39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for SimonIoa

i have a problem with php. I write the following code and it returns blank <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users"); $result = $database->sql_query($query); while ($dr = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)) { echo $dr['uid']; } $database->sql_freeresult($result) ?> i call this include_once 'includes/db.php'; and on db.php. $database = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE) or die(mysql_error());

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dqtuan94

I guys I want to build a marketplace for tutors where they can upload their profile and information. Students who want to study a tutor can go there and find a suitable one. It will look very similar to this http://www.championtutor.com/view-tutor-singapore.html I do not have any background in IT or …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

Hi guys hope your all well, I want to put a quiz into my website that I'm doing. I've found some code for a Multiple Choice-True False Quiz Here is the code, (yes I know its long and there are some reputation in it) You have to add questions by …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for veedeoo

Hello Everyone, I wrote this script way back in 2008 as Version1. However, I was forced to forget about this, because it was criticized by many developers with BS, MS, and "Seasoned PHP Developer" under their names. During those days, I couldn't stand up for my own reasons, because I …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for websponge

In the process of converting an old web application I did from MYSQL to MYSQLi and am a bit lost with echoing a result, This code works in the old app with Mysql: <textarea name="dump" style="width:300px; height:400px;"> <?php include ("../connect.php"); $content = mysql_query("SELECT $field FROM customer WHERE cusid = '$cusid'") …

Member Avatar for websponge
Member Avatar for ditty

Hi I am sending mail using phpmailer. but when i tried to send mail it shows the error SMTP -> ERROR: MAIL not accepted from server: 530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated The following From address failed: mail@example.com Mailer Error: The following From address failed: mail@example.com SMTP server error: 5.7.1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for navenchary

Hi, I m new to ajax. I have to implemented the ajax autocomplete in my code.When I press any alphabet say suppose "a", I should get all names starting with "a" say arman,anoop,anju etc one below other. now when i select one of them say 'arman' the text box will …

Member Avatar for kaushal_1
Member Avatar for everton.retweets

I am trying to edit the following script to generate a unique time between 00:00:01 and 01:30:00 Using the following script. $start = new Datetime('00:00:01'); $end = new Datetime('01:30:00'); $randomTime = function (DateTime $start, DateTime $end, $resolution = 1) { if ($resolution instanceof DateInterval) { $interval = $resolution; $resolution = …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hey guys, Having some difficulties understanding why my OR || operator is not working... First part is BOOLEAN and it is working Second part is STRING and it is working, it returns the desired value What could it be ? <?php if(($oferte->isOrdered($oferte->CleanSapStyleNumbers($oferta->VBELN)) == false) || ($oferte->OfertaValida($oferte->CleanSapStyleNumbers($oferta->VBELN))->valabilitate == "VALABILA")): ?> some …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

i have created this smarty plugin but i'm getting an error message whenever i try to use it. <?php function smarty_modifier_prepare_link( $string, $link_type = 'http' ) { // use SSL if ( $link_type == 'http' && USE_SSL = 'no' ) $link_type = 'http'; switch( $link_type ) { case 'http' : …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ditty

Hi I am trying to send mail using php mail() function. All servers are receiving mails except hotmail. I dont know why hotmail not receiving mails. Pls help me ...its very urgent..

Member Avatar for ditty
Member Avatar for PatrikIden

Hello, im making a bookmark script to save on a web page as links. I have the following code but i want to have links movable. That is i want to able to change position on the links. Demo: [Click Here](http://test3.fcab.se/links/temp/index.php) The code i use: <?php require("../config.php"); if ($enablegzip == …

Member Avatar for PatrikIden
Member Avatar for rajesh31

My code is like this below HTML Code : <select multiple="multiple" size="5" name="religion[]" id="religion" class="txtareamultifield" ondblclick="moveOptions(document.MatriForm.religion,document.MatriForm.RIGHTRELIGION,1);fnAnyChk(document.MatriForm.religion,document.MatriForm.RIGHTRELIGION);fnGothraChk();fnModifySubCasteChk(this.value);otherreligion();" style="width:355px; height:90px; font-size:13px;"> <option value="" selected>Any</option> <option value="Hindu">Hindu</option> <option value="Muslim-Shia">Muslim - Shia</option> <option value="Muslim-Sunni">Muslim - Sunni</option> <option value="Muslim-Others">Muslim - Others</option> <option value="Christian-Catholic">Christian - Catholic</option> <option value="Christian-Orthodox">Christian - Orthodox</option> <option value="Christian-Protestant">Christian - Protestant</option> <option value="Christian-Others …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for asimegusta

Months are currently displayed as numbers (01/01/2014). I want to display as full month name (01 Janvier 2014). Here is the code that seems to control date format display for US or else International (French and Spanish) date format and month names: // format date for display only if(AC_DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT=="us") $date_format …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for PatrikIden

Hello, im making a bookmark script to save on a web page as links. I have the following code but i want to have links movable. That is i want to able to change position on the links. Demo: [Click Here](http://test3.fcab.se/links/temp/index.php) i have tested several Jquery/Java dragg/dropp/sort scripts but i …

Member Avatar for kinjal-adesara

<?php header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-word"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;Filename=document_name.doc"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <!--<img src="D:/wamp/www/docx/tenh.jpg" style="" width="200px"/>--> <div id="demo"></div> <script src="jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery-barcode.js"></script> <script> $("#demo").barcode( "1234567890128", // Value barcode (dependent on the type of barcode) "ean13" // …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kishan699

hello, How can i give increment to the spinner button?? Thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

I have one zend form.In this form i have on dropdown and blank div. In view page on dropdown change blank div fill another dropdown. I want to validate div's dropdown so that without selecting second dropdown form could not submit. Plz suggesssst any help

Member Avatar for Raadha

what i need is a single set of output for each procedures, but my this query is giving me 2-3 sets of answers, between this time period.. i need distinct set of answers.. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $to= $_POST['to']; $too = date("d/m/y",strtotime($_POST['to'])); $from= date('Y-m-d');; echo " <br><h2> PROCEDURE REPORTS UPTO <b>'$too' </b> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for eburlea

I have the following code in application.ini resources.db.adapter=PDO_MYSQL resources.db.params.host=localhost resources.db.params.username=myusername resources.db.params.password=mypassword resources.db.params.dbname=mydb resources.db.params.charset = "utf8" resources.db.params.driver_options.1002 = "SET NAMES utf8" I cheked on the internet and could not find out an answer, may you could help. Why the last row resources.db.params.driver_options.1002 = "SET NAMES utf8" is used, if the charset …

Member Avatar for eburlea
Member Avatar for daocntt

I'm trying to make a quick filter like this site with PHP and MySQL, but do not know how start? http://www.mysmartprice.com/mobile/pricelist/mobile-price-list-in-india.html#subcategory=mobile&property=|200088-200485&startinr=799&endinr=1999 Who can teach me how to do this are not?

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, i have index.php and home.php. in order to go to home.php users have to login in index.php. but how do i not allow users to be directed to home.php when they type home.php address in the address bar? *am i making sense?*

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for shapeape

So I have created a PHP validation script. On test I filled and submitted the forms but so far $error returns undefined index and no data is set into the database. Can anyone take a look and give a second opinion on why its not functioning as intended? To my …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for malatamil

register.php register form <div class="regform"> <table border='0'> <tr> <td align="right"><label>Are you an :</label></td> <td class="register"> <input type="radio" value="Individual" name="are_you">Individual Or <input type="radio" value="Business" name="are_you">Business ?</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><label for="login_username">Username :</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="username" id="login_username" class="input" placeholder="Please provide your username" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><label for="login_password">Email :</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" …

Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for malatamil

if i insert more than one its taken only one value.database field city_id type is int $city=intval($_GET['city']); $query="SELECT `city_id`, `city` FROM `cities` WHERE `state_id`='$city'"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <li> <input type="checkbox" name="place[]" value="<?=$row['city_id']?>" /><span><?=$row['city']?></span> </li> <? } ?> $ids = array(); foreach($_POST['place'] as $val) { $ids[] = (int) $val; } …

Member Avatar for malatamil
Member Avatar for Alpha00005

I am trying to setup virtual wamp localhost. Localhost root folder: c:\wamp\www mysite.local root folder: c:\wamp\site2 Steps of every kind is already taken: removing # from file "httpd.conf" #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf addition in httpd-vhosts.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www" ServerName localhost ErrorLog "logs/localhost-error.log" CustomLog "logs/localhost-access.log" common </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make dynamic email address that'll look like this example example_name1@subdomain.example.com or example_name2@subdomain.example.com the subdomains have been created using .htaccess and a wildcard subdomain. So the "example_name" and "subdomain" would be created dynamically. So can this be done using .htaccess? …

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Member Avatar for Dzenad

Hello, I have stored values in database via html and php form. Now I am creating form which will enable users to edit inputs. I am having trouble with input types radio and checkboxes. I have stored checkboxes values in database via implode function. ----- $products_rec=$_POST['products']; $products=implode(", ", $products_rec); ----- …

Member Avatar for Dzenad
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All, I am currently trying to update a check box . Then pass the data back through the same page and if set update DB. The code is long so I shall be as concise as possible. I have pulled the data from the DB and I am using …

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The End.