2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for bigfoot_80906

I am reading from a text file with two columns. The first column contains the name of a device, and the second column contains the IP address for this device. how do i get the name and address and assign them to separate variable names?

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Member Avatar for anthony05

I have very little experience that’s why I need some help to get started I have been given a task to write a perl script in Linux and I don’t know from where to begin. Can anyone help me out with this please. 1. Move files from Windows 98 machine …

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Member Avatar for optomystique

greetings, i'm brand new to perl and trying to write a script to read a logfile for our weblogic server and write certain entries into a database table. the log file is a log4j weblogic log. here is a sample: [QUOTE]####<Jun 7, 2005 2:46:38 PM EDT> <Info> <Enterprise> <ga003sds> <tms1> …

Member Avatar for kordaff
Member Avatar for bigfoot_80906

If I have a line like this, how do I exclude all other lines that don't contain a number in this format? and how do I input this number into an array? [CODE]-- | |- state (1)^M[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for ljCharlie

I've got problem. Here's what it looks like, [URL=http://www.lorresident.com]Click Here[/URL]. The div [B]#sidebar-b[/B] should not be that far from the [B]#sidebar-a[/B] or Part# 1. They should only be 50px appart from each other. Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for TimmyRaa

I'm trying to find or create a Perl script that at runtime will simply take a specified logfile or logfiles, and append todays date onto the end of it's name. If possible, I would also like the option of zipping the new file up. I can then run this as …

Member Avatar for optomystique
Member Avatar for bigfoot_80906
Member Avatar for bigfoot_80906
Member Avatar for classifieds100

I need to modify this script to have also an external txt file with urls instead of having only one url from the form that is created by the script. Just like the proxy.txt and agents.txt. Please help me... :confused: #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; ####Proxy addresses##### $proxy="proxy.txt"; ####How many …

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Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hi everyone, I am new to the forum, and I'm not very knowledgable, so I'll probably do more asking than contributing, and I apologize in advance for that. My question is about a guestbook I'm using. Most people know it, it's the one from Matt's Script archive. Only, I'm trying …

Member Avatar for kordaff
Member Avatar for PatrikK

Hi , I have been trying to use the win32::API:Struct for a while and mostly it works fine :) However i have ran into trouble with using structs within structs ... I dont know how to retrieve values from the nested struct .. example: [code] Win32::API::Struct->typedef('MDS_Forwarding', qw( char Address[257]; char …

Member Avatar for PatrikK
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hi everyone, I have had great success with those who helped me get my guestbook working in being able to post large amounts of text. Now I have one other problem I'm trying to figure out. I'm using the perl guestbook from Matt's Script Archive to allow users at my …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for locked out

Unable to access hyperlink when in my email; either on my pc with Outlook or on my other acccount which is remote. I click on hyperlink and am disconnected. Unable to open in new window or right click either unable to download SP2 again uable to find "urlmon.dll" using Microsoft …

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Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hi everyone, this is my first post. I would like to ask some perl questions, but don't see a perl-specific forum? Where can I go to talk perl? Thanks, Nate

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Member Avatar for fareen

Hi all, I'm fairly new to Perl I am confused ? I will try to explain it. What i am trying to do is we have 26 branches and our central office generates data files like for income files (003.inc010105,003.inc020105,) /sales(003.sal010105) and many more reports on dialy basis in text …

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Member Avatar for Deathwish

Hey guys, My task is to write a perl program that will read in names/passwords from a text file and from that create user accounts and all sorts of stuff. Now I have been able to do the "stuff" and the only part giving me jip is how to overcome …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tat2dlady

I have a program that I need to do some matching in. For example, I need to match the lexemes in a LISP function and print the token out to a file. For example: if ($input =~ /(^\()/) { print OUTPUT "OPAREN $1\n"; $input =~ s/^\(//; } I need the …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for lore00

how do u write a perl/cgi program..which makes a page that prompts users to fill a form with the following fields: username surname first name password email address i already made the webpage with the form documents but i dont know the CGI bit.... If any of the fields are …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for edw5086

Hello Everyone! how are you? fine i hope. How can i print just 5 records per Table row and the next 5 records on the next table row? Much thanks in advance! #!/perl/bin/perl print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; open(INF,"data.txt") or dienice("Can't open data.txt: $! \n"); @grok = <INF>; close(INF); print <<EndHdr; <html><head><title>My Data</title></head> …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tat2dlady

Does anyone know how to match a negative number? What I am doing is printing the lexemes with their token to an output file. But, the problem is negative numbers. It should print like this: INT -1 Instead, it prints like this: SUB - INT 1 The SUB - is …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Commander Salam

I'm trying to parse a database, and assign a string value as the name of a hash... I'm not sure how to format such a request in perl. To be clear, I'm trying to make a hash such as %Jupiter using a variable string $planet. Any advice would be much …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for jayakant82

Can anyone help me.I need to access system environment in my perl script in windows .This is becos i want to specify the path in environment variables and access that path in the perl script ...anybody done this plz help me and send the appropriate code for the same. regards …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tat2dlady

Does anyone know how to ignore the rest of a line in Perl? I am reading a file and printing out tokens to an output file. I want to ignore the rest of a line after a colon is found, which indicates a comment. That way it will not print …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for edw5086

It asks if i want to run or save this file. When i choose run it just shows the source code of the perl script. Also, i just downloaded apache and active perl and saved all their files and folders in their default destination places. When i type in [url]http://localhost/~mycomputername[/url] …

Member Avatar for Phaelax

I installed PHPDev5 and can run my php files no problem on localhost. However, since I'm the only who can seem them, I wanted to setup IIS so that my site could be seen by others on the internet. (until i move to an actual dedicated server) I believe the …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for Commander Salam

Hi everyone, I'm trying to: (1) take an excel spreadsheet with two columns of data (2) convert to tab-delimited text file (3) import into perl as a hash I've managed to import as an array: open (LIST1, "list1.txt") || die "File not found\n"; while (<LIST1>) {push(@list1array, $_)}; close LIST1; However, …

Member Avatar for Commander Salam
Member Avatar for Comatose

[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Catching Up[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] In The Previous Tutorials, we have covered a lot of information. We've gone over a few of the functions of the CGI.pm, and and figured out how to retrieve information from a web page form, submitted by the user. However, reading this information, and thanking them by name …

Member Avatar for Comatose

[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Prelude[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] In the last tutorial, we covered a basic skeleton of a small CGI in Perl. It didn't do much, other than check if the user tried to go directly to the CGI, or if they were submitting information to us through a page. This doesn't do us a whole …

Member Avatar for Comatose

[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Prelude[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Perl is an excellent language, versatile, powerful, and not too difficult to learn. I'm not going to go into detail about Perl, and explain why we have to put #!/usr/bin/perl on the first line, or how using modules work, but I will explain how to check for information from …

Member Avatar for cyman1964uk

Guys I would appreciate any views on this ... I have a URL which points to a page on my own website. Let’s suppose it is called [url]http://www.mysite.com/page.html[/url] If I open Internet Explorer (IE) manually and type the URL directly into the address bar and hit ‘Go’, the correct page …

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Member Avatar for olly

Hi all,im having problems getting the pc to start up at all,with xp pro.Cannot even get to the desktop.On the 1st black screen that comes up,as its about to boot i am getting the message;Hardware Monitor found an error,enter Power management for details,and its an error with the following;Chassis fan …

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The End.