39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for nini83

hai..i have problem.. my problem is when checked radio button and click submit , the radio button not disabled and user can check again . what i want is i want that radio button disabled when click submit. i hope you all can help me....i'm very tension...:'(

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for chicago1985

I am trying to translate the PHP script into Java. If anything please advise what or how this translates? PHP: [code] if(isset($_GET['getClientId'])){ $res = mysql_query("select * from tableOne where clientID='".$_GET['getClientId']."'") or die(mysql_error()); if($inf = mysql_fetch_array($res) ... [/code] My attempt in Java and it is giving me errors with getClientId part …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dkv

I want to query exchange server through my php script. I downloaded class_http.php and class_xml.php. I am trying to run the example php script to find all the folders in the inbox for a user named 'twolf'. I changed the following parameters as follows: $exchange_server = "http://mail.msm.edu"; $exchange_username = "dkv@msm.edu"; …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel

Hi there, I have read a few articles about WordPress plug-ins and themes but I can't figure out how to create a completely new page that uses theme. Let's say that my blog is set up to display post detail with the following url: [url]http://myblog.com/2008/06/29/this-is-title[/url] I want the comments listing …

Member Avatar for chocciies

Hi all! I have a list of contacts with checkbox in every row. I want to delete multiple contacts via the checkbox but with no success. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help. Thanks in advance. <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <p> <?php $cName = trim($_POST['cname']); //echo "Cname is …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

This is partly PHP, partly javascript, so I wasn't sure where to stick it, but I'll stick it here. I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing, but I hope I can explain myself well. The below code queries a table in my database, and prints out a table with …

Member Avatar for francine
Member Avatar for nilantha_php

plz help me i wanna read following to capture some specify values... plz hepl me &l4H (s3B (s16901T (s12HCharges Summary For the Mobile Service No 0712069069 (Mr. . .) of Account 1863480 _________________________________________________________________________________ Service Package Description : Corporate package for 750 CommBill No : 7810912 (s0B &d#DCall charges &d@ Outgoing …

Member Avatar for nilantha_php
Member Avatar for Spaiz

Run this...: [CODE=PHP] <?php function recrusion($array, $return, $pid=0, $level=0) { foreach($array as $id=>$parent) { if( $parent===$pid ) { $return[$id]= $level; /* remove "unset" for correct results */ unset($array[$id]); recrusion(&$array, &$return, $id, $level+1); } } } /* input array as id=>parent */ $array= array(1=>0,2=>1,3=>2,4=>3,5=>2,6=>2,7=>6,8=>6,9=>0,10=>0); $return= array(); recrusion($array, &$return); /* return array …

Member Avatar for Spaiz
Member Avatar for lndfrg

Hi, first of all I apologise for all the mistakes I am going to do writing in English. I will try to explain what I should do. I manage a web site where the owner like to put a sort of newletter for members. It doesn't sound so difficult... but …

Member Avatar for lndfrg
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I cannot upload more than 1mb photo into databases. i`m using wampserver.when it is below one 1mb it is uploaded. your help will be appreciated. Down is the code i used to upload photo. upload.php <form action="addphoto.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table cellpadding=0 cellsapcing=0 border=0 align=center width=450 height=50 bgcolor=gray> <tr><td><p><b><font color=blue>UPLOAD YOUR …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, Running the following code returns FALSE. [CODE]$server = "smtp.gmail.com"; fsockopen('tcp://' . $server, 587);[/CODE] I know those are correct server address and port because I have ssmtp installed on my computer it uses those values to connect. But when use those values to connect from a real web server it …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for darcee

how to put icon on php? in my index.php where i can put the code? heres my index. php <?php include("./include/auth.php"); include("./include/top_header.php"); ?> <table width="98%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="textArea"> <strong>You are now logged into <a href="about.php">Cacti</a>. You can follow these basic steps to get started.</strong> <ul> <li><a href="host.php">Create devices</a> for …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for BillyMako

Hi, i am having problems displaying the second page of search results. I have applied similar code to a view all logs page which works perfectly but i am having problems making it work with search results. I think it might be a problem with $searchString, not sure??? Please help …

Member Avatar for ambrose
Member Avatar for mrrsx2006

I'm interested in learning more about PHP and MySQL. What source would you guys reccomend? I'm looking for something online that can first teach my PHP a bit better then the relation with MySQL. I don't want the main PHP site but some eBook or something maybe you guys can …

Member Avatar for ExplainThat
Member Avatar for phpuser

Hi,friends I want to display calender in simple way just like the calender display all months in first row,after then 15 days of any one month in second row just like dtpicker but all months displayed at the same time in one row. ref link:[url]http://www.tourstogo.com.au/tour.5143[/url] as given in link, i …

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for shekhar52

...........please somebody help me with this ..... i want to display images contained in a folder (basically www dir in wamp)....... the images should be displayed on a webpage...... its like a search box.....you hav to enter the name of the folder to view its images....... ...............please help me with …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hi all, Can someone tell me, How to wrap text around an image when the image source is in a php variable?Here is my code. [code=php] <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #divider { background-color: #ccffff; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px; } .fndslist{ position: absolute; border: …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for manor

Hello everyone, I am new to this community.. I have no clue how to go further with the doubt i am going to post. I am supposed to connect to XYZ(remoteserver) which uses mysql server and fetch data from it through my localhost ABC. I wrote my PHP script and …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for yournamehere

Hello everyone, I'm sure this has a quick answer/fix but I can't seem to figure out how to store a checkbox value to mysql. And I'm not sure what type I should be saving it as in the field on mysql(like bool, int, varchar). I have 14 check boxes and …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for cyberjorge

Good Day! Please help with my requirement, I'm more on a graphic designer and has little knowledge in programing, mostly on basic html only. I have a web page I created in Flash and exported to an html page. I need this to have a predefined username / password (pass …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for servis

can we connect from php to oracle 6. if it is possible then, how can we do it... regards shuja

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for daveg8

Mainly in Firefox, and especially when the video is paused, the current image in the video will shift up or down if the user scrolls up or down on the main page. It seems almost as if the video itself is stuck at one specific location but the video viewer …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Andrew F.

Can you take a look at this: [code] <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php $emai=$_REQUEST['txtemai']; $subj=$_REQUEST['txtsubj']; $mess=$_REQUEST['txtmess']; if (@mail($emai,$subj,$mess)) { echo('<p>Mail sent successfully.</p>'); } else { echo('<p>Mail could not be sent.</p>'); } ?> </body> </html> [/code] I keep on getting the else statements. …

Member Avatar for Andrew F.
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have displayed all members in my site including there photos,which they uploaded. this is the view.php which image will appear for everymember who uploaded photo. <? echo"<img src=retrieve.php?id=$userid width=200 height=150>"; ?> retrieve.php <?php //PHP code (for images.php) if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = $_GET['id']; // Connecting to a MySql Database include"config.php"; //selecting …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi , Can anyone tell me is there any other connection method(mysql with php) other than this.Please help me.. [code=php] $hostingname="localhost"; $username="root"; $password=""; $dbname="test"; $rr=mysql_connect("$hostingname","$username","$password")or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query($rr); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());[/code] thanks Punithapary

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for fedalcoder

hi, Any one who knows HSBC payment integration please help me.URGENT! THanks fedalcoder

Member Avatar for KimberlyMon
Member Avatar for binukjames

[B][COLOR="Green"]I'm developing a wap site with wml and php. my php code is retrievig and displaying blob image from database. but i cannot include any wml part to this page. actually i want to display image from database with some links (wml or php). is it possible ? plz help …

Member Avatar for jaca123

Hi there, I have recently installed Apache and PHP on my PC and am trying to run it as a testing server. After creating a PHP mail() script I receive the following error in my Apache log file: "PHP Warning: mail() [<a href='function.mail'>function.mail</a>]: Failed to connect to mailserver at &quot;smtp.localhost.com&quot; …

Member Avatar for jaca123
Member Avatar for a4tech

Hi all, I am a beginner in using PHP. I have wrote a code that will retrieve the checkbox value after checking from database. Basically, it is a simple search where user has to check the value of checkbox in the form.It then will displaying the result after checking the …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for harrence

Hi all, I'm currently working on having 'artist_id' counted once only between two dates although they may have visited several times over that period. The following code works very well for counting the total number of visits. Any suggestions out there? Regards harrence [code] $sql = "SELECT * FROM artists_details …

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The End.