39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for kiranking

I am trying to code a form that has multiple textbox without refershing page using ajax, then after each textbox threre will be link called add which POST call the other php called addnew.php. In addnew.php data will we added to database(postgres). But I am geting problem while getting the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for wesleysoccer

I've installed Janrain on my site and have all providers working at this point...The only issue is How do I redirect my members to the page of my liking? Right now it's going to my home page...I would like a different url...What code should I add to complete the login?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Bishan
Member Avatar for jalexander3

Hi my name is Jason and i am trying to make a web application that allows an end user to create daily journals about themselves and allow the end user to write entries and read previously stored entries using php. please help this is what i got so far <!DOCTYPE …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for clmirand

Hi everybody. Am new here and new using PHP as well. Hope you could help me. I encountered this error Error when deleting: Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables …

Member Avatar for parasp2003
Member Avatar for hmhb.in

hi all, how to overload the constructor!!!!!!! explain with example

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for NettSite

I am trying to get the win32service PHP extension working. I have installed PHP 5.3.4 on my Windows XP SP3 box, and downloaded the php_32winservice.dll file and listed it in my php.ini file as instructed in the manual. However, there is obviously a version mismatch between the dll and the …

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for rakibtg

how to create an [B]wysiwyg[/B] html editor in <textarea name="sender_message"></textarea> is it possible when send an email from a php form?

Member Avatar for rakibtg
Member Avatar for clar_issa

[INDENT][/INDENT]I am a 4th year BSIT student and we are in the last semester of our studies. We are assigned to make a Web-based File Organizer and Control System. I would want to ask for some help if anyone has an idea on how to make this application. i'd be …

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for bearcatFulton

I am looking to create a message with several lines, but when I put my string into the mailto statement I can't find a newline character that works.[CODE]$MESSAGE_BODY .= "Message: " . nl2br($_POST["message"]) . "\n"; print_r($MESSAGE_BODY); echo "<a href=\"mailto:bearcatFulton@gmail.com? subject=Angus and Alfalfa Contact& body=$MESSAGE_BODY\">Send this message</a>[/CODE] I've tried \n\r, <br>, …

Member Avatar for bearcatFulton
Member Avatar for ravzn

Please can someone assist me. I have data stored in mySQL. If i want to allow the user to view this data (say his/her profile information), and at the same time, when it is displayed, it is editable to allow the user to change certain fields and then save. Hope …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for ppetree

It's been many, many years since I have written any ASP code and I dont recall this functionality being present in the past BUT: In php we have a serialize() that takes an array of data and creats a single string representation of that data. The single string can then …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for david cashin

Hi, looked around but i couldnt find much on this. I need to redirect every 3 visitors that visit my url to different sites. so visitor 1 would go to xyz.com, lets say visitor 2 comes along and he gets redirect to xzy.com then the last visitor comes along and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for helpfullProgram

Hello everyone! I need to be able to check if a "username" exists in one table in the database, and if not then create a row with that "username" and various other bits and bobs. I have it so I can input a username into a database but when I …

Member Avatar for helpfullProgram
Member Avatar for super_alex
Member Avatar for Naggelos

Hi, I'm a newbie in php.. having some trouble getting a simple contact form to work, could someone help and explain what the problem and a possible solution to this: contact.html [CODE]<form method="post" id="customForm" action="contact.php"> <div> <label for="name">Name</label> <input id="name" name="name" type="text" /> <span id="nameInfo">What's your name?</span> </div> <div> <label …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for Keidi

I am trying to call a php script through a shell script.The script is to be called as the run on receive directive of gammu-smsd.My php script executes as expected when I call it using[CODE]/opt/lampp/bin/php myvarsreader.php[/CODE].However on trying to run my script(From terminal): [CODE]#!/bin/sh PROGRAM=/opt/lampp/bin/php myvarsreader.php eval "$PROGRAM \"\${SMS_${i}_NUMBER}\" \"\${SMS_${i}_TEXT}\"" …

Member Avatar for ckoy
Member Avatar for David 78

Hello guys...actually it's going to be a pretty hard question and probably hard to solve. Here it goes: I have a table of added members and the same table exists in "remove_members" page where I added a checkbox to each user's picture. The pic/user is supposed to be deleted when …

Member Avatar for David 78
Member Avatar for rolyestemonio

Hi..Can anyone help me out? Can anyone give me a sample image uploader in php? That it will store to php mysql database? With 4 fields namely(id, image_name, images, descriptions). [b]These are my fields.[/b] [CODE]<form action="" method="post"> <input name="image_name" type="text" id="image_name" value=""/> <input type="file" name="images" id="images"> <input name="descriptions" type="text" id="descriptions" …

Member Avatar for rolyestemonio
Member Avatar for hawk_40

Hi, I want to search a particular word from a string here is it $str="<a href" is there any way to find this link embedded in the string .... and if found it must echo "found.....................

Member Avatar for xinam
Member Avatar for phpbeginner

hi all.. is it possible to convert this array, Array ( [123] => Array ( [0] => AAA [1] => BBB ) [124] => Array ( [0] => CCC [1] => DDD [2] => EEE ) [125] => Array ( [0] => FFF ) ) to this type of array …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

Having issues working with dates in PHP, very new aspect of PHP for me. Couple things I'm trying to accomplish and wouldn't mind a simple tutorial/explanation of since everything I'm finding assumes I know more than I do: [B]1. How to sort by dates?[/B] [I]Currently I am trying to query …

Member Avatar for Xtremefaith
Member Avatar for ujsiriwardana

i'm creating a e-cart. i have a problem to update cart. I want to use session array to create cart, but i don't know how to do it. can some help me to create SESSION ARRAY which can add several data. $_SESSION['ecart'] = $details; how to add several data for …

Member Avatar for eoliva
Member Avatar for medobangs

I know this is a long one but I've been trying to work around the coding for days, any help will be of great help. ______________________________________________________________________________________ [B] I have a bit of a problem, I have three pages: student_login.htm(to take in id and pwd),loginstdck.php(to check if the values match with …

Member Avatar for medobangs
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hello everyone, I am working on a script that allow users to upload an image. So far it's working except that I created an include file that is supposed to re-size the image. It's not working and I'm not sure why. Any thoughts? Here is the include file script: Thanks! …

Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I have a mysql table that stores customer transaction information. I want to sum column name "total" --which has values like this: $253.20-- only where the value of another column is "mossa01". For this, I passed the variable to the code via url and trimmed it. I then used …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for brandonna

I'm planning the redesign/upgrade of my site which is currently in wordpress to something that looks like the following. Can you experts out there in .php tell me if these are: 1) just custom wordpress templates or designed from the ground up 2) how much it would cost to do …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for NutanGadakh

I'm creating a website in which one menu contains forms.Every form is dependent on another form.I have many forms like this which should be fill by user one by one for that what should i use to keep tracking of user and forms. Can any one help me?

Member Avatar for chrishea

The End.