39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for tehmarto

Hi all, So I have a .jpg file hosted and I wanna see if someone views the image, from where its viewed. Meaning I wanna see the referrer and log the referrers in I file. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for mazeroth
Member Avatar for mazeroth

I thought I would share with you all a tutorial I just posted on creating a Facebook app using the Facebook Graph API and their PHP SDK. It's a very easy to follow tutorial and by the end you'll have your own app reading and writing posts to your wall …

Member Avatar for sajohnson05

I have a code that needs to read in a file and has a parameter file. I need to know how to put in <=,<,=,>=,> operators that will be in my parameter file. I beleive that it needs to go in this line: $search=explode(':',strtoupper($params[0])); but not sure if it will …

Member Avatar for sajohnson05
Member Avatar for public-image

I use Firefox and it has never given me a problem when logging in but with Internet Explorer and Chrome, there seems to be a problem.. It as if it refreshes the page without doing the method of posting the form. I would really like some help as to where …

Member Avatar for public-image
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... Is it possible to search a string on a PDF file? I want to search and highlight a string on a PDF file . If any idea please help me..... Thanks for advance

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for maged4e

hi i have small problem would u mind to help me? i want get full path of file in my hard? but the wamp server give me results as fallow : c:\\fake path\..... pr gives me only the file name only for example if i want to get file in …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello world, I have a problem with sending email in PHP. I was sending many times with the same code, but now it doesn’t work and don’t know why. I’ve contacted with domain helpdesk, but they said that there are all OK and PHP server works properly. Please someone could …

Member Avatar for Randy Orton
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi can anyone tell me how i can achive this. i have a product to sell online and will use alertpay but i have some additional information i want the user to fill in before they press the buy button to take the to the payment area.user must give the …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for fugo.deepak

Hi All, I am new to this community... (Hope i am placing my question in right place) I want to generate a Quadrant Graph having (Ist IInd IIIrd and IVth) Input will be x and y co ordinate values . Output should be the plotted graph(x and y values plotted …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: Here is an interesting question. I have a client payment recording form which retrieves data from a table that has clients balances and other. My task with this form is to take payments (which can be payments in full or partial payments). I need to be able to update …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello people! I would like to know how to remove white space and replace them with a "_" on the file uploaded by this script. [CODE]<?php // Check if a file has been uploaded if(isset($_FILES['uploaded_file'])) { // Make sure the file was sent without errors if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error'] == 0) { // …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JoeyWong

Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to …

Member Avatar for JoeyWong
Member Avatar for youlichika

I want to post value from index.php, then get the value by self without refresh the page. one botton with two values, I want explode them and finally get $namea and $nameb. then use them in other php part. but when I use echo $name, in the source code, I …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hello I have created a file name connect.php and code of this file is as below [CODE]<?php $db_server = 'localhost'; $db_username = 'myweb_user'; $db_password = 'Aunhy125$%'; $db_table='main_table'; ?>[/CODE] To connect database I used to include_once() function. What may be the problem for this. Or what would be be best way …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for ujsiriwardana

I want to undestand how session arrays working. can u explain below code please. $_SESSION['ddc']['price'] I want to undestand what is doing in ['ddc']['price'] . Are they separate arrays or 2-D arrays.

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for suvra123

Hi, How can I store youtube latest vedio in my mySql database dynamically. I want all the latest data will store dynamically at a perticular time. Suppose, if I click the video and copy and past the link from youtube in my site, it will display that link, but I …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for haye321

I am trying to create a PHP bot for a project for my cs classs that will automatically log me in to a site and perform certain tasks once that is complete. I have been doing some research and I believe the best way to acomplish this would be wish …

Member Avatar for haye321
Member Avatar for cableguy31

I have a webpage with a form that collects an ID number. Within the page I have validation with PHP to make sure the number entered is in the right format. What I need to do is, if validation is successful, pass that id number to a new php page …

Member Avatar for cableguy31
Member Avatar for ChicagoOutfit

Hello! I'm looking to create a simple form with PHP that will allow users to attach multiple files. For example, I'd like to offer these five fields: - First Name (text) - Last Name (text) - Word Document (browse) - PDF Document (browse) - Excel Document (browse) I am new …

Member Avatar for pipskikostka

I have one template page that I am using to show information about 8 different projects. some projects require .wav files on the page. So on those pages that require .wav's i want to show the sound file for them to play, and on those pages that dont require sound …

Member Avatar for dschuett

Hey everyone, This is my first attempt at pagination. I seem to have everything working pretty well except for one slight problem. Example: If I search for a PO Number containing the number 10. My query returns all the correct information along with the correct pagination links, however, Let's say …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for careless_monkey

I'll try my best to explain what it is. I have two tables 'regularplanets' and 'moons'. Idea is, regularplanets can have many moons and moons can have 1 planet. I have included the required variables 'hasMany' and 'belongsTo' in regularplanets and moons model. What I want to do is this …

Member Avatar for careless_monkey
Member Avatar for puvi

Hi, i have a registration form, where the user enters username, email, designation and organisation. on clicking register button, the data in this form should get saved into database. The code is as follows, when i executed it for the 1st time, data was saved properly, but when executed next …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Good day to all: Typically, when one pass variables via url, they are received and displayed in a input text box. I'm interested in passing two variables (firstname and lastname) via url; except, I want to be able to get them on another page [key point ], in a select …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for blt4424

I'm trying to rename a file uploaded to the username of the logged in user. I can't seem to figure it out. I'm trying to mimic how I got the username and details on my profile pages. The pictures are uploaded to a folder, not a database. Here's my uploads.php …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... I have an issue on project.I want to open a particular pdf page by specifying its page no using PHP script.Is it possible?please help me

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for Ajuddy

[CODE]/***save the user information to file***/ $first_name=$_POST['first_name']; $last_name=$_POST['last_name']; $mobile_number=$_POST['mobile_number']; $office_number=$_POST['office_number']; $addres=$_POST['address']; $post_code=$_POST['post_code']; $city=$_POST['city']; $file=$_POST['file']; /**data to file**/ $data='$first_name | $last_name | $mobile_number |$office_number |$addres | $post_code |city |$file\n';[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

When a member signs up there asked to enter an email and verify. When they click the verification link in there email there taken to step 2 which is where they enter there info. In the info page I have an privacy policy link, which displays this way. [CODE]<h3><span class="underLine"> …

Member Avatar for @developer
Member Avatar for xuexue

how could i add the onkeydown() function in jquery.. this is for the autocomplete.. regards, ^^

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dlannetts

hi, i have to pieces of php code that i need to place into one but am unsure how to do it, firstly i have my peice of php to upload a few statistics: [CODE]<?php include 'mysqlconnect.php'; $db = mysql_select_db("upload_frenzy", $con); if (!$db) { die('Can not Connect to Database: ' …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

The End.