39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for nigelburrell

In my webpage I'm using the PHP function mysql_fetch_array to check if records are successfully retrieved from the database. If records are returned then I can assign variables with the database fields... [code=php] $checkdb = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products"); if ($info = mysql_fetch_array( $checkdb )) { $productName = $info['ProductName']; } …

Member Avatar for nigelburrell
Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul

I'm toying around with taking variables that are passed from a form, into a new page, but only showing specific portions of the site if the variables come out to having a value. right now im using [CODE=php] if ($seasons=='true') { include('includes/seasons.php'); /* seasons show */ } else { include('includes/products.php'); …

Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul
Member Avatar for ranyapalanivel

Hi friends I have some names and address in macro excel.how can i import the values which are present in the macro excel to the mysql through php thank you

Member Avatar for jcacquiescent27
Member Avatar for mahakaal

I am using the following code in .y .htaccess file but it is not working <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ $1.php [nc] </IfModule> Please help me thanks

Member Avatar for mahakaal
Member Avatar for cooweck

I've a example text file below. I need to pass this data to mysql. and can anyone help with this. I figure out the way of connecting database, and the thing I am suffering with is transferring below data to mysql actually factors are arbitrary so do choices, so I …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I am trying to echo the held text in the "Title" field where the id has a fixed value of 1, but i am getting the following error: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 46 your help would be greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for kingben

[url]http://gvkalra.freehostia.com/FH/home/[/url] the username & passwords are:: admin and admin.... you need to register to publish new notices - anyone can register for now .... do let me know your inputs via the feedback link

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Hugo Brand

[U]I need someone to help me with the following problem please:[/U] First of all I have 3 (there are more, but only these 3 files are needed) files: index.php (this file is composed of several other files with a .inc extension) cfg_db_connect.php (contains the code to connect to a database. …

Member Avatar for kingben
Member Avatar for prathikanoe

i am very new to ajax, i knw php and js well, but now my problem is i am not able to update the query. i retrived some records from database using php nd mysql, but now my req is i need to put button , after clicking the button …

Member Avatar for Mahesh_J

I try to show sever time but but will not show properly.......... and i user the Vertrigo server. is ther any setting ? if anyone have the answer, reply me. Regards........

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for whizzell

[code] <?php include('./Connections/hostgator.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul

Ok so I have a form, where I am taking an amount of entries from admin_images and sending that value to the second page (i'll probably tweak the first page, but thats not what im worried about here) 1st step, I need the hidden divs to be included in the …

Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul
Member Avatar for vamshi099

how can i autofill a username and password into a websiteB username nd password fields when i click a link present in websiteA. The username and password vl b stord in a database. and when i click on the link referring to websiteB, present in websiteA , i shuld get …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sharal

hi forum i was trying to fetch records from database against id but it gives error Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 1 on MySQL result index 3 in C:\xampp\htdocs\regadmin.php on line 52 [code] <?php $dbhandle = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); if ($dbhandle == false) { die ("Unable to …

Member Avatar for sharal
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

hi pals, i want to hide one select box to the web page background color.. i can set the backcolor color for select but it cant hide the dropdown triangle at the end. need help. thanks my code is [code]<script language="javascript"> function Turnover(sel){ sel.style.backgroundColor=sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value=='yes'?'green':'' } </script> <select onchange="Turnover(this)"> <option value="yes">yes</option> …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for slangnit

so i have this code on 3 different pages... and i'm kinda a newb... can u please help. the script is suppose to let someone select a $manufacturer... then from there select a $model... and then finally see the $notes for that model. The script works until it gets to …

Member Avatar for bgeisel1
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi, i have developed a shopping cart using php mysql, it has around 50 products in home page its taking too much time to load can anyone suggest how to optimise my database so that it takes less time

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for modesto007

hi guys, im creating this contact form code, apparently its having error as below [Parse error: parse error, unexpected '"' in E:\wwwusr\vhosts\ceriategas-premium.com\httpdocs\test3\send_contact.php on line 6] ive checked the line 6, but i cnt find the errors... do help me please... [code] <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Collect variables $subject="$name"; $message1="$coname"; …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... here i am getting some error...plz check this one... these are the two files regarding my code...[B] thumbnail.php[/B] [CODE]<?php class thumbnail { var $img; function thumbnail($imgfile) { //detect image format $this->img["format"]=ereg_replace(".*\.(.*)$","\\1",$imgfile); $this->img["format"]=strtoupper($this->img["format"]); if (strtoupper($this->img["format"])=="JPG" || strtoupper($this->img["format"])=="JPEG") { //JPEG $this->img["format"]="JPEG"; $this->img["src"] = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgfile); } elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") { //PNG $this->img["format"]="PNG"; …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for multicoder

Hi, I have a strange situation to tackle.I have a paging for the website I am developing. there are few records in the table which i want to skip from to display in my list in the web page. But paging works on the total num rows as using mysql_num_rows(resultset)

Member Avatar for multicoder
Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit

I am creating a code in php to read the content of a file and save it in a php array. this is my code: [CODE] <?php $myFile = "isbn.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $i=0; $ans=array(); while(!feof($fh)) { $theData = fgets($fh); $url='https://isbndb.com/api/books.xml?access_key=RPGYD5PC&index1=isbn&value1='; $url1=$url.$theData; //echo $url1; $ans[$i]=$url1; $i++; } ?> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... here i am confusing a lot..lot...from last 4 days i am struggling here...plz solve this problem aeap with patience.... This is my code for uploading images to my folder and db table...now, all images are blur at my user side...so, i need to create THUMBNAIL images for every …

Member Avatar for burgercho
Member Avatar for rudevils

Hi all, im starting to use paypal in my custom cart, i want to use express checkout in my cart. Can anyone tell me how to retrieve paypal token with php script ?? or just give me a simple brief about it, ill try to read paypal tutorial, but its …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for modesto007

hey all ... im pretty much new with php. ..as a start doing project on creating simple "Contact Form..." having hard time... though im enjoying it. cheers.

Member Avatar for justM

Hi guys I would like some help with this page that I have been working on. I would like to know how I could add comments on page and view the existing ones Here attached is the page and its accompanying pages... Any help is welcome Thank you!!!

Member Avatar for justM
Member Avatar for 83apple

Hello, I sell sever php scripts and am looking for an installer for the the scripts. I want to include it with my script packages for easy instillation. It should basically be able to install the scripts, such as enter sql information and such with minimal user input. If anyone …

Member Avatar for goldy736

hi, Am a newbie in php, Its been a quite a long time am trying for countdown timer in php , i have 5 different php pages with 5 questions each , when the user starts with the Q.No 1 the timer should start at each and every pages.Can any …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi.. gud day.. i'm a beginner in php programming, i just started today and i want to ask a question about the use of the "isset()" function. the code in the .php file comes like this: [code=php]<?php if(isset($_POST["RegisterButton"])) { mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error()); echo "Connected to mysql"; mysql_select_db("myDatabase") or die …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for jbennet

Okay i am buiding a guitar tab database using php and mysql. Anyway, im wondering how i would store the tabs so they wouldnt wrap or lose thier formatting (and also how to handle line breaks, i know that if you open a linux text file in windows, sometimes it …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for eawade

Hello Everyone, I have an issue that is driving me crazy. I have a xml document and associated stylesheet. I simply want to be able to 1: declare a top level variable 2. Pass a variable value from the URL to the stylesheet so that, for example, if [url]http://someurl.com/index.php?id=3[/url] - …


The End.