39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for padma525

hi i have a simple form with 4 radio buttons in index.php . if the user selects any radio button and click on the submit button then he will downloaded the corresponding .swf file associated with that radio buttons in next page as download.php. what ever the option is selected …

Member Avatar for filippo.toso
Member Avatar for scottholmes

I need to be able to parse out data fields from Open Office documents on the fly. I'm using tbsooo_class.php and I have a number of files with variable fields embedded. The code I have, derived from TBS (tiny but strong) parses out only the text. I need the entire …

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Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone, and thanks for reading. I've a client who will be wanting an events/news section for their website and I have a question about handling this information from a database. Lets say that the table consisted of: [CODE] story_id - To make each story unique. title - The title …

Member Avatar for ferminselvin
Member Avatar for sara933

hi my friends Is there any way that can use "matlab"codes in php?I want to use some matlb codes to make some changes in a picture every time the page is reloded and then show it in web page. is there any way to use matlab in web pages? Best …

Member Avatar for filippo.toso
Member Avatar for jencinas69

Hello I can not find a tab to csv converter, any one here now about a php file to convert tab to csv

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for gargg321

Hi Guys, I am preparing a user interface to add values in a database table. For it I am using a PHP generator tool by the name of PHPMaker 5. In the table there is a field where I have to insert values through a pop up calendar. The UI …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I want to diplay comments and in each comment there will be a checkbox: Now is there anybody who can tell me how use them in php so that when i select forexample 5checkboxes containing comment each,i will be able to DELETE them All at the same time.?

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for psathish2

this is my code here i selected record from db and putted that 2 text box . but i modify the recored to store the db. below the code not working . <?php $jtitle=$_GET['jtitle']; echo $jtitle; $desc=$_GET['jdesc']; echo $desc; $hostname="localhost"; $username="cds"; $password="cds"; $dbid="cdsemplo_job"; $link=mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("not connected"); $result=mysql_query("select * …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for psathish2

this my code user want click the edit it will go edit page and delete page.now i want delete the record the same this not going to delete.php. thank you <?php $jtitle=$_REQUEST['jobname']; $desc=$_REQUEST['jdesc']; $hostname="localhost"; $username="cds"; $password="cds"; $dbid="cdsemplo_job"; $link=mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("not connected"); $result=mysql_query("select * from job"); echo "<table border='1'> <th>Jobtitle</th> …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for LynkNow

Hello all, I'm new, of course... I'm here cause I need serious help on forum hacking.... I am currently using a free phpbb2 forum board... I don't have money to buy an Invision Board, so I wanted to use a hack that promoted phpbb2 forum profiles to look like Invision …

Member Avatar for selfhelpebooks
Member Avatar for 365resell

Hi i must be stuppid by missing something but im trying to insert a a code into my php script page: [CODE]<!-- Start Code --> <iframe src="http://www.365netmarketing.co.uk/adds/banner.php?action=b&t=true&ref=20&w=468&h=60&grp=13" width="468" height="60" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" background-color="transparent"></iframe> <!-- End Code -->[/CODE] this is a banner call code and works great …

Member Avatar for 365resell
Member Avatar for mgt

If I have the following code: <form> . . . <select id="lstOtherStuff" multiple="multiple" size="6" style="width:200px;"> </select> </form> and I need to pass the variable "1stOtherStuff" (which is an element in an array) to a PHP script, how do I do that? If I use the following code, I can access …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

hey guys, the browser gives the following error when i open my webpage. [code]Line: 49 Char: 1 Error: 'null' is null or not an object Code: 0 URL : http://www.worldofpakistan.net/register.php[/code] the code of the page is as follows: [code=php] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for wuodpam

I'm having a problem with displaying my profile images from a database .the upload works fine,but no image is displayed:Could you please help! I have the following code which cant work: 1. main profile page has the following script: <?php echo '<img src="XXXXX_XXX.php?id=$Current_Person_Id">'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.the image page has the following …

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Member Avatar for maydhyam

I have a concern about my program....the files that I want uploaded vary n size....would that affect the upload? I did not set anything anywhere to enforce the file size to be uploaded, and only really small files are able to upload...

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for heels

Hi, Is it possible to use images for a button instead of the normal button? I am not trying to link it to another page over here but, getting it to trigger some event like a normal button. Thanks alot. Regards, heels

Member Avatar for heels
Member Avatar for bridgecity_dev

Sorry for how stupid this question may sound but I am in the process of linking two different warehouses together that use different databases. I need to run a query from one that is a remote webserver as well running PHP with a MYSQL database. This query will be done …

Member Avatar for gpm1982
Member Avatar for percent20

I have been trying to access a public array inside a class, but it is freaking out on me. Should this be able to work? [code=php] $TestArra = array('Hello', ' ', 'World'); class Test { function Test() { $this->Display(); } function Display() { foreach($TestArray as $value) { echo $value; } …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for firthusa

I have two tables, one is called "options" and the other is called "option_values". The first one contains entries such as: "size, color, shape" while the other has a "option_id" field linking it back to the "options" table and with entries like: "small, medium, red, green, square, etc..." depending on …

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Member Avatar for bigbob

Hi, I have downloaded a couple of scripts which I would like to combine but I am very new to PHP and don't know if it is possible to do. One of the scripts is a simple shopping cart and the other is a (to me) very complicated affiliate script …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for ravi_84

Hai, I had scrapped the website with the help of code in the following link [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet293.html[/url] When i tried to scrap the following web site,it is keep on refereshing, Kindly help me to solve this issue. Thanks ravi [CODE]<?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/class_http.php'); $h = new http(); //$h->ttl = 1000; if (!$h->fetch("https://secure.classmates.com/profile/fullLogin.html","daily")) { …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for ms88

Hi guys, I would like to ask if there is anybody have example files on how to use php_java bridge...... cheers

Member Avatar for scjp
Member Avatar for senthilvnr08
Member Avatar for psathish2

this page edit page which record user want to edit that field come to the two box.. this is my coding but error is coming Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource <?php $jtitle=$_GET['jtitle']; $desc=$_GET['jdesc']; $hostname="localhost"; $username="cdf"; $password="dfdf"; $dbid="cdsemplo_job"; $link=mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("not connected"); $result=mysql_query("select * …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for s_susanta

im Indian a novice and in php. I installed the wamp server2 that has the apacheserver,phpmyadmin and mysql but when I try to connect mysql through PHP code a error message is comming so I cnat connect mysql. can someone help me. Thanks Susanta

Member Avatar for kvdd
Member Avatar for prabhatrahul

hi, I have one problem regarding retriving data from database. I have created one database in userrecord and its table name is tbl_user. I am trying to display the user information when thy logged in the syste. i.e view logged user profile. The code is as follow: <?php include("auth_user.inc.php"); // …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for roy--

Hello, I am currently using phplist, which is ok but started acting weird lately, kinda buggy i must say. Please recommend a free php/mysql based mailing list software. and also please recommend a commercial version of which i might consider.. requirements: tracking of opens/clicks/etc.. multi-language support html support I need …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for wandie

I have a created a page to upload images. Can someone please help me. When when I click on browse I would like the picture to go on the server and not change the image name. just to upload the image as it is. please help <?php include('../includes/cms.config.php'); require_once('login.php'); ## …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for allena
Member Avatar for psathish2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' this line error is coming in php code echo "<td align="right"><a href='edit.php'>Edit/&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;<input type="delete" name="delete"></td>";

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.