2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for daemonlies

Hey everybody, New to the java scene and having major issues, it would be appreciated if someone could have a look at my coding and see where i'm going wrong. I have a few 1. When i press the 'start new game' button the random number resets but not the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for grr

Here's my current code: /[\w\s]+/ I'm trying to make the following characters match: [CODE] Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M q w e r t y u i o p …

Member Avatar for YoussefUSF
Member Avatar for alessa

Hi, I have a file like this, separeted by tabs: Code Info source start end GB01672 rpsblast_to_CDD protein_match GB01672 rpsblast_to_CDD match_part 296 988 GB01673 rpsblast_to_CDD protein_match GB01673 rpsblast_to_CDD match_part 3803 4147 GB01673 rpsblast_to_CDD match_part 1314 1907 GB01673 rpsblast_to_CDD match_part 3516 3932 GB01673 rpsblast_to_CDD match_part 3335 3463 GB01674 rpsblast_to_CDD protein_match GB01674 …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for theprofoundgeek

I need to create a dynamic HTML form using PHP. I am only considering the following fields : Text, Text box, Radio, Check Box, Drop down. I am thinking of the creating the following database design. Field ID | Field Type | --- Other Attributes, such as length and others …

Member Avatar for theprofoundgeek
Member Avatar for asadarun

Hi, I need a perl function that will check the following in a file, modify if only the first two columns match , and if not found in the file, insert the values. The file is like below **lookup.txt** InstanceName1::DomainName1::Server1 InstanceName1::DomainName2::Server2 InstanceName2::DomainName3::Server3 InstanceName2::DomainName4::Server3 ... ... The perl function needs to …

Member Avatar for asadarun
Member Avatar for kalcio

hi, I prepare for an application to explore network switches for an entreprise,and I want to use the script method with perl,that's why I want to ask is it the right choice to use perl script to explore the nearest switches of the switch target that I specified and thnaks

Member Avatar for Josue198s

http://localhost/cgi-bin/mb.cgi apache is working on my mac but when i run this script http://localhost/cgi-bin/mb.cgi then i press submit button it was suppose to open a perl script to save the information on a file but it this me this following error: 500 internet server error. Please Guys help...i need to …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for jimmyali

> can someone please send me a perl script to find solution of following problem:- input a random **DNA sequence** , cut the DNA sequence randomly into three** fragmented sequence** ,from these fragmented sequence** retrace the DNA sequence** back . for eg. input string=AGCTAACCTTCAG fragments= TAACC,AGCT,TCAG,CCTT We want to retrace …

Member Avatar for himanshuyadav

Hello, Can you please help me in following scenario in Perl scripting? I want to correlate two text files to get output. CONSIDER TWO CHEMICAL REACTION:- (1) A+E+C--->F+H+L (2) A+B--->G+I INPUT_FILE1.TXT #REACTANT #REACTION NO. A 1 E 1 C 1 A 2 B 2 INPUT_FILE2.TXT #PRODUCT #REACTION NO. F 1 …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Perlie

Hi, I've got a problem to average lines which have same name. For exemple: > Strawberries 10 15 14 20 Pineapples 14 17 2 18 Apples 4 12 24 18 Strawberries 20 12 13 24 I would like to average values by fruit name. So, for pineapples, that easy, it's …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for moshe12007

hi i write this code in perl i dont know why that not work... sub Again { $dirtoget= $_[0]; if(opendir(DH, $dirtoget)) { @thefiles = readdir(DH); closedir(DH); if(@thefiles) { foreach $f (@thefiles) { next if ($f eq "." or $f eq ".."); print "$f\n"; if(-d "$dirtoget/$f") { Again("$_[0]/$f"); } } } …

Member Avatar for moshe12007
Member Avatar for abhik1368

Well I have a 2D array matrix file like [CODE] 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.10 1.0 0.5 0.75 0.6 2.5 6.0 0.5 0.53 3.0 2.75 0.9 0.5 I want to read this file as csv and edit the file such as when the values are above (> 1) i want to …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Nole_diver

I know this is a simple question but i am having a problem with an IF statement: [CODE] START: #START GOTO command **CODE REMOVED TO SAVE SPACE** print "Continue? (lower case only) \n"; $choice = <>; if($choice eq "y" || $choice eq "yes") { goto CONTINUE; } else { goto …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for abhishekagrawal

Hi All, I have written a program to input a decimal string and convert it to character string. Below is my program: /*this program converts the decimal representation of an input string to character representation*/ #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> char int2str(int n); int main() { int dec[100]={0},i,j,decindex,ndec=0,nchar; char character[100]={'\0'}; printf("Enter the …

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey guys, So I'm trying to make a website in php. I'm just wondering, when I click on a link is there any way for the text of the link to be put into a variable. Basically the user will select the name of a database(which is a hyperlink to …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for triumphost

I have a button created as follows: ~~~ HWND License; HBITMAP MainButtons; Case WM_CREATE: License = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, L"Button", L"License", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_BITMAP, 26, 77, 75, 23, hwnd, (HMENU)ID_LICENSE, hInst, 0); MainButtons = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAINBUTTONS), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_SHARED); SendMessage(License, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)MainButtons); break; ~~~ …

Member Avatar for algo_man

I have wikimedia tags in a text file. I need to get rid of these tags from starting to ending even when nesting. I'm using Perl. I'm facing a difficulty in nested tags. I'll give two examples of these tags that I could not to remove. Example 1: {{ text …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for marComm

I need to allow users to upload an image via form. I based my script upon a template that someon ein my company had used in the past, but the upload part is not working. Can anyone see anything that might be causing the problem? Is it the file upload …

Member Avatar for MCLASS80

Im looking to put a loop into a program i have created but right now it only runs on a static IP hardcoded in the program. I would like it to loop through a list of IP addresses from a CSV file and loop until all IP have been used. …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Niner710

Hi, I would like to parse the following line and store all the values into an array. The values are separated by commas. I am unsure of how to do this without having a super long parsing string(i.e if(/.*/). At first, I was thinking of some type of loop, but …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for perly

Hi, I have 2 sets of multiple sequence files of DNA sequences. Examples of set 1 are as follows: Seq1.txt contains: ATACAGGATCAGATG Seq2.txt contains: ATACCGGATCAGATG Seq3.txt contains: ATACAGGGTCAGATG Examples of set 2 are as follows: Seq1.txt contains: >seq1 ATACAGGATCAGATG >seq2 Seq2.txt contains: ATACCGGATCAGATG >seq3 Seq3.txt contains: ATACAGGGTCAGATG I want one/two …

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for kanhucharan

I have created one search functionality using cfcollection, cfindex and cfsearch. Here the data are retrived from three tables. But when I perform any search operation then only it able to search those data that are in last table only. Please put forward your suggestion.

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for SergioQ

My Captacha module uses lines like this, to vary colors. my @l_colors = qw(#338833 #33AAAA #AA33AA #AA3333 #3333AA); My error log gets cluttered with: FCaptcha.pm: Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list at FCaptcha.pm line 21., Quotes don't work, neither does \#. Any thoughts what I can do to …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for rdhoggan

Hey all, I have built a Perl script for parsing XML in an email message attachmen. Essentially the script works when there is one email message in the inbox but breaks when there are 2+. The "unblessed reference" error is on the line that uses XMLin. I am not sure …

Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I have a file which contains some lines of text. What I want to do is after the first two lines, insert a new sentence. So if the original file looks something like this: Sachin Ganguly Dravid Laxman Sehwag after the insertion, I want it to look like this: …

Member Avatar for FelineHazard
Member Avatar for abulut

Hi, I tried to make a script but I need some help from you guys.. ıt will be like a fixing.. The output which ı had from my script and my script were sent as an attachment. 1)Can i get that output as left aligned? 2)Besides can you guys make …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for SergioQ

So I got a new server, and the incantation appears wrong. So I typed the command which perl- and got: /usr/bin/which: no perl- in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/sergio/bin) This can't be right. Can someone help me? Please? Thanks

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Perlie

Hi, I try to use a specific word in my file to put it as a folder name. This word vary in my file so, I think about use regular expressions to define it. my $file=$ARGV[0]; my $word=~/DOT\d+/; my $line=""; open(file, $file); while( $line = <file>){ if ( $line =~ …

Member Avatar for Perlie
Member Avatar for MCLASS80

my $num = 1; cal($num); print "$newnum\n"; sub cal{ my $num = shift; my $newnum = $num + 1; return $newnum; } is it possible to take variable $newnum and use its value outside of the sub cal. At the moment if i try and print the variable $newnum outside …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for marComm

Hello, I am building a website using a standard form and perl script that we commonly use, but this one has a special request and I don't know how to handle it because I have very little knowledge of Perl, other than what is in the standard script I have …

Member Avatar for marComm

The End.