39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for feodal

Hello again, I've been experimenting with php and using it to create screen scraper but I have encountered a problem being a noob I am, when I came upon a dynamic page that sends out XMLHttpRequest to server to obtain new results. The website that is called realtor.com and when …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for swilliamrobert

Response: ---------- [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns3:createsessionResponse xmlns="http://www.utiba.com/delirium/ws/TypedQuery" xmlns:ns2="http://www.utiba.com/delirium/ws/Misc" xmlns:ns3="urn:UMARKETSCWS" xmlns:ns4="http://www.utiba.com/delirium/ws/StdQuery"> <ns3:createsessionReturn> <ns3:sessionid>6DL42ED0GG67MADDTD96</ns3:sessionid> <ns3:result>0</ns3:result> <ns3:result_namespace>session</ns3:result_namespace> <ns3:createsessionReturn> <ns3:createsessionResponse> <S:Body> <S:Envelope>[/CODE] ------------------------- How can i get xmlns Attribute Values using PHP. [ICODE] <ns3:sessionid>6DL42ED0GG67MADDTD96</ns3:sessionid>[/ICODE] I want to take [ICODE]<ns3:sessionid>[/ICODE] value [ICODE][6DL42ED0GG67MADDTD96][/ICODE]. Please reply asap. very urgent. Thanks William

Member Avatar for swilliamrobert
Member Avatar for LONGWAY

Hi, I need to write a php code that search from multiple tables and here is the problem: $query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE $kategorija LIKE '%".$kriterium."%'"; The results that were given were multiplicated (hundreds copies of the same data). I am new and can somebody …

Member Avatar for rpk2006
Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87

Could any wiz at regular expression write an expression that will check whether a string matches this format number=string must have the =sign included, the number can be anything up 3 numbers and the string can contain any characters this would very much apreciated i've been tryin this d*3/=/{aA-zZ}$/ thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

[CODE]<?php if(isset($_COOKIE['LoginIdCookie'])) { require_once('database.php'); $result=mysqli_query($dbc,"select *from events") or die('Not Connected'); echo "<html> <body>"; echo "<form method='post' action='Participationhappen.php'>"; echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15'> <th><b>Event Title:</b></th> <th ><b>Event City:</b></th> <th><b>Content:</b></th> <th><b>Images:</b></th> <th><b>Event Date:</b></th>"; while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $Title=$row['Title']; $City=$row['City']; $Content=$row['Content']; //$Photo=$row['Photo']; $Date=$row['Date']; $EventId=$row['EventId']; [B]$Photo=$row['Photo']; echo $Photo;[/B] echo "<tr><td>$Title</td><td>$City</td><td>$Content</td><td>[B][COLOR="Red"]<img src='<?php echo $Photo; ?>'/>[/COLOR][/B]</td><td>$Date</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='event[]' value=$EventId …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aksahoo17

hello everyone , Can anybody help, as i m a beginner in PHP, i try to just check user is valid or not ... I hav 2 fields...Username and Password..as user enter username and password, click on submit button then in the same page the query execute and user is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I currently use cron jobs to move data throught the day in mysql. In a different area I create excel exports. What id like to know is the possibility of generating a report that is sent via email as an attachment. Which i will un as a cron …

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for s.butler1

I'm trying to teach myself a bit more php/mysql so that I can implement better usability on my osCommerce site. I've set up a bit of space on the web server and the db server so that I can play about with stuff and I'm close to doing what I …

Member Avatar for s.butler1
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I am using IE8. I am trying to set value for check_id but it not working in IE8. but works in firefox. [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function check_test() { var new_url="http://www.abc.com/xyz.php?id=5"; alert(new_url); document.getElementById("check_id").value=new_url; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="mod_frm" method="post" id="mod_frm" action="<?php echo $self;?>" > <input type="radio" name="pkg_name" value="1" class="styled" …

Member Avatar for Baradaran
Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti

I am able to present the organizations for a user selected city and state and I am then able to "down select" using the id which presents me with the json encoded data for a single organization. The problem is that along with the json encoded data I am getting …

Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti
Member Avatar for rajesh4u2u

Hello, I am developing a online reputation website and i am interested in knowing how pipl searches on linkedin.com without Oauth. Can anybody tell me a way to search for people on Linkedin.com and Facebook.com without oAuth(if not API , anyother method?)? Thanks Rajesh

Member Avatar for sops21
Member Avatar for somakumaran

Hai, pls help me , I want to upload script for mp3 only, I have already an exemption sript but when it use to upload a mp3 file, then it show as "Please enter a valid upload". the script is below if( $upload_Mime_Type != "audio/32kadpcm" AND $upload_Mime_Type != "audio/basic" AND …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for zeeshan_kust

hay gays i want to retrieve xml data from three table stored in mysql. i used the below code it works fine but first it retrieve one record from first table than iterate to second table and print the whole table and then iterate to third table and print the …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Layerphp

Hi i'm new to php and i'm developing one admin tool which involves a form. The form involves more database interaction. My main interest with this form is to upload images to database with file system which i'm able to do. My form consists of fields like..... "Photo Taken by","Number …

Member Avatar for Layerphp
Member Avatar for balle

How would I make it plus 10 to every users coin row while doing it automaticly every day. [CODE]<? include('dbConfig.php'); $get = mysql_query("UPDATE admin SET coins='' WHERE banned='0'") or die(mysql_error()); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Caeon
Member Avatar for Setvir

Anyone have an idea what the regex would be for preg_split to split a string at a semicolon ([icode];[/icode]), but ignore any quoted (single or double) parts as well as ignore escaped ([icode]\;[/icode]) semicolons? I have tried to decipher this one and could not (regex not my strongpoint - YET) …

Member Avatar for Setvir
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm new to php, and I would just like to know if PHP has a client side and a server side similar to jsp? Reason being - I have completed the front end of a website and I want to add all the functionality now so I'm wondering if …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for orcaraheel

<?php mysql_select_db($database_boss, $boss); $button = $_POST['button']; $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; $proid = $_GET['proid']; $result2 = "UPDATE productorder SET Product_quantity = '$quantity' WHERE proid = '$proid'"; mysql_query($result2); ?>

Member Avatar for rpk2006
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

hi all, i am trying to create a room booking system in php. now i want to check if a period exists within a given month. i ask the user for the month and how many days they want to come, now i want to look in mysql (where i …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello everybody and thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I am currently working on transitioning a mysql project to mssql and php v 5.3.3 I am having trouble with [code] <form action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" method="post"> [/code] when I look at the source code of a working page... Say login.php …

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for Brianbc

I am loading a page to change passwords within an iframe. Outside the iframe it does work well, but when I change the password from within the iframe it returns a blank page. How can I rectify the problem? [CODE]//iframe <div class="tabber"> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Eguard</h2> <iframe src="eguard.php" width="100%" height="400"> </iframe>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi everyone, I have designed my website from 6000 static HTML pages to a more structured system. However I am not carrying over same structure so I will need to setup a bunch of 301 permanent redirects in order to keep my search rankings. (have spent a lot of money …

Member Avatar for mrickert

I'm reading in a file's contents as a string. From this string, I want to get a substring. All I know is the text that is beginning of the substring and the end ot the substring, I do not know what is contained in the string between the beginning and …

Member Avatar for quasipickle
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello! I've made a site called 'About us' on norwegian it means 'omoss' in my code;) But when i am displaying my code the hole page is white! I can't find the error. Can someone pleas help me? [CODE]<?php include('connect.php'); ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for onlymani
Member Avatar for feodal

Hey, I have a scrapper that was written in php that gathers info from a website and outputs it in csv format. The problem that I have encountered is that there are short connection breaks which are enough for my script to stop executing and I am not sure whether …

Member Avatar for feodal
Member Avatar for Mark709

Users click to open NEW Internet Explorer program page but they only get top half of page (ie minimized style) and need to click on icon at top right hand side - to get full screen (complete with tool bars etc). Question What code can be used to ensure window …

Member Avatar for Mark709
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, When I send bulk emailsto many people I want to get reports like "how many delivered, how many failed, who opened, who didn't open etc.". Is this possible with PHP, if so which PHP mail package would be the best. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, I am using FCKEditor in my website. It's working all over in website fine. But there is one page in which it does not showing properly. I tried all things but in that page is does not showing properly. I have one hidden div tag. When user clicks …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet
Member Avatar for jakizak

PHPMYSQL - How do you perform a double SELECT query or check against multiple fields? Does anyone know how this can be achieved? What i want is from a search page that has multiple search areas such as name / description / functions and be able to type multiple search …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525

The End.