39,388 Topics
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Hello I am build pagination but its give me stuck. **admin_cont Controller Page** $this->load->library('pagination'); $config['base_url'] = "http://localhost/Job-portal-CI/admin_cont/search_me"; $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->get("admin_emp_job_description")->num_rows(); $config['per_page'] = 2; $config['num_links'] = 20; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data['records'] = $this->db->get('admin_emp_job_description',$config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(3)); $this->load->view('admin_jobseeker/search_lists',$data); **View Page** <?php echo $this-> table-> generate($records); ?> <?php echo $this->pagination->create_links(); ?> **Problem** Its give me Link but when … | |
I have been having trouble getting a result from this wondered if someone may be able to help me. I am trying to decode/parse this json output from a URL so that I can extract "result" and "success" and place them into variables. So far I cant even parse the … | |
Just upgraded to Firefox 30.0 and sessions no longer seem to work. The cookie just doesn't set. Using `$this->session->set_userdata()` Not using Firebug, although reading on the web indicated it has been a culprit with similar issues. | |
-->>Hello,My problem is how will a trigger a php Function based up on Change event of a listbox value. My Page has the Field as those in the screenshot below the code: So when a driver is selected on the list all his/her details should be populated in the remaining … | |
i tried to mimic the code of a tutorial for a live updatable table....dat is connected to the MYSQL server .... i copied it and edited it a bit...but its not working... i was not able to understand the code so dont knw where the problem is here is the … | |
hi all! it might look similar to previous question but actually different.. i'm trying to calculate stock value. for this i want to use "average last purchase value" of item. like if closing stock is 14 and purchase detail is like this 2014/2/2 15pc @ 38000 2014/2/15 5pc @ 36000 … | |
![]() | 3.0 is out. Anyone used it? Is it worth migrating to... Is it stable? |
Hallo, I wonder how to create a test maker with a php script. I have an elearning project and I have to create a test maker quiz project. Such as multiple choice and fill-in the blanks. How any free script like that? Thanks in advance. Davy | |
Hello, I try to input messages like: <p>An Online learning platform to connect student in South East Asia to learn Chinese Mandarin with Professional Native teacher LIVE from university in China, combined with flexible scheduling, multimedia learning materials, and certification</p> <p><img src="file:///C:UsersToshibaAppDataLocalTempmsohtmlclip1�1clip_image002.jpg" style="height:235px; width:346px" /></p> Unfortunately the all pictures is … | |
As seen in image, I need a copy of the remove selected ( marked in red ) to be available as a button down. ( it will remove the top item + send mail to next ). How is it possible to have a button point to same code. http://imgur.com/5bFC4dT | |
![]() | Good morning dudes, I have a little issue, I have a rich text editor but on copy and pasting it retains a lot of the gunk, unwanted fonts classes. It is even worse when copy and pasting from microsoft word. Here are some of the things I want: * To … ![]() |
![]() | So I'm becoming very familiar with codeigniter now and loving it, but I'm just wondering about the migration (for db tables and structures) class and how you would use it. Is it actually useable in a real world example. It sounds great in theory but I'm unsure. Can someone clarify … |
Hello World, I have a problem. I want show 2 images or 2 link videos or 1 images 1 link videos together but image/videos not appear, because 2 difference class. class "img1" and "img2" #image <img alt="" title="" class="img1 or img2" src="images/<?php echo $vx->picture?>"> #video <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<?php echo $vx->video?>" class="img1 … | |
Intend to carry out a simple online and print invoice to pdf. Suggestions are accepted ... | |
I need to find the largest height & width values in a directory. I've tried to use: if ($handle = opendir('path/to/image')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/(jpg|gif|png)/', $file )) { $images[] = $file; list($width, $height) = getimagesize('path/to/image/'.$file); $max_w = max(array($width)); $max_h = max(array($height)); } } closedir($handle); … | |
I have a page where it allows my users to upload their videos through an html5 file upload form and a PHP script that saves file in a folder on server. All works fine. But when it is displayed using video tag, it simply does not play ! I do … | |
I had uploaded the FreiChat.V.9.6.zip file to the Joomla website base folder. Then I had visited the URL http://socialphobians.oo3.co/freichat but I'm getting the error message. "The requested page cannot be found. An error has occurred while processing your request. You may not be able to visit this page because of: … | |
This code works perfectly in IE 7 and above. The PHP/HTML code has a button to delete/undelete some data. When the icon/button is clicked it enters the javascript function "setdelete". The following HTML code sets up the button for entry into the javascript function. <button id="$delete_icon" value="Delete" onclick="setdelete($key)"><img id="$m_d_img_name" src="images/x_undelete.ico"/></button> … | |
I am working to build a page similar to http://statistics.amis-outlook.org/data/index.html#COMPARE this how to generate charts based on user slection however i am able to generte charts from database. | |
I have trid the testing script as follows: [code=php] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> </HEAD> <BODY><?php $headers = 'From:info@mydomain.com'. "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: [email]info@mydomain.com[/email]' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $ret=mail('user@customer.com', 'subject', 'this is the content',$headers,'-finfo@mydomain.com'); echo "<BR/>mail() returned: " . ($ret? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . … ![]() | |
**Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in this line "$validate_user_information = sqlsrv_query "select * from `userinfo` where `badgenumber` = '"$user_ssn"'";" //Login Page Starts here elseif($_POST["page"] == "users_login") { $user_ssn = trim(strip_tags($_POST['badgenumber'])); $validate_user_information = sqlsrv_query "select * from `userinfo` where `badgenumber` = '"$user_ssn"'"; if(sqlsrv_num_rows($validate_user_information) == 1) { $get_user_information = sqlsrv_fetch_array($validate_user_information); $_SESSION["VALID_USER_ID"] … | |
Actually iam having headers in two rows for some columns Example:Iam having start time it is divided into hours and minutes In first row it is having starttime below the start time iam having hours and minutes in the next row in different columns while bulkuploading this hours and minutes … | |
Hi All, I have the following script that works fine, it createds a png of the first page of a given PDF. However I also want to screenshot the first page of a .doc file. Can this be done with imagick as well? $im = new imagick($pdf.'[0]'); $im->setImageFormat("png"); $getfilename = … | |
Hello i am looking for a rating script and i have basic knowledge of PHP and Sql. Can you show me one? | |
<?php $string = <<<XML <a> <b> <c>text</c> <c>stuff</c> </b> <d> <c>code</c> </d> </a> XML; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string); echo $xml->asXML(); $result = $xml->xpath('/a/b/c'); while(list( ,$node) = each($result)) { echo $node->asXML($result); } need this output: <c>text</c> <c>stuff</c> <>code</c> | |
hy i have question i have this code and i whant to print it one by one not all the page the script is <?php $qry=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles order by articles.id DESC ", $con); if(!$qry) { die("Query Failed: ". mysql_error()); } /* Fetching data from the field "title" */ … | |
Hi All, As usual I here with a PHP & MySQL problem. Most of you know, I am developing Music Download system. Today I have created Widget to display last 5 songs. <?php include('datab.php'); $get = "SELECT * FROM `songs` ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $getres = mysql_query($get) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($getres)> … | |
<?php $host = "localhost"; $usr = "root"; $pwd = ""; $db= "DB"; conOpen($host,$usr,$pwd,$db); function conOpen($host,$usr,$pwd,$db){ $con=mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd) or die ("Connection Failed "); mysql_select_db($db,$con);} $rows_per_page=5; // database connection stuff here $result=mysql_query("Select * from newsimage"); $pages=ceil(mysql_num_rows($result)/$rows_per_page); if (!isset($screen)) $screen = 0; else echo $_GET[screen]; /* $start = $screen * $rows_per_page; $sql = "SELECT … | |
Hello please help me troubleshooting this. i got this error in my login.. pleaaaaase. below is the **error** that prompts me when i login: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\HostingSpaces\spindev\spindev.spinweb.ph\wwwroot\YPS\login\login.php:9) in D:\HostingSpaces\spindev\spindev.spinweb.ph\wwwroot\YPS\login\login.php on line 71 PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information … | |
Hi, I have just started php. I have a contact form on my website and am using the is_numeric function to check that the phone number entered is a number. What I want to do is, if the phone number is not a number to output a message just underneath … |
The End.