" data-bs-original-title="" title="">
below this link i have a ratting thing. in this its working but here update and disply part. http://www.namshimoga.com/searchdetails.php?idval=399&maincatid=147&maincateg=Testingmp#details in another page http://www.namshimoga.com/searchbycat.php?catagory=Testingmp&maincateg=Testingmp&maincatid=147 i want to display only final rating without updation. its my display part <div class='headstar'> Rate It ! <ul class='star-rating'> <li class='current-rating' id='current-rating'><!-- will show current rating …
Hi. I am creating a database where a user can store up to 50 names of their family members. I have two table structures in mind and curious which one is the more efficient structure for using with php. ==================================================================================================== TABLE A: userid-firstfamilymemberid-firstfamilymembername-secondfamilymemberid-secondfamilymembername Note:(the columns would repeated until the fiftiethfamilymemberid …
Hi Guys I am trying to display friends of a logged in user for my website, the user(person1 is friends with person2 and I would like this to display when either person1 or person2 log in( this should be under the hyperlink) Friends. and also to be able to see …
So what are your thoughts. I've recently been looking at things like expression engine, http://buildwithcraft.com http://statamic.com and http://modx.com Purely because, writing my own CMS from scratch is one helluva ballache. The above sites look appealing because they afford enough flexibility to write a CMS to control pages using templating in …
Hallo, How to decrypt md5 password? I have a password stored in mysql in md5 then would like to retrieve it and decrypt it. How to do so? Thanks in advance.
Hi Daniweb, I have a checkbox that is dynamically generated using php using inputs on previous pages. <form name=partselect action="JavaScript:checkmate()" method="post"> <table> <?php while(oci_fetch($stmtgp)){ $idpart = oci_result($stmtgp, "PART_ID"); $stmtparts = oci_parse($conn, "select * from PARTS where PARTID='".$idpart."'"); $execparts = oci_execute($stmtparts); if(!$execparts){ echo 'unable to fetch part'; } oci_fetch($stmtparts); $tpartcost = …
Hello everyone! This is Pankaj from India. I'm a PHP Developer. Right now I'm working in Jaipur as a PHPfox Developer. I joined this community to explore the world of knowledge. It's always good to learn things and eventually make friends out of it.
I am creating a website wherein Admin is supposed to create a Form and the other users are supposed to fill it and submit it. My main goal is to the give the Admin user a webpage where he will type the question , select the type of answer to …
i have problem with my index id for class_student.php.. i not sure where it missing smth.. kindly look it for me. there is an error with index id at line 3 which mean $get_id = $_GET['id']; <?php include ('session.php'); ?> <?php $get_id = $_GET['id']; include('header.php'); $user_query = mysql_query("select * from …
Hi, Anyone can explain what is ion cube loader? and how it works for encryption and decryption? Thanks in advance..
I'm trying to do a username availability check on my website, i.e during registration, it checks if a username is taken or still available. However when i execute i get no result at all,nothing happens. My code: **Registration page** ***register.php**: * //this form posts to the same script. //In this …
i'm new learn php and mysql and i got stuck can't get better logic for my brain i want to get message from page if i type url like **index.php?user=user1** and page will show with data table and if username doesn't exist and page show no username found so this …
Dear All, This must be a very common problem, but yet nowhere on the internet wishes to display a working answer. I am in a sticky situation. I have the following .htaccess file on my local webserver: http://localhost/testsite/.htaccess DirectoryIndex home.php?view=home RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} …
any one know about star rating with updation for particular (i.e)product,etc.. if you have any sample code share with me
before that i upload values using implode(),after that i need display that array values. below this code showing array values as in single variable.[Click Here](http://www.namshimoga.com/searchbycat.php?catagory=Health+%26+Fitness&maincateg=Health+%26+Fitness&maincatid=151&city=$city) see that page i added 5 categories but it displayed in single variable, i want to separate it, becaz that ids are different category:Pediatrician,ayurveda,skin Care,optical,yoga, …
I m new to php..I have page in which the user as to enter a number and when clicked on submit the page as to redirect to the entered number in the first form. all the details of that number as to be displayed for updating it. How can I …
I am running apache 2.0 and php5.4.4 and have MS SQL database set as the DSN. I am able to run the SQL queries via OBDC, but the php code will not execute to extracting multiple rows of data from the database. I can't figure out what is going on …
i need to show the array values separate $ids = array(12,13,14); $ids1 = explode(",", $ids); echo $ids1; if i run this it shows array
hello world, myself kishan kumar, iam new to web developing...my task is interrelated to edit,save & cancel....which is similar to edit button in shine.com...Iam doing in php language.the work is when user clicks on edit button he must be able to edit and after on editing he can save it …
i have a problem with php. I write the following code and it returns blank <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users"); $result = $database->sql_query($query); while ($dr = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)) { echo $dr['uid']; } $database->sql_freeresult($result) ?> i call this include_once 'includes/db.php'; and on db.php. $database = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE) or die(mysql_error());
The End.