10,944 Topics
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I am attempting to update my accounts table for the current session ID with the data posted from a form. My first prepare statement is functioning fine and can be seen functioning through the placeholder variables in the form. It is my second prepare statement that doesnt seem to be … | |
What is a “MIME type”, what does it consist of, and what is it used for? can anyone pls provide with example? | |
I am trying to get user's information and show them in user's profile. And i found this query but it is in PDO and my work is in sqli here the query : if(isset($_SESSION['user'])){ $getuser=$con->prepare("SELECT * From users where username=?"); $getuser->execute(array($sessionuser)); Sinfo=$getuser->fetch(); And here the whole code <?php session_start(); $sessionuser=''; … | |
When I access an api. it returns data in below format **n2035014,25 N2035014,25 B2035014,2944.40,250,3787.30,2400** o24,22971.20 h24,23064.15 l24,22641.40 c24,22945.05 i24,22744.40 I am clueless how to map these data and store in mysql table. First set of data highlited in bold is dataset 1, followed by second set of data which has … | |
Hello i want to automatically add an id to the inserted row on my table in Mysql db. The table has no uniquie key and no AUTO_INCREASMENT. I just want a function to add the id automatically when the row is inserted. This is the statement i have $db = … | |
![]() | <?php error_reporting(0); require 'conn.php'; global $conn; $tablename = $_SESSION['user_id']."_LIETOTAJU_ATIBLDES"; $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$tablename." ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ATBILDE varchar(255), PATIES varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) )"; if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) { } else { } $val = $_GET['QUESTONS']; mysqli_set_charset($conn,"utf8"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Jautajumi_Prof where TEMAS_NOSAUKUMS = ? … |
i want to know how to create qr cde in php | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]20145[/ATTACH][B]Building your first DYNAMIC Database application. This is Part One of a four part tutorial on how to install and use your database, Part Two will teach you how to build successful connections and Part Three will teach you how to build database interaction and management of your databases.[/B] There … | |
Hi All, I am having an issues with an SQL query and I can't quite work out how to resolve it. I have searched Google for the answer but can't seem to find the solution there either. Basically I have a database andin one of the tables it has a … | |
// To protect MySQL injection for Security purpose $stmt = $conn->prepare($SQuery); $stmt->bind_param("i", $user_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($fullName); $stmt->store_result(); if($stmt->fetstmt->store_result() ch()) //fetching the contents of the row | |
I'm utilizing phpMyAdmin to deal with my information bases, I have 2 tasks that utilization 2 diverse data set the first uses 'root'@'localhost' and the second is 'root'@'' I don't have the foggiest idea how I wound up utilizing 2 distinctive worker however it was working fine until I attempted … | |
Hi all,` The below code is giving me problems. <?php $ddaa = $pdo->query("SELECT id, stockname, stockno, producer FROM storemaster order by stockname");; while ($data = $ddaa->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '<option value="'.$data['stockno'].'" data-producer="'.$data['producer'].'"> '.$data['stockname'].'</option>'; } ?> This is the script: <script> $('#stockname').on('change',function(){ if($(this).val() !=0){ $('#stockno').val($(this).val()); $('#producer').val($(this).attr('data-producer')); } }); </script> All I wanted … | |
Hello Guys, I'm a beginner in web developing and currently building a website for my assignment.In the website,i have to create a form that allow user to upload multiple images in multiple field. My problem is when user upload the first images,they can't proceed to upload the second images and … | |
Hello i have a Mysql statement that supposes to return to results. The statement is SELECT c.user_one,c.user_two,c.c_id,r.reply FROM conversation_reply r JOIN conversation c ON r.c_id_fk = c.c_id WHERE c.user_one = '3' OR c.user_two = '3' GROUP BY r.reply I have only two records in the table so the result should … | |
Hello, I wanted to make a unique UI for My website, which should be look like https://www.beyoung.in/ This website. provide me a valuable suggestion. | |
![]() | <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); if (isset($_POST['delete_account'])){ require 'conn.php'; global $conn; $password = $_POST['delete_password']; $email = 'delete@gmail.com'; $user_id = '5'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM user_acounts WHERE e_pasts=?;"; $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn); // Inicializācija if(!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql)){ header ('location: userpanel.php?error'); exit(); }else{ mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "s", $email); mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt); } … |
I have the following query which has died after running over an hour on my local mysql 8 server: UPDATE download LEFT JOIN lookup ON download.ip_address between lookup.start_ip AND lookup.end_ip SET ref = ( SELECT lookup.id FROM lookup WHERE download.ip_address between lookup.start_ip AND lookup.end_ip); All ip fields are IPV4 and … | |
Hi. I'm trying to write a game in PHP. Now a weird item shows up in my database. http://www.leondegroot.nl/files/mysql_nieuw.png "Nieuw" means "New". Do you have any idea what this is and how to delete it? Thanks, Leon | |
hi guys hope you are well, i on progress for making website but i have a problem with array and looping, how to stop looping when all data has been output. <form method="POST" action="storedata_g6b.php"> <table class="table"> <thead class="thead-dark"> <tr> <th class="col-3">id</th> <th class="col-7">nama</th> <th class="col-3">rank</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rank_b … | |
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'Firstname' in 'field list' I'M gettin the above error when I enter: mysql> insert into people (fname, lname) -> VALUES (Firstname, Lastname); Here's the table: mysql> desc people; +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | fname … | |
Hi all, I have been confusing myself for days over this so bear with me if it gets a bit confusing. I have a table called tags with columns id, name which list all unique tags (linux, php, mysql, etc.). And I have an array that includes some tags that … | |
$stmt = $dbconn->prepare("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE username=? AND password=?"); $stmt->bind_param("ss", $username, $password); Is what I have. Database is connected etc. How can I set variable called `$dbresult` with array of SQL result? I don't want to set individual variables. I really need an entire array as answer. There's couple … | |
I have two MySQL tables, which I want to SELECT using a single PDO query and positional placeholders. I've been going through similar questions here to find a solution, but none seems to match the issues I'm having. The following code is the section of my script: <?php // query … | |
I have created a php form that connects to a MySQL database. This is working fine however I have added validation and this doesn't appear to be working correctly and still posts to the results to the database regardless of if they are validated or not. Any ideas? | |
please if anyone could tell me, how it would be possible, i want to save the content of a uploaded word document in database field with php, no problem with encrypted file like ( ´V z2Ö<Ö<ôÿÿÿÿÿÿ·üü?????ÿÿÿÿSSS8‹DÏLS¥9à1) as it shows if you open a word document in a browser. just want … | |
Peace be with you! I have been developing apps with VB.NET (old fashion??), upon deployment, all my apps connect to a mysql database server by also installing a mysql database server and of course, mysql db connector to other computers together with the app. But, I can see there a … | |
I have set up for users online but some users showing always online . can you help anyone this my code  <?php if ($Row->logged_in == '0') { if ($Row->last_login != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { ?>Last Login : <?php echo date('d M Y ,H:i A', strtotime($Row->last_login)); } else { echo "<span … | |
Hi all. I am having one chat script which I used for my site. It was working fine with mysql database. Then after updated PHP 7 with mysqli then suddenly stopped for working. I need to make the code work with PHP 7 + mysqli. Please help me it was … | |
I'm trying to redirect user to "**userinfo.php**" after successful registration, but the browser terminates the redirection because it goes into endless loops. Moreover, I need your insight on if the script is secure or not. I need your help, please. Thanks. The following is the "**register.php**" script: <?php // include … | |
I'm struggling to build a PHP registration script using PDO prepared statements with positional placeholders. But the MySQL queries don't execute. `var_dump();` doesn't display any error. Please, I need your help to fix this. Your time and input are much appreciated in advance. Thanks. **register.php:** <?php // include configuration file … |
The End.