39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for mundetas

i have a form that on post it runs a php page.But when the result is successful it opens a notification page. The problem is that it opens both the php page and the notification all I would like to do is to show the nofication page. php page runs …

Member Avatar for mundetas
Member Avatar for emma odeke

hi members, am building a social networking site. i want a script (php) that allows users create their own groups and can count number of members online in each group. How do i do this? will be glad for all possible solutions. emma

Member Avatar for faizt1

hi people i am making a dynamic form in which the results are shown . the number of results varry every time so they have to be dynamic , if the user clicks on one of the results detials button the user should be redirected to a new page with …

Member Avatar for faizt1
Member Avatar for php_noob

Guys, I need Help in making PHP APACHE and MS SQL SERVER 2000 to run. I search a lot but still can not get the logic behind it. All that I understand is that I need to configure something in the PHP INI. Is it possible in XAMPP? or I …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... Here i am going to uploading image from my system to ftp.. the below code works correctly in localhost...But, when i use FTP ,it doesnt work..it display error. [CODE] Warning: move_uploaded_file(photos/Endeavour123.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in..... Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'c:\WINDOWS\Temp\php4DA.tmp' to '..' …

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am developing a website , in which I want guest to visit and make their accounts. when they make their account they give their information includeing Email and when they submit the button an email send to them for verification and when they click on a link their …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for 064bct512

I am completely new in php for your information.I have a windows xp. I tried installing wamp, after its installation only one of the two services was running. I tried reinstallation and restarted the computer but still it didn't work. Actually apache server was not running. I clicked on start/remove …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for UncleJoe

I'm all hosed up...most of this is pretty new to me, so please forgive my terminology. I'm using scriptaculous for the DnD stuff. Using AJAX I'm returning a variable from the server. The variable can be verified using alert(variable), but when I pass the variable as an argument it isn't …

Member Avatar for UncleJoe
Member Avatar for dwdata

I have this code: [CODE] $query = "SELECT * FROM Ev_Songs where id_Event='$id_Event' Order by Pos"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die("Error performing query2"); [/CODE] will return a result like this: Song_Title = "Song A", Pos = "2" Song_Title = "Song B", Pos = "4" Song_Title = "Song C", Pos = …

Member Avatar for sam023

Hello friends.. Help me out..!! this is my Procedure..which working fine in mysql...!! [code] DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `myp`.`insert_1`$$ CREATE PROCEDURE `myp`.`insert_1`(gname varchar(30),userid int,classtype int ) BEGIN if exists (SELECT * FROM 0_groups where groupName=gname AND USER_ID IN(userid,'0')) then SELECT 1 as error; else insert into 0_groups(groupName,classType,user_id)values(gname,classtype,userid) ; …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for CFROG

For the life of me I can't get the current date to insert into my table. I would like a "submitted date" to be stored upon the creation of the record. I've tried countless different ways to achieve this and every time I get no results in the table, just …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for 83apple

Ok I posted before and you were guys were great, but when I added the fix it cause more errors, can you guys check this and let me know what is wrong with it please. Page 1 [ICODE]<?php require("./copyrightChecker.php"); $crCheck = "Your_Copyright_Goes_Here"; if ( CopyrightChecker($crCheck) == COPYRIGHT_IS_VALID ) { } …

Member Avatar for jcacquiescent27
Member Avatar for mbabaali

[code]<?php //The code is for selecting all patients records in the database where a particular month and year //This selects the database and connects to the database require_once('Connections/Database.php'); mysql_select_db($database_Database, $Database); if (!$_POST['monapt']| !$_POST['yearapt']) { die('You did not complete all of the required fields,<a href="monthlyrecords.html">Back to previous page </a>'); } $a=$_POST['monapt']; …

Member Avatar for mbabaali
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi everyone I have a menu that I'm creating dynamically with links that have query strings on the end of them. Basically I want the menu item, that's related to the page the user is on, to be in a different colour to the rest of the menu items. An …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Toxikr3

Hi guys, I was trying to implement a friends script but I encountered this error Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'by) VALUES ('Toxikr3' , 'moderator')' at line 1 I …

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Member Avatar for itsrahulk

Hi, I am trying to do url rewriting on linux server through .htaccess file in my root directory. the content of my .htaccess are [code]RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^test.cleanurl(\/.*)*$ /test.cleanurl.php RewriteRule ^news(\/.*)*$ /news.php[/code] this is the news.php file [code=php]<?php require("class.cleanurl.php"); $clean = new CleanURL; $clean->parseURL(); $clean->setRelative('relativeslash'); //relativeslash is variable name $clean->setParts('id','page'); …

Member Avatar for Utte
Member Avatar for dwdata

I am getting some strange behavior with a PHP page I am coding: I have some code that displays a MENU (with the letters of the alphabet): [CODE] <FORM NAME="getletter" ACTION="Service_Dates_detail.php?id_Event=<?php echo $id_Event; ?>" METHOD="POST"> <table width="389" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="49" class="style14">Filter:</td> <td width="315"><span class="style14">Select Song</span> <input type="hidden" …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi All, I need to encrypt a PHP file and run that encrypted file through wamp server. Is there way that wamp can read/recognize encrypted files automatically without decrypting it. Any help in this regards will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, When I am using one session all right. But now I have 4 sessions and if they click the Log Out error is thrown: Warning: session_destroy() [function.session-destroy]: Session object destruction failed in D:\wamp\www\index2.php on line 25 25 line is: session_destroy(); My code: [code] if(isset($_GET['Logout'])) { $query = 'UPDATE user …

Member Avatar for Lolalola
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi everyone, The goal is to be able to extract a specific element (and all children of it) from a XML string and then to echo this to the page inside a hidden form element so that it can be posted to another page. I have tried to get the …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all I'm am using Netbeans 6.5 on ubuntu for programming PHP. When I create an instance of a class and type "->" after the variables name, I don't get to see any methods. Even when I press CTRL-Space, it only says "No suggestions"... Code templates do work (like typing …

Member Avatar for K?!
Member Avatar for MArun25039

Hello, I'm having an issue with a MySQL/PHP site I'm working on. I'm new to both. I've seen several posts that were similar or same but was unable to derive a solution based on my code. I have a form that will submit HTML code to a database. I know …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, please check the following code; [CODE=html] <? session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Admin Panel</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="<?=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']?>/admin/stylesheet/adminstyle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <? echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/admin/stylesheet/adminstyle.css"; ?> <script> function chk(name) { if(name == 'pro') { document.getElementById("content").src = "view_provinces.php"; } if(name == 'loc') { document.getElementById("content").src …

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for punithapary

hi, I am creating code for registration form with description field and then i am trying to display all vales using table fields i gave td width as 50 wen i am displaying description if its having huge content its not taking limit its gets expanded but i want like …

Member Avatar for ryuslash
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, Please see below code which I need to understand. I tried to find information on the php site and the manual and the php book I have but could not find it. Wht does this mean " => " [code=php] function emailusers_menu() { $item('admin/emailusers/compose/%')= array( 'title' => 'Compose a …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for redbrad0

At some point around 8:30 this morning I am just noticing that the imagerotate function is no longer working on our server. This is a dedicated server so I have full control over it. Looking at PHPINFO I show that the GD Library is installed and enabled. Anyone have any …

Member Avatar for CFROG

I'm new to PHP and I'm some trouble writing to multiple tables from the same form. When I run the following script it will not write the data to XINFO but it will write to ATTRIB1. If I take ATTRIB1 out of the script it will work properly and once …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for dimplemodi

Hello! All, "Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit " I got this error when i m trying to access my site........ i m web developer so i hvan't any access to change in core part of PHP and MYSQL........ :sad: what should i do?????? :?: Please anybody help me …

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Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi I have installed Joomla and a plugin called sh404SEF. The plugin is to make sef url. My site was not using .htaccess file so my url was : [QUOTE][url]http://www.loyalindia.com/index.php?/Some-Section/newssection?itemid=125&mid=125[/url][/QUOTE] Now I have enabled .htaccess supprt and now my urls are like this : [QUOTE][url]http://www.loyalindia.com/Some-Section/newssection?itemid=125&mid=125[/url] [/QUOTE] As you see the …

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The End.