10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for Loki421

Hi all!!! This is my first post here so please feel free to move if it's in the wrong place :-) Ok, i am just starting out in web development, and i have created a data entry form in DW CS3 and succesfully link it into MySQL (big deal for …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for OmniX

I have been reading books and articles and I have seen various mysql functions (mysql_query, etc) being used inside php functions and those php functions be called everything the php programming requires a query, etc. So what do you think are the best practices, etc? Thanks, Regards X PS: I …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for johnkeating

I am a new convert to MySQL. It sounds like an answer to my prayers, BUT when I look for some training I find the cost to be substantial. I have purchased a book Beginning MYSQL by WROX but I now realize that I need some more structured training. I …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for elfranger

All, I am trying to write me an application using visual studio 2005. My back-end database for the application is mysql. I've found some code examples online and been able to get it working with both reading from the database and writing to it. However, the examples I find does …

Member Avatar for elfranger
Member Avatar for dasbootmjr

The migration seems easy enough, but what about a non-Access Interface. I need to move Access '97 databases to a system that will not have Access. I plan to migrate to Mysql. Any suggestions on an Interface similar to one my clients are used to?

Member Avatar for akshit

hey frnds... i am develpoing a program using PHP/MySQL. Here, i have a form which consists of a few text fields etc etc. It also contains a drop down menu. In the backend, i have a number of databases. The user input (drop down menu) will decide which database is …

Member Avatar for akshit
Member Avatar for kvdd

Hello, I try with the following query to calculate the working time of employees: [code=mysql] SELECT TIME_FORMAT( ADDTIME( TIMEDIFF(TIMEDIFF(hour_end, hour_begin),(hour_pause)), TIMEDIFF(TIMEDIFF(hour_end_o, hour_begin_o),(hour_pause_o)) ) ,'%H:%i' ) AS total FROM hour [/code] This works correct, if the pause is filled, if no pause is given, no total is displayed (NULL). How can …

Member Avatar for kvdd
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, i am getting `Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in D:\xampp\htdocs\demo\help.php on line 23` this error. how to overcome by this problem, <?php include 'database.php'; $email = $_POST; $firstname = $_POST ; $lastname = $_POST ; $tphone = $_POST.$_POST.$_POST ; $message = $_POST; …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for 4x4biker

I'm uploading files via php script straight to a folder called 'uploads' on my mysql server. I can list all the files uploaded. My problem is listing only selected files from this folder for each user that login. i.e. user A logs in with username 'theboss' The user will be …

Member Avatar for 4x4biker
Member Avatar for kvdd

Whats wrong with this query? [code=mysql] TIME_FORMAT( DATE_ADD ( TIMEDIFF(TIMEDIFF(u.hour_end, u.hour_begin),(u.hour_pauze)), TIMEDIFF(TIMEDIFF(u.hour_end_o, u.hour_begin_o),(u.hour_pauze_o)) ) ,'%H:%i') AS total, [/code] I get the error: [QUOTE]#1305 - FUNCTION system.DATE_ADD does not exist [/QUOTE] BTW: I am using version 5.0.51a.

Member Avatar for kvdd
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hi, I couldn't get this to work, but I was using a PHP script to go through the rows in a table in my database and if it found a specific value, to delete that row. However, it deletes ALL the rows no matter what I do and throws an …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dannyd

At our television station we have a schedule of shows that need to be aired (stationschedule) and shows that have aired confirmed by our on air system (asrunlogs). What I'd like to do is compare both tables against eachother to see if there are any major differences. Both tables have …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for sqldba

Hi , I am a newbie. I want to create a user and grant enough permission to backup a database. Also , i want to Create a daily backup schedule and select to perform daily incremental and weekly full. Please help me to do this using MYSQL script(MYSQL query Browser). …

Member Avatar for daniyalnawaz

hi, i have a table called exam, it has following columns ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ID | QUESTION | OPTION_1 | OPTION_2 | OPTION_3 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- now I've normalized it and put the exam options in another table called 'exam_option' table which keeps these options in rows instead of columns. Since i …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for sushilchandu
Member Avatar for sreein1986
Member Avatar for AdamGr

This must be a pretty newbie mistake, but I'm still flummoxed by it. I created a very simple procedure: [code] create procedure deleteAll () begin delete from test1; delete from test2; end [/code] but when I run it I get a Error code -1: Error executing SQL command. The strangest …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for dispy

Good day :) <<== new, please excuse If I post shit :) I've one query which doesn't work: [CODE] SELECT conquer.timestamp AS time, conquer.new_owner AS new_owner_id FROM de12_conquer AS conquer INNER JOIN de12_tribe AS conqueror ON conqueror.id=conquer.new_owner INNER JOIN de12_tribe AS loser ON loser.id=conquer.old_owner WHERE (conquer.timestamp>0 && conquer.timestamp<1213647029734) AND (conqueror.ally=37038 …

Member Avatar for dispy
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone and thanks for reading. I've been making a news section for a client's site and now I'm trying to make a little box for the front page to show the five latest stories. Everything is fine in that aspect; I know about using the LIMIT keyword in the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for s_susanta

Hi, I am novice in PHP & Mysql. I am facing a problem when I put a command in Mysql the following error is showng. Please help me to solve this problem. Mysql> create database xx; ERROR 1044(42000):Access denied for user ' '@localhost' to database 'xx' Thanks Susanta

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for sankar62

what r the types of mysql backups..>?.. please explain.. what is meant by [COLOR="Red"][B]point in backup[/B][/COLOR]???

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have 2 tables "name1_" and "name_2". I want to compare them. If name in "name_1" table is same as name in "name_2" table, then copy whole row into other table "name_3". Thanks

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, How can i convert code below into INNER JOIN style. Thanks [code] UPDATE def_1 SET Valid = 'Yes' WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM def_2) AND paid IN (SELECT paid FROM def_2) AND valid IS NULL [/code]

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code] INSERT INTO table1 (supid, paid) VALUES ( (SELECT supid FROM def_1 WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM def_2)), (SELECT paid FROM def_1 WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM def_2)) [/code] This code returns more than 1 value, teherefore i can not execute it. Is there any other way …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for BillyMako

Hi, i am having problems displaying the second page of search results. I have applied similar code to a view all logs page which works perfectly but i am having problems making it work with search results. I think it might be a problem with $searchString, not sure??? Please help …

Member Avatar for ambrose
Member Avatar for chicago1985

Does a Database driver come with MySQL 4.0.1 database download? Or do I have to download additional software to get the ODBC driver?

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for yournamehere

Hello everyone, I'm sure this has a quick answer/fix but I can't seem to figure out how to store a checkbox value to mysql. And I'm not sure what type I should be saving it as in the field on mysql(like bool, int, varchar). I have 14 check boxes and …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code]select id, pay from def_1 where id = (select id from def_2) and pay = (select pay from def_2)[/code] This generates an error "Subquery returns more than 1 rows". Where is mistake? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for AdamGr

I am currently trying to convert a program I just wrote to application form, on the Mac. I'm using py2app to accomplish this, and everything works fine up until the last stage; when I try to complete the conversion with: [code] python setup.py py2app [/code] and then run the resulting …

Member Avatar for cam875

Ok, My sql server has a table called Locations which has the information on what creatures are located in what zone and how many creatures are in the zone. In the creatures table it has the creature I.D. name, and all its stats along with how long it takes to …

Member Avatar for johnrulz2003200

Hello, I had a forum which had many members but due to some unfortunate circumstances, the website went offline. Anyway, I am again trying to construct a forum. And I was wondering whether it would be possible to transfer the members from my past website (which ran on xoops) to …

Member Avatar for Oldiesmann

The End.