10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for staneja

Hi All I am trying to create 2 tables Table 1 with cust_id , username and password (Cust_id is primary key here) Table 2 wth cust_info that will store info for that cust........now i want to use this Cust_id as foreign key here in table2 but i am not able …

Member Avatar for staneja
Member Avatar for kyoto

Hi, I have been searching around for a few days and cannot find exactly what I looking for. Was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Looking to query MYSQL with keyword. For each of the records or rows its finds based on match. Would like to retrieve …

Member Avatar for kyoto
Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I need a simple login script that has the ability to redirect a user. For example: - I want to be able to protect certain pages so that a user has to login to access them (in this case they wouldn't get redirected) - Then in another case I would …

Member Avatar for JeniF
Member Avatar for pmhayden

I have a Database which is dealing with a book library system. I have a table which has a has a field dealing with the ReturnDate of a book. I was wondering if it is possible to do a SELECT statement that would return the the fines due on an …

Member Avatar for pmhayden
Member Avatar for apontutul

I want to generate a code that will automatically take the poll-id..of which the user wishes to view the result of that poll. there's the code:using mysql & java & another thing i wish to use this on a jsp page: [code] package votepiepack; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.*; …

Member Avatar for apontutul
Member Avatar for bg370

I'm posting in the PHP forum cause that's what I'm using to connect to MySQL. If there's a better place to post this let me know... Anyway, I have data that consists of discrete lines of text which must be in a certain order. Like if you were taking a …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

[B]I want to create a table, with a column which datatype will be LONG BLOB, what will be it's size????? e.g. [U][I]create table tab1(name varchar(20), pic longblob([COLOR="Red"]?????????[/COLOR]));[/I][/U] plz give me the currect code...........[/B]

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

Dear members, can any body plz help me out to insert image file in MySQL.......is it possible ???????? [B]If possible plz give me the code............[/B]

Member Avatar for Eko
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I have been looking into ways I to cut down on MySQL Querys in a page and I was wandering if you could up to update querys into one mysql_query function like this: [php]mysql_query("UPDATE table SET val1=val1+1, val2=val2+1 WHERE id = (int); UPDATE table SET val3=val3+1, val4=val4+1 WHERE id = …

Member Avatar for JeniF
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

Hi all, I'm facing a big problem using MySQL...i've created a table using this code: [code=sql] create table table1(name char(20), age int(3)); [/code] Now this table can insert ineteger values in name field........which i don't want and the age field can take a value like e.g. 123456789...although it's length is …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for jnora

Hello, Please, i need to know the JDBC code (applying servlet) to use with mySql to generate account balances from my customer_table having three columns(i.e. DEBIT, CREDIT,BALANCE) in the following format: CR-------------------------DR----------------------BALANCE 30................................5..................................25 2..................................3..................................24 I can only use 'select sum....' code to get the sums of both DR and CR …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for slacke

I am searching for a long time in my laptop (WinXp) from where starts the services like mysqld.exe and java.exe. They start at boot time and make 860 MB use of virtual memory. They seems to be connected (mysqld and java) because when I stop the mysqld only, my Virtul …

Member Avatar for slacke
Member Avatar for jeffro25

Hey guys. Got a quick question. I am having a problem with a message board that I am creating. I have created the log in and registration page and the sessions needed to use the site nad it all works fine, but when the user posts a message I can't …

Member Avatar for jeffro25
Member Avatar for anto_nee

Can anyone give me the step by step explanation for connecting asp.net with MYSQL

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for atrusmre

Anyone know where I can find a good MySql and C++ Tutorial? I want to us MySql w/ MFC C++ Thanx, Atrus

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hello, I want to learn perl and I have installed Apache 2.0.53, Perl 5.8.8 and MySql 4.1 I have configured apache for perl and successfully running the "Hello World" program. I want to know, how to configure perl for mysql. Your help is appreciated. Thanx

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for btmehta
Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for dsustaita

Hi, I've tried several of the fixes for this that I've found on here, but I haven't been able to find a work around. Here is the code that I'm having the trouble with: [code] mysql_select_db($db_name,$db); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pagenumber LIKE $pagenumber ",$db) ; while ($myrow …

Member Avatar for dsustaita
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi This is my first post here and I have just started using php so please be kind LOL I have tried to use the script below to do a search on the database but it keeps spitting out [B](Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource …

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for arkaprava

I have installed MySql 5.0 and also configured but after installation it shows " The Service couldn't be started" Plz help me out

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for atal

Hello All, I have been trying to pass variable values as a parameter name in MySQL Stored Procedure Insert Statement when i directly pass the parameter name it works fine, but when i asign the paramter name from a variable value it is passing those values as a value not …

Member Avatar for cmills83

i tried like a million things and im ready to murder someone, can someone walk me through it? thanks.

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for kaleidoscopelex

Im having these problems, it used to work in my website for almost a year then suddenly this error occured.. [B]Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/alexsl/public_html/admin/system/[B]functions.php [/B]on line 291[/B] here's [B]functions.php[/B]: [code=php] <?php // Somery, a weblogging script by Robin de Graaf, copyright …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for macneato

Hi, Was wondering if anyone could help me with this little problem I'm having. I'd like to have a comma separator after every 3 digits. E.g "3,000,000". How would i go about this? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for john_sm

Hey guys, for an enterprise wide deployment, what will you suggest and why among - Red Hat Linux, Suse Linux and Ubuntu Linux, also, do you think, we can negotiate the support pricing down?

Member Avatar for arkaprava
Member Avatar for thecurious

Hi everyone. I`m looking to solve an issue. My problem is : i have more tables, but in my example will be only 3 with 2 columns: users (id,nick) comm (id,userID,text) rev (id,userID,text) So , i need to count the comm and the rev that users make, multiiply by a …

Member Avatar for thecurious
Member Avatar for dodol

How to fastening inserting data on mysql??? I have 5000 record in excels. And I want to insert all record to mysql.. and it take time abaout 6 six minutes.. How to fastening become under 20 second to insert all 5000 records?? Peace DODOl

Member Avatar for clearstatcache
Member Avatar for Alligator

hi all, I am a developer intending to do Mysql 5.0 Developer Certification. How this certification is valued in the IT industry? Is it worth doing MySql certification? Please advise. And if anything you want to say about Mysql 5.0 Developer Certification. Thanks

Member Avatar for atal
Member Avatar for muskan

i am writing code and also the error i am facing in database connectivity in jsp to mysql .plz help me .thanx code import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.*; import java.io.*; public class ConnBean { Connection conn; Statement st ; public ConnBean() { String sqlDriver= "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; …

Member Avatar for masijade

The End.