39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Learner468

I ask because I am currently developing a forum. I just wonder how good my knowledge of web development and PHP in particular is. And also, have you ever tried to sell it? =)

Member Avatar for Thyrosis
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

Does PHP have a built in function that will allow me to find the size of a 2D array without having to first having to loop through the array and hitting a NULL (C style) When i say size i mean the number or rows in a 2D array. many …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, All when I insert the date in MySQL the format is 2009/07/13 and when I use SELELCT query it shows in the same format 2009/07/13. But I need to show in the Format 13-Jul-2009. [CODE]$result = mysql_query("SELECT Date FROM leaseentry WHERE SiteId REGEXP '$a'");[/CODE] Please guide me.

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for coubury

Hi im getting this error, Notice: Undefined index: news_comments in /home/southame/public_html/files/includes/theme_functions_include.php on line 124 was trying to edit a few files on my site here is the code. [code] } else { opentable($locale['global_077']); echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n".$locale['global_078']."<br /><br />\n</div>\n"; closetable(); [B] }[/B] [B]} else {[/B] include INCLUDES."comments_include.php";[/code] Line 124 and …

Member Avatar for coubury
Member Avatar for assaf

Hi I want to have a tag cloud on my site, and would like to know if there are free scripts for tag cloud and how much customization is involved (I'm a bit tech-challenged). Thanks, Assaf

Member Avatar for assaf
Member Avatar for ScottHughes

What are your favorite free PHP scripts? Do you know any places that have a directory/database of free PHP scripts or something of the sort?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dwdata

Hello, I have a few Text Area input fields when I want to allow my users to enter text with hard returns. On my process page, I am using: [CODE]$Note = addslashes(nl2br($_POST['Note']));[/CODE] to convert the strings to be able to be pushed to my mySQL DB. This functions great. I, …

Member Avatar for dwdata
Member Avatar for edub9

Here is the error I recieve: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/edubnini/public_html/mysql_db_size.php on line 1 Here is the output of the script: [url]http://www.edub9intl.com/mysql_db_size.php[/url] [code] <?php /* ================================================================================ MySQL Database size reporter Version 1.0.0 --- Displays all MySQL databases with their size and privileges. …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for edub9

I need to know how to copy name and email address from many databases to another (eg. phplist) via php script. Thanks in advance, Edub9

Member Avatar for coolmike

I need help with using php to dislplay data from a firebird database. I've tried various methods but no success so far. My latest attempt has been to try PHP Generator. I get indications that it should work, but it falls short of displaying the data. Here is a sample …

Member Avatar for EdTheUniqueGeek

I was hoping someone could help me with this. Here is my web site: [url]http://ectech.info/[/url] The footer of this site that shows my copyright moves around, depending on your monitor resolution, and does not stay centered with the page itself. The footer information is show in the page source. Can …

Member Avatar for EdTheUniqueGeek
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

hi pals, Im doing in-home project such that a document is being generated on the values i give in html document. how can i include header and footer for the word document by php code . MY cod for generating document is <?php $str=$_POST['client_name'].".doc"; header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-word"); header("content-disposition: attachment;filename=$str");?> <html> <body …

Member Avatar for sugumarclick
Member Avatar for swil23

Hey Guys, Didn't know where else to post this. So i have a table called portfolio and in this table are 6 fields(id, image, project, location, description and category) which already have information in them(79 rows). There are 11 categories which need their own position number so i added another …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

Hi, I have got some code that allows me to click an image map link that then changes text in a DIV further down the page though this is only doing plain text and i can't get it to write in links can any one help with the code???? Cheers …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for codemaker

I have an html page. when you click a button, an AJAX function will call a php page (like register.php). That page contains a form. the URL is index.html and doesn't change to register.php because I called the PHP page through AJAX Now that problem is: when I click the …

Member Avatar for codemaker
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I am working on webdirectory. But i want when i click on any link on that page then page should be same and informtion or contents of that page will be change. Let me explain--- Like i have one file index.php and here are so many linke like …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, I am not really sure how to ask this, but i will try my best, as much help will be apericiated. I have a saved.php page which echos all saved data that i have filled inluding customer email. I then want a email.php to have echoing all emails …

Member Avatar for NoID
Member Avatar for cooweck

I want to excute "pict" program which is a combination tool and then pass all the output to the DB; mysql and it seems either using exec, passthru or system doesn't matter, does't it? what should be done step by step?

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for OmniX

This does not need to be done using PHP but I cannot think of anything else that would make this possible unless manual labor as such(disecting the image and reconstructing it piece by piece)? How would this be done using PHP or any other technology? THanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for sikka_varun
Member Avatar for aran87

Hello is it possible to create a bar chart or some sort of chart based on two coloums from mysql table i want the graph to be displayed on php when the search is carried out im not sure if this has been done before but if so what do …

Member Avatar for make.rohit
Member Avatar for pbt

I am doing a campus project in php regarding musical site and i have to insert ziped files of songs in the database. so, i don't know how to deal with the zip files. Therefore, help me.

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for gillypogi

hey guys. im a 4th year IT student from the philippines and i need a thesis topic. i can seem to get my thinking cap on and im running out of time. is there anyone there who has a thesis idea? Im planning a web based application but i dont …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

i have gotten this example print out of an array, i'm new to php and am confusing myself upon how to access it this is an example of the print out:[CODE] $myarray = array( [0] => Array ( [var_a] => something [var_b] => something else ) ...);[/CODE] so to access …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for nigelburrell

I am building a project management website which enables users from around the world to login and automatically register their time against various work projects. I need to save their login time to the database using their "local machine" time (the time as it exists for them, not the time …

Member Avatar for nigelburrell
Member Avatar for beginninphp

Hello, I tried to use regex to search through blablablabla[B][url]http://www.myspace.com/username[/url][/B] by using preg_match('~http://www\.myspace\.com/.+"~',$string,$match); The tilde or lack of was tripping me up... am I even close? I was just trying to extract the username at the end, before it was marked off by a double quote ("). I tried adapting …

Member Avatar for beginninphp
Member Avatar for kingben

Hi. I am serving the contents of the page based on the navigation anchor links. e.g. [url]http://somesite.com/index.html#home[/url] will serve the home page contents. [url]http://somesite.com/index.html#about[/url] will serve the about page contents. The contents are stored in contents.php page and are written in the below tag inside index.html [code=html] <div id=contents> <!-- …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Tekkno

I have the following query: [code] <?php $query="SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 4"; $result=mysql_query($query); echo "<tr>"; for($i=1;$i<mysql_num_fields($result);$i++) { echo "<th style='height: 10px; padding: 0px;'>"; echo mysql_field_name($result, $i); echo "</th>"; } while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "<tr>"; for($j=1;$j<$i;$j++) { echo "<td style='height: 10px; padding: 0px;'>"; echo $row[$j]; echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for treybraid

how do i script a php echo for info stored in mysql so it is rendered as a hyperlink to its website? here is the script i am trying to edit: [B][COLOR="Red"]highlighted in red[/COLOR][/B] is what i need to change for the echo to href. [code]<table> <?php if($this->team->t_official_website){?> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

hello guys. dont know if this is the right forum. I am trying to [B]install Joomla[/B] and at step 2 it says [B]MySql No support[/B] [B]i have mysql installed[/B] and also have dbs created. Using php, i can access connect to the db and run queries. What am i missing? …

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for waqaskhan1

plz tell java script checks for not insert blank value in database when using fckeditor????? when i not insert any record,the script runs like enter ans but value also inserted in data base..i want not insert blank value and check also runs .... my code is that: [code=php] <script type="text/javascript"> …

Member Avatar for emarshah

The End.