434 Topics

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Member Avatar for meetjatin88

Hi All, I have a doubt regarding SDL programming. Can some one please help me how can i subdivide a Image lets say into 4 parts and then store them in SDL_Surface array. I intend to animate later using these subdivided images by using SDL_BlitSurface function. I am new to …

Member Avatar for rosiebell
Member Avatar for CityThrille

Good day, geeky guys. :cool: I have some reactions and questions about DirectX and OpenGL... Suppose (for example only,) I was hired by a big game company to spearhead game developer teams then, I want the game we will produce, to make it versatile in any computer regardless of computer …

Member Avatar for BCBTP
Member Avatar for ccoder83

Hi, I have a grid, which contains cells that have several different properties. [CODE]struct fluidProperties1 { float foo; float bar; };[/CODE] and I create the grid as follows using a template [CODE]Grid2D<fluidProperties1> grid1;[/CODE] Now, I want to pass the array formed only by the values of foo, and not by …

Member Avatar for ccoder83
Member Avatar for diamondfist

I was trying to move my camera along the red cube .. so i came across the gluLookAt function, but i am not able to get through this function as to what all it requires ... the content on the Documentation didn't quite help. it will be very helpful if …

Member Avatar for Chris911
Member Avatar for Tcll

hey... I can't seem to find any tutorials that only use PyOGL... can anyone help out?? also... I found an early thread asking the same Q, where vegaseat mislead someone about OGL back in 2008... :P I just thought I'd point out OGL development is actually thriving, but it's code-base …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Tcll

I actually have 2 Q's the files I'm working with only provide 4x3 inverse bind matrices for bones. what I first need is a function that writes the 4th row of the matrix and then I need to know PyOpenGL's matrix inversion function (since it's faster than my current function) …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for YourGamerMom

In my program you should be able to look around smoothly with the mouse, my code works, but I'm wondering if there is any better, smoother way of doing this. My code to get the mouse position as if the center of the window was 0,0 (LookAround() is the passive …

Member Avatar for Youg

Been struggling with this the past hour, so need some help. I'm trying to light my screen with objects that already have set color values glColor3f... I've included the glColorMaterial and its enable within my lighting function however, it lights the scene with the last set color which is red …

Member Avatar for jaai

can anyone help me in dividing the opengl viewport into two equal parts so that i display my primitives in the left and black out the right side part...

Member Avatar for communism

I was wondering if there is any way to have a chameleon effect such as in Oblivion, or "Active Camo" from the Halo series . I'm assuming GLSL will be involved.

Member Avatar for YourGamerMom

I am working on an OpenGL project in C using Xcode 3.2.6. It is a tutorial program and yet I am having problems with it. When I double-click Project.app, it opens for a quarter of a second then closes. The source is: [CODE]#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include <GLUT/GLUT.h> int main(int argc, char …

Member Avatar for YourGamerMom
Member Avatar for diamondfist

I managed to load the bmp file into my project, but it was giving dull and hazy kind of texture for some images .. any idea as to why this is happening ??

Member Avatar for diamondfist
Member Avatar for diamondfist

Hi , i have just started OpenGL. So i am sorry if my question is stupid, but i was trying to move a circle inside a square and was unable to do it . .can you please help me out please ?? [CODE] #include <GL/glut.h> #include <math.h> bool* keyStates = …

Member Avatar for diamondfist
Member Avatar for Dman01

Hello I already posted this on [URL="http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=306688"]opengl.org[/URL], but nobody seems to have a solution. Basically I set up Opengl and when I want to draw 3D or say I want to use the z-axis by translating in this dimension, it doesn't have any effect. What I can do, is moving …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for communism

I recently have been working on a GLUT project in Code:Blocks. Everything in the code compiles correctly, yet every build seems to return the same result. I narrowed it down to an OpenGL, non-GLUT function : glFrustum. I change the parameters yet the runs are all the same. It could …

Member Avatar for communism
Member Avatar for Orange9876

I am using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP to draw my terrain to the screen, however when I compile and run the program I get nothing. When I change GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP to GL_LINES it shows up and works. What can I do to get it working with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP? here is my draw code: [CODE] void …

Member Avatar for ben1996123

I want to start learning OpenGL. Codeblocks decided to break, so I downloaded Dev-C++ instead. I've tried loads of different websites to try and figure out how to install it, and I get some type of error every time. How should I install it with dev-c++?

Member Avatar for ben1996123
Member Avatar for evaldaskowka

hello, i'm willing to learn direct3d but i can't find tutorials for it, youtube has few video tuts but they are very unclear. Do you know any free e-books or sites where i can start learning? Another question is directx better than opengl? from my experience opengl needs a lot …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for ben1996123

Hi, I want to start learning OpenGL. I have searched for some tutorials and here is what I have done: 1. I downloaded the latest version of GLUT 2. I put the DLLs in C:\Windows\System32 3. I put the libs in C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib 4. Put glut.h in C:\Program Files …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for jaai
Member Avatar for jerl
Member Avatar for Peram

When I make an OpenGL game on this computer, it runs at normal speed. If I run it on literally any other computer, it goes really fast, making the games unplayable. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

Member Avatar for cahitburak
Member Avatar for Raik.48

Hello, I have chosen a project of developing a 2d action-adventure game with some rpg elements, in-game puzzles. I have considered developing with C++ and OpenGL. I do not have prior knowledge of these language but I had good grasp on C programming language. For C++ and OpenGL, I have …

Member Avatar for Raik.48
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

Revised Code. I have revised this code so many times that, I don't know what else to do. I posted this code a few days ago and a number of people gave me pointers which I included in my code. But it's still not working. Based on examples I saw …

Member Avatar for BoBok2002
Member Avatar for tsy123

i,m making a 3d pool (billiard) simulation using c++ in opengl for my project. where can i get a proper source to refer as what i found on web were not very useful for me. Any links or sources from you are appreciable.

Member Avatar for apneweb
Member Avatar for Jungletoe

Ok, I found this code after searching for days, and to my delight it actually worked. It loads a TGA file into the memory... but I have no idea about how to load it into an OpenGL texture that I can use to texture a cube. I have literally spent …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for awesome_cool

I've been Programming in C++ for a year. I am done with Basics and all other OOP concepts(like inheritance,polymorphism and STL) I want to be a game programmer, but i don't know what to study now? I've heard about OpenGL, DirectX, GUI libraries as a result i m confused to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

I need help. I tried to load an image using SOIL. I was having problems with it so I found another code I am using. However, it looks like I am not loading it properly. It's simple but I think I'm confusing myself. I still can't wrap my head around …

Member Avatar for BoBok2002
Member Avatar for tyricec

I'm having a problem with my struct I believe. [CODE]struct GLPoint { int x; int y; }; int totalmarbles = 64; GLPoint midhold[64]; double dist(GLPoint a, GLPoint b) { double distance = sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2)); return distance; } void init(void) { glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, …

Member Avatar for Tumlee
Member Avatar for tyricec

I'm trying to make it where I can draw an square with the values in the global array. I made it work without vertex array before but now I need to save it in array so I can possibly delete a square with just a mouse click. However I can't …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for tyricec

I'm trying to make it where I can draw an square with the values in the global array. I made it work without vertex array before but now I need to save it in array so I can possibly delete a square with just a mouse click. However I can't …

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The End.