39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I want to make a dictionary. I want to do that with php and flash.for example I have lot of .png images. eg good.png, bad.png etc.. Now when anybody search for word [B]good[/B]. It will show good.png in the flash movie. If word not found then this word will …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for tobeye

hello, I'm kind of new to the PHP-scene and I'm having difficulties with my first php-site the situation: I'm making a website were people view newsitems, these newsitems are stored in a database ("postgresql") every newsitem is stored in a category. i would like to create a list of every …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Deechickie

Hi everyone, I'm Dee :) I'm new here so please excuse me if I'm asking this in the wrong area. I must admit that I also know very little about PHP and techie stuff :$ so I'm after some help and guidance if possible. I'm getting an enormous database driven …

Member Avatar for Deechickie
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Good day all: I have a mysql insert statement inserting data to db. The value of one of the variables is: [code] ' $_POST[servicedesc]')[/code] I want to be able to append the current date and time in front of this value and then insert into the db. This value will …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for kesh1000

hi everyone, i am trying to use php mailer to configure emails in my website. im doing this website as my project so im using local wamp server. since wamp is not mail server im trying to use gmail with it. can anyone help me as to why im getting …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lit108

I am creating a login system for a website, this code itself works fine until I include this login file on the index page. Then everytime It is run it displays the following errors, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/swap/public_html/login script/index.php:11) in …

Member Avatar for lit108
Member Avatar for bit-byte

Hello, I am having some problems with IE and Opera browsers not displaying all my form select boxes, for example: Firefox (Working): [img]http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/6810/firefoxk.png[/img] Internet Explorer: [img]http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7190/72404597.png[/img] My upload page: [code]<?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); require '../includes/functions.php'; require '../includes/mysql.php'; require '../theme.fol.php'; loggedinorreturn(); stdheader(); block_begin("Upload Torrent"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $target = "../files/"; $target = $target …

Member Avatar for bit-byte
Member Avatar for mtvaran

Hi guys, basically here pull out the data from database then creating taxt field automatically and submit into anther table. everything works fine but data not inserting in to the table. could you guys check my code please? [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("uni", $con)or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); ?> …

Member Avatar for mtvaran
Member Avatar for tantii

hi im new to programming and i was told to create a dice game where a player rolls and the dice rolled will added to the total score until the score is reached its maximum limit but i cant get it to work.. my problem is i cant keep hold …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for DeadlyLife

Hello i've got a problem with "else" it says unexpected T_ELSE but i have no idea what could be wrong here [CODE]if ($id == "funkcijos") { if($vardas != "" && $slaptazodis != "" && $el_pastas != "") { $query = "INSERT INTO vartotojai SET vardas = '$vardas', slaptazodis = '$slaptazodis', …

Member Avatar for DeadlyLife
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hi i want ot ask if i can run a php script in the same page where i put it i mean i do a forum with a code in the action tag which allow the page to run in the same page or is it posible to run only …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for careless_monkey

I'm building a database of solar system for a course. Here's what I have problem with: I have a 'regularplanet' model which has 'regularplanets' controller. When I go to /htdocs/solar/regularplanets, my page lists all the planets (Earth, Venus, etc.). Beside every planet I want to have a link 'Attribute' which …

Member Avatar for theG-Scott

I have two tables in my db. One table contains portfolio images with a primay key set to AI. The other table contains all of the thumbnails that need to be associated with each portfolio image with no primary key. I'm trying to grab the last inserted id of the …

Member Avatar for theG-Scott
Member Avatar for Rizzuti

Hello!! I'm trying to upload images and text onto my database but i have a bit of a problem... [QUOTE]Error, query failed 1136-Column count doesn't match value count at row 1[/QUOTE] I dont know if the problem is the script or the actuall database, I google it but I couldn't …

Member Avatar for Rizzuti
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hi everyone i need your help i want to write a code that gets for me the latest 5 out puts here is my code [CODE] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","awah","pass"); if(!$con) { echo "cant connect to db".mysql_error(); } $select = mysql_select_db("awah_admin"); if(!$select) { echo "cant select db ".mysql_error(); } $query …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for ninja_girl

I have searched the forum and Google but there was nothing that would give me a clue what's wrong with my code. I'm just starting PHP and I'm trying a few things. :) I have a page with login. Logging in works wonderfully, storing sessions with username does too. However, …

Member Avatar for ninja_girl
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Hi Everybody, I'm posting this after 10 hours of trial and error, hope someone has an idea... What I'm trying to do is make thumbs out of numerous images, and it works for a small number of images (a few) but for anything more max_execution_time is exceeded (and i cannot …

Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome
Member Avatar for jpknoob

I'm having trouble displaying results when i connect to 2 databases. My connection script seems to be working fine and returns no errors; [CODE]$connect1 = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass", true); $connect2 = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass", true); $db_selected = mysql_select_db("database1", $connect1); $db_selected = mysql_select_db("database2", $connect2);[/CODE] When i run the queries, however, I'm only managing to get …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for daneuchar

Hello every i have been coding in php for sometime and knew about frameworks like zend cake etc. but my real confusion starts here, is it better to write codes without framework or is it better to write code using frameworks.:?::confused:

Member Avatar for daneuchar
Member Avatar for swilliamrobert

Hi, I do not know how to pass parameters using soapclient with call method in PHP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Description:[/B] This command is used to authenticate the user. Most of the biz functions require authentication in order to function. If the session is already logged in then a subsequent successful login will …

Member Avatar for h0neydip

Ok so i have this login form with session and cookies, how can i redirect the user to another page if the user fails to login after three attempts, and hitting the submit button at anytime is an attempt,does using SESSION come into play here?, your help is greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for gikonyo

am writing an sql statement that can change the username and password but it is not working this is the code on line 19 $sql = "UPDATE login SET username= newusername('$_POST['newusername']'),password=newpassword('$_POST['newpassword']) WHERE username = '$_POST['username']',password='$_POST['password']"; this is the error Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in …

Member Avatar for gikonyo
Member Avatar for floatingDivs

Hi Daniweb, I've got a question regarding what I call "dynamic URL rewriting" -- which is probably the wrong term -- and need some help. OK, so basically, I know how to rewrite the URL for static pages (i.e. have "localhost/index.php" also work as "localhost/index". However, let's say I have …

Member Avatar for kb0000
Member Avatar for gikonyo

am getting this error after executing the select query. Notice: Undefined index: unit8_code in C:\wamp\www\ELIZA\viewresults.php on line 129 the following is line 129 $unit8_code=$row['unit8_code']; please help to troubleshoot

Member Avatar for gikonyo
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello! I am worcking on a guestbook for my website. And I know that is it hackers in the world, ho proberly want to tyr out my security. Soo, if he types a <meta tag in my guestbook, it would come up an error code, that says aboute the error. …

Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

<?php $dbc=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','nog') or die('Not Connected'); $query="select * from registration"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query) or die('Not Connect'); if ($result) { // create a new form and then put the results // indto a table. echo "<html> <body>"; echo "<form method='post' action='approve.php'>"; echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15'> <th width='15%'>User Id</th> <th width='55%'>Name</th> <th width='15%'>Age</th> <th width='15%'>Blood …

Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3
Member Avatar for niths

hello all, i need multiple upload at once for my site.that should be a very similar to this [url]http://demo.element-it.com/Examples/multipow/index.htm[/url] 1.simple upload (click on that) i tried this but it is trial version. so can any one suggest me if there are any other like this and that should be freeware... …

Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome
Member Avatar for prabhakarn

I just downloaded a socialengine script. it works fine with my local WAMP server. but when i get it online i get the[B]" Autosuggest is already set!"[/B] in every page. and every page contains two duplicate of the same page (ie., two header and two footer) but the site works …

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Member Avatar for Swapsry

Hi frnds.... i am trying to do search like google.... my files r here......but it displays nothing....i mean no output and no error...plz check the code what the error? eg: in a text box type "a" then "a" related words r displayed... [B][U]google.php[/U][/B]p [ICODE]<?php $file=fopen("http://www.google.com/complete/search?h1=en&js=true&qu=" . $_GET["qu"],"r"); while(!feof($file)){ $d=fgets($file); echo …

Member Avatar for TheBeginner
Member Avatar for nikc121

Ive been playing around with this all day, I think my path is wrong, I keep getting [Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in /class/ct386b/##/www/cgi-bin/french5.php on line 73] Here are how my files are set up and I am linking to my college unix system thru my signon ~ct386## <secret> …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ

The End.