyword varchar(20) No [U]keywords_to_adverts[/U] Field …

Member Avatar for pedramphp

Dear folk, what should I use for [COLOR="Red"]Price[/COLOR] Field in Data base I have used BigInt But I know I could do it with Decimal , I ned to do it without any Limitation of the size of the digits and the numbers after dot ( . ) so what …

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Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi everyone, well, my problem would be:There is a database server which contains no databases. So there is nothing to connect to (as it is needed by the DriverManager.getConnection instruction). How can I create a new database under these circumstances? Thanks, Chaster

Member Avatar for Chaster
Member Avatar for derekcpt

Hi there. I need assistance with, I guess, a PHP date function. There is a way I can figure this, but its really not reliable and I guess it won't even work. So all you guru's, here is what I need to achieve; I am just writing a simple reservation …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for Scooby08

I was wondering how to store this date into the database: Friday, August 28, 2015 and this time: 8:00PM I have one field that collects the date and another for the time.. Im looking to store them in this format, 0000-00-00 00:00:00.. Is there some way to turn this date …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for cellus205

Right now Im having trouble getting data from a MySQL table and creating a new datatable to store this. I have a TreeView control that I am trying to dynamically add nodes to. The query that I have is returning the Attachments column of all rows where Owner = (parameter), …

Member Avatar for Mylena

Hello, Please, if anyone knows how to pass a Javascript integer variable as a parameter into php mysql_query. Below gg1 is successfully converted to an integer (i checked it using some maths additions), and now i need to pass this value to BirdID. The last line with innerHTML works fine …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for andrew13d

hi everyone, I am trying to create an inventory using php/mysql. However, I am using a webpage such that the viewer or user indicates or picks their choice by making continous selections on the spry menu. For example, if the first choice is "x", another menu appears with several options …

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Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I am using mysql and I have a table called "users". how will i get it to show only rows that have duplicate emails in the "email" field. I want the emails in order. what sql query will I use?

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Member Avatar for heni_pro

i've anothe question, in here. I've made a registration form which 've region and zone with selection type. Main thing is wheni select the region, the zone list must come out as selection method from the DB. i've got the problem in php codes... help me outt...

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mridatrix

i was just doing a simple thing in C#, just trying to put the values feeded in the text boxes in sql database. i am giving the code below the code executed perfectly but when i went to look into the table data there was no data inserted...... pls HELP...!!! …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Scooby08

Would anybody happen to know which of these ways is the better way to run your queries?? Would it be better to have all your SELECT queries before the actual <html> code starts, or would it be just fine throughout the page in the <body> tags?? Is one slower than …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for dharam_05

i want to insert new row in second table and this table connected to first table. How can i do that?

Member Avatar for AllieK
Member Avatar for vijiljones

I having a requirement to store the image in mysql and also retrive the image and display in the browser. Please help me. how to do

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi how to combine three tables in a single query.please send a sample code thanks

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for skinbug

Bit of a php and sql issue, so thought I'd try here... for a registration form, I have created an sql file such as... [icode]firstname varchar(30) not null[/icode] ...etc...for all the fields, which I then import to the database. But then the form also has 15 checkboxes where the user …

Member Avatar for skinbug
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi i want to join four tables.i used left join.thougn value are there in my db all the datas from seekers_qualification, seeker_target tables are getting displayed as Null.but there is no Sql error [code=sql]SELECT seekers.firstname, seekers.middlename, seekers.lastname, seekers.totalexperience, seekers.mobile, seekers_qualification.qualification, seeker_target.jobtitle, seeker_target.ann_salary, seeker_target.state, seeker_target.relocate FROM seekers LEFT JOIN ( SELECT …

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Member Avatar for wmf1116

Dear JSP friend, I'm new in JSP. I would appreciate if someone can help me in creating inner joint 2 table from MySQL DB and display the result in JSP as report. Please help me....

Member Avatar for theimben

I have the code below but how do I submit the form to a table? [CODE=php]<?php ////////////////////////////////////////// //// MySQL Database Connection /////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// $host = "localhost"; $user = "theflick_divx"; $db_name= "theflick_divx"; $pass= "password"; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); //DivX Table echo "<form id=\"divx\" name=\"divxsubmit\" …

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Member Avatar for Scooby08

I have an invoice type of system and am having troubles trying to update an item.. I have 3 tables that deal with the orders.. Here they are: [code] CREATE TABLE `dw_orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `customer_id` INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL, `order_date` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 …

Member Avatar for mcd
Member Avatar for Scooby08

I'm trying to figure out a way to get this if statement to work.. [code] $array = $_POST['field']; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($value does not exist in database) { $query = "INSERT INTO..."; elseif ($value >= 1) { $query = "UPDATE... "; } else { $query …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm looking to have people register times (like 2:34, 2:35.04, etc.) into my database. Do you use integers values or something else? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for dsgnews

Hi Friends, I need your help. Whenever I do a query on localhost it retrieves a value, but when I try on live it shows an error? What could be the problem?

Member Avatar for izzi
Member Avatar for suganyabavani

Hi All, I need a hlp how to connect Mysql wit outlookexpress, so that i hav to retrive data from mysql to outlook express. Regards, Sugan

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for vibhashin

You need a column type which will be able to store time and date in the range 1900-01-01 - 2199-12-31. Which column should we choose for this range ?

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for vibhashin
Member Avatar for psathish2

How upload file to mysql db in server and show to link in next page the uploaded files ..

Member Avatar for shadow_kira

The End.