39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for khushhappy

I am displaying a value in directory.php page and then i want to display the result when clicked on the detail hyperlink , specific record to be shown in the directorydetail.php , but it is not showing. :( i am submitting the code in chunks, <td width="90"><?php echo $row_Directory['Off_tel']; ?></td> …

Member Avatar for khushhappy
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am trying to get a live search facility working but my code is not working, I was wondering if someone could help me out and see if there are any mistakes or things I can change: Index.php [CODE] <form id="jobSearch" method="get" action=""> <input type="text" id="searchJobs" class="JobSearchBox" name="z" onkeyup="showResult(this.value)" …

Member Avatar for SunnySideUp
Member Avatar for westernbees

Hey guys.... please help me out on sorting this php issue... i have made a form to upload images to folder and its details to database but not able to code a form to retrive image from folder and its details from database. HTML form - [CODE]<form method="post" action="addMember.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> …

Member Avatar for westernbees
Member Avatar for Aventurine

Hi there, would someone help me with this please? I accomplished this in the past and now cannot remember how I did it or find it on the web. Using a standard while loop I want to define a string prior and then add to it each time around I …

Member Avatar for Aventurine
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

So let me start by saying I am new to PHP so any extra advice is helpful, working on a large scale personal project hoping to get better with PHP because of it. Now I have a script that displays my database just as I like, and next to each …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for novedturn

I am trying to pull data from a table to fill a drop down list. Now, i got the fill part working, but am having an issue passing a variable value to my form post action. Code: $query ="SELECT UniqueIdentifier, LastName, FirstName FROM BrokerMain ORDER BY LastName"; $result = @mssql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for novedturn
Member Avatar for woofy613

I am getting the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING The code snippet: [CODE]$db = "hospital"; $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$db); $sql1 = INSERT INTO intake2(site, Record, BMI, Weight) VALUES($_POST[\"site\"], $_POST[\"Record\"], $_POST[\"BMI\"], $_POST[\"Weight\"]); [TEX]// this is the line that generates the error[/TEX] $qyr = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql1);[/CODE] I realize that the error …

Member Avatar for woofy613
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

I am having huge trouble with this Mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL Injection. I have tried everywhere possible to input it in my code. My code looks a lot different than most peoples. I mean my login/registration system works PERFECT.. besides that it's not protected from SQL Injection yet which is …

Member Avatar for Mogradjinn
Member Avatar for it200219

Hi Gigs, I have UPC numbers with me, are you familier with any API / Libabry which can generate BarCode image ? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for rikiroxs
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi: I have created a simple contact form (see Form below), and a send_mail.php (see Send below) processor that verifies (not validates) the user has entered info all fields. Send then provides the user information and redirects them back to the contactus page. The problem I have is with the …

Member Avatar for stokes1900
Member Avatar for iammirko

Hi, I recently bought a domain. As usual, the domain provider has given email accounts facility. The problem is that, I can access the email accounts only through the webmail address provided by the domain registrar (which has a pathetic interface) or through POP based email clients like outlook. Is …

Member Avatar for iammirko
Member Avatar for Layerphp

Hi daniweb, i'm developing an admin tool which has form.This form involves more database interaction. When form is filled and clicked on submit button all the values from form fields stores into database in main table. I'm retrieving all the values from database and displaying as a table in another …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dante2

Ok, here we go again. I am trying to use sessions to keep track of how many times a user guesses at a number. All of the code works fine [I]except[/I] for the counter at the top. I am not aware of how to start a counting session and get …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cwkeng09

hey guy, i was fail to update the title and content using php code below, can anyone help me check what is the problem. Thanks. [CODE]<?php if ( !defined( "ROOT_PATH" ) ) { exit( "Forbidden" ); } if ( "0" < $userdb['sellerid'] && !$_S['ifsell'] ) { message( "group_ifsell" ); } …

Member Avatar for Caeon
Member Avatar for srikanth.hk

Please anyone help me out it is very urgent php data grid view with update delete option for each row . it should be with php,ajax or javascript .....i dont want dot net code

Member Avatar for sateeshms
Member Avatar for facarroll

I'm totally new to javascript and fairly new to php... so... I have a javascript login form that takes a users email and password, validates through a mysql database and gains entry to a folder that is protected by a htaccess file. This is set up to integrate with a …

Member Avatar for melodopolis

Ok this is my first post so please be gentle... I have tried several ways to get data to a mysql database from radio buttons that have male or female options.. I had it saving to the database but couldn't get the data out and into the radio button... example …

Member Avatar for melodopolis
Member Avatar for aftong

Hello, I am trying to create an order form that allows a user to customize a fire ring by choosing the number of segments in the ring and the designs on each segment. When the 'Submit' button is pressed, the form returns to the same page and the page checks …

Member Avatar for aftong
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

So having a decent understanding of programming but new to PHP I'm stuck on this somewhat simple problem. I have column titles being listed from my database as follows: [CODE=php] //This section gathers the field names // and puts them in the first row of the table $sql = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for Xtremefaith
Member Avatar for balle

This code is acting weird like if I put the row "friendname" it wont show up at all. [CODE] <? $gar = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE username='".$row['username']."'") or die(mysql_error()); //gets requests while ($reqs = mysql_fetch_array($gar)) { echo ' '; echo $row['friendname']; echo ' '; } ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for gwpaul

I am having a problem in getting a watermark on an image that is called from a database. I can static image static image to work fine, but when I try to use it on a dynamically called image, I get these errors. I am trying to merge two images …

Member Avatar for gwpaul
Member Avatar for trilithon

Hi All, I need to use the results of this query as an array to exclude files from a tree. The file and folder names that I enter into $exclude work fine but I can not seem to add the results from the query to the array. Below is the …

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Member Avatar for vinay9785

Hey everyone.. I am relatively new to PHP and JS and I need help. I need to populate a dropdown list from a db(mysql). I can do it just with PHP. The problem arises when I add another of the same dropdown to my form using javascript. I need the …

Member Avatar for vinay9785
Member Avatar for programmer12

Ok, my question is... Why is it that when i uploaded my files to the server the [CODE]header("Location:".$config_basedir.");[/CODE] wont execute more than once.... But on my Localhost I had no problem with the header refreshing... Is there a way to stop this from happening or maybe a revise PHP code …

Member Avatar for ofus
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey everyone i need your help i want to create a mailling list in php and mysal but i dont know how to do it , so please if you know how to do it please tell me or if you know where i can get it also tell me …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for mbhanley

Hi * I have spent the last 18 hrs or so trying to get the wright sql code or think of an alternative but I just can't get my head around it. If any one can help me it would be awsome. What I am trying to acheive is getting …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi anybody can help me out i need a form that user can enter their detail choose a selected template and checkout via paypal. check this link for an example of what im talking about [CODE]http://members.webs.com/s/signup;jsessionid=1E94BB8091A2B4FB15336909E2115F5F?execution=e1s1[/CODE] i will be integrating this form in Joomla. i know how to build a …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i am working on a project, it needs google images search, how do i integrate google images serach, i want to add that images to my website, is it possible?, anybody know about this, please help me.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jonasjo

[CODE=php]<?php $server="localhost"; $username="root"; $password="root"; $db_name="test"; $db=mysql_connect($server,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($db_name,$db); if(isset($_POST['btnsave'])) { $quesid=$row['question_id']; $question=$_POST['txtquestion']; $ans=$_POST['choice']; $mark=$_POST['mark']; /*checking no of questions in question table */ $countcheck=mysql_query("select count (*) from question"); echo "no of questions in table are".$countcheck; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($countcheck)) { for(i=0;i<='$countcheck';i++) echo $row[i]; } $ab=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ab)) { …

Member Avatar for jonasjo
Member Avatar for Muath2000

Dear Friends, I'm having a problem for a few days with an sql statement. Idea: I'm trying to retrieve from table (sms_out) a list of mobile numbers. Each number with it's status of sent i.e Failed or Success. The output should be like this: Mobile No. ------------ Failed--------------Success--------------Total 0171112554 5 …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.