434 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, So I'm aware that OpenGL is Column major and DirectX is Row major, but how does that translate into a basic 1D array? So given the below visual matrix, what would the first 3 in the array of each platform and which 3 would be the x,y and z …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen
Member Avatar for LALITHA_1
Member Avatar for Zcool31

I'm trying to write a simple game using SDL and OpenGL. Up until now, I was using purely SDL and pixel manipulations on the framebuffer to draw lines and other shapes. However, as you would expect, that got unbearably slow as the number of objects on the screen increased. Now …

Member Avatar for Константин_2
Member Avatar for STVG

i'm found this piece of code on internet about how to load multi texture in opengl es 2.0: // // Book: OpenGL(R) ES 2.0 Programming Guide // Authors: Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg, Dave Shreiner // ISBN-10: 0321502795 // ISBN-13: 9780321502797 // Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional // URLs: http://safari.informit.com/9780321563835 // http://www.opengles-book.com // …

Member Avatar for Nimerion

Hey guys, I'm trying to learn OpenGL ES 2.0, from http://developer.android.com . From 3 days, I'm trying to do the drawing shapes part, but my shape (triangle) won't draw on the screen. My Android Version is 2.3 and I'm debuging via USB. There is my project: http://www.speedyshare.com/QJcFZ/AndroidChessProject.rar I would be …

Member Avatar for pakawakawak

My university's TA helped me setup all the necessary files to run OpenGL on vs 2008 (even though his .cpp and .h files were written in vs2013) yet when I compile the project, it gives me a white window. The same code will display a 3d mouse in the computer …

Member Avatar for pakawakawak
Member Avatar for emorjon2

hi everybody! I really need your help here. I am developing a 3D game. so far I have came no further than finishing the 3D engine and print out some basic 3D-models. everything works okay, with exception of a bug, occuring after a couple of minutes of running time. it …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for moudy.mak

I need the way in SDL work with openGL for allow users input String by writing text .

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for moudy.mak
Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for bilal.saim

Hello everyone, I need OpenGL 2D War Plane Game Source Codes. If you have , write me please

Member Avatar for moudy.mak

I have used sdl_ttf in opengl . but i have this error : error LNK1104: cannot open file 'SDL_ttf.lib' i already have tried to remove the "SDL_ttf.lib" , but it didn't useful. i have trid used : lazyfoo.net for setting up the opengl with sdl pls tell me what must …

Member Avatar for passion88
Member Avatar for moudy.mak

I need the way for allow users input text by writing , while users input text they see what's they input when user press enter jump for next line and when user end press on button to finish ?

Member Avatar for meta.quota
Member Avatar for ArashVenus

I've tried lots of times to get this to work but , no luck . the problem is this program shows white screen , and It doesn't display the polygon . Here's the code , take a look : /*Headers*/ #include <GL/glut.h> /*End of headers*/ /* Check Compiler*/ #ifdef __FLAT__ …

Member Avatar for ArashVenus
Member Avatar for edrianhadinata

Please help me sir.. its my first .. how to instal OpenGL Library into MinGW .... i have tried but error code : #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glut.h> void display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glFlush(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowSize(512,512); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutCreateWindow("Test Program :: hello world"); …

Member Avatar for edrianhadinata
Member Avatar for beck.muvirimi

Write down in C++ and OpenGL a code that is able to draw a polygon with the following vertex: {-0.6,-0.6; -0.6, 0.6; 0.6, 0.6; 0,6,-0.6) and rotate the polygon by 450

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Artyom_1

I'm trying to create a simple colored cube using vbo(well it actually a rectangle with z = 0). I am using glew & freeglut. Here my code. #include <GL/glew.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include <stdio.h> const int g_width = 800; const int g_height = 800; #pragma comment(lib, "glew32.lib") static const GLsizeiptr PositionSize …

Member Avatar for Artyom_1
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I can get OpenGL to render 3D scenes to the screen, but I want to render them to a pixel array. Basically I want some magical code to fill in the blanks for this code segment: int width=500; int height=500; uint32_t *colours=new uint32_t[width*height]; //Magic code! glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); //other drawing stuff, …

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, Unfortunately I learnt OpenGL from NeHe tutorials, which means that all of my current methods for OpenGL-ing are extremely deprecated. I tried to find a more up-to-date tutorial, but all they seem to do is teach how to get really complicated stuff out of OpenGL. I just want to …

Member Avatar for singularity~

Can someone please help me understand what the glMatrixMode() function does? I've read the API and looked on google but I cannot understand what it does. An anology or example would help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I am wondering how libraries create graphics contexts in a cross-platform manner. Somehow libraries like SDL create graphical windows seemingly without using the system headers. I know how to set up a window for graphics using Win32API, and how to get input from it using the same. How do …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for null_pointer

i do not find the freeglut.dll file in the freeglut binary package i just downloaded. I cant compile my opengl programs as my compiler says "freeglut.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling them.." solutions please.

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for android_gl

I am trying to create a triangle in openGL 2.0 but some some reason background is shows up but no triangle. I am following this tutorial: http://developer.android.com/training/graphics/opengl/environment.html i have the same code as on tutorial but for some reason the triangle is not showing up. may be i missed some …

Member Avatar for nchy13

HI, I am trying to set the consecutive pixels to a specific color so as to obtain a line. Though, I know there is a built in function for drawing the line, but I am interested to do it without using any GL primitive. This is the display function as …

Member Avatar for trishtren

Hello, Iv been trying to compile a simple opengl / wxwidgets program in c++ on linux mint. However when i try to compile with : g++ MyGLCanvas.cpp MyGLCanvas.h openGLProjectApp.cpp openGLProjectApp.h openGLProjectFrm.cpp openGLProjectFrm.h `wx-config --cxxflags --libs --gl-libs -lGL` -o simpleprogram I get an error message : cannot find -lwx_gtk2u_-lGL-2.8 collect2: error: …

Member Avatar for trishtren
Member Avatar for Balajimcr

Hi guys. I'm trying to render an Image in screen & to rotate it about Z-axis. I'm not allowed to use standard glRotate() from the OpenGL because it is not available in our portable device library. I want to know how glRotate() works & i want to reflect it in …

Member Avatar for Suzan_1

Hi all, I'm about to learn OpenGL. So I want to know a good IDE that I will write my code. Also I need a good reference -like a book- to help me. any advice will be appreciated as I new in games developing world and hope to get involved …

Member Avatar for Thundermunch

Hi i've been working on a piece of homework we're I've been asked to implement a 2d grid in opengl and extend Dijkstra's algorithm to A star, so far i've been able to get the 2d grid running with Dijkstra's algorithm with not too many problems but my current extenstion …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for delta_frost

I have had a hard time setting up OpenGL to work with Visual Studio 2010,but no luck so far.I included `glut.h`,`gl.h`.I have linked the requisite `.lib` files in the Project Properties,but still I get this error `error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _glutMainLoop referenced in function _main` ind six more like …

Member Avatar for delta_frost
Member Avatar for tombombadilly

Hello, I've been working on some test OpenGL programs in C++ using SDL to manage sound, window management, events... etc Today I plugged in my external monitor into my laptop and found that *no* openGL program I had written would work with it plugged in, all I get is the …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for Navlag

So I have this OpenGL program that displays a cube using gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); And it allows users to modify/rotate it along the x, y and z axis using input. Right now it looks it works pretty well, however, it terminates once the image …

Member Avatar for myk45

The End.