39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for chaitu11

i may select one or more category.... <?php include('db.php'); $sql = mysqli_query("select * from brandname where category = 'cloths' "); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){ echo $row['brandname']; } ?> <form action="checkbox.php" method="post"> Bags:<input type="checkbox" name="bags" value="bags"><br/> Cloths:<input type="checkbox" name="cloths" value="cloths"><br/> Bikes:<input type="checkbox" name="bike" value="bike"><br/> Shoes:<input type="checkbox" name="shoes" value="shoes"><br/> </form> <div id="load"> </div>

Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for nazree.zeko

I got 1 form that contain a table that can be editable . In that table i added 1 column for checkbox . The checkbox is use to send a notification email based on the checked box . I want to create a button that connect to the page which …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I have this code. After adding this php mailer, I wonder why my form won't appears. Only if I comment out the my code between <?php and ?> then my form appears. Also, how to make my form work so that if I fill it in - in my …

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Member Avatar for youvi

Hello, Am doin a web application.How can i implement sms service in my website?? Please show me some references..and guidence please.. Thanks

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for prince kitumi

I Want to development e learing web based system how do i php code for viwe comments and posting comments ,like a forum

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for patk570

Hi, I have 2 fields that are used for date. In my fucntion, i have it format the date into Y-m-d format, $purchase_date = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,date('Y-m-d',$_POST['purchase_date'])); $warranty_end_date = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,date('Y-m-d',$_POST['warranty_end_date'])); But when I enter a date into it, it just puts 0000-00-00 I thought this was the correct format, but seems to …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for blueguy777

The following code unable to insert null or blank value into table called custreg i.e. $sagentid and $sagentname. if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $reg_no=$_POST['reg_no']; $firstname=strtoupper(str_replace(',', '' , $_POST['firstname'])); $lastname=strtoupper(str_replace(',', '' , $_POST['lastname'])); $mobno1=$_POST['mobno1']; $mobno2=$_POST['mobno2']; $address=strtoupper($_POST['address']); $city=strtoupper($_POST['city']); $dateofjoin=$_POST['dateofjoin']; $regfee=$_POST['regfee']; $magentid=$_POST['magentid']; $sagentid=$_POST['sagentid']; $skimcity=$_POST['skimcity']; $skimyear=$_POST['skimyear']; $skimname=$_POST['skimname']; $cust_fullname = $firstname.' '.$lastname; $pdo = Database::connect(); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sql = …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello All, I am using google calendaer API PHP libraries. but refreshToken is not working for me. Please tell me where am wrong in this code: <?php require_once 'src/Google_Client.php'; require_once 'src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php'; session_start(); $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("Google Calendar PHP Starter Application"); $client->setAccessType('offline'); // added this to handle offline section $cal …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for Orgil_1

I have a problem been a long. I am totally lost what is wrong! It does not give compile-time error. But it just doesnt add data to database. register.php <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My First Web site</title> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <link …

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Member Avatar for jkon

Some weeks ago I posted this and I realized from the referrals that it may help to be as a code snippet. This is an example of getting products details from categories – subcategories using ajax call. I am fond of OOP and this is not , but I believe …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vukhacbiet

I just have done a web app about group work, and I want use 1 source to create multisite for multi group use (like teambox.com or wordpress multisite) Ex: group A will be a.abc.com, group B : b.abc.com but only use a source code and database Please help me, thanks …

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Member Avatar for sanjay@srvmedia
Member Avatar for jstfsklh211

I'm trying to change user ldap passwords heres the code $ds = ldap_connect(LDAP_HOST, LDAP_PORT); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); $bind = ldap_bind($ds, 'uid={admin},'.LDAP_BASEDN, '{admin password}'); $userpassword = "{SHA}" . base64_encode(sha1( '{password}', TRUE )); $userdata = array("userPassword" => $userpassword); $result = ldap_mod_replace($ds, 'uid={user},'.LDAP_BASEDN, $userdata); ldap_close($ds); `$result` returns true i can even see the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nazree.zeko

So i got one form so the user can enter and submit their personal details. The problem is i didn't apply any validation . I've done a simple validation like this , but it seem to be not working . function validate(){ if((\$('txt_no_kp').value != '') && (\$('txt_nama').value != '') && …

Member Avatar for nazree.zeko
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, How to make the contact us works? [Contact Us](http://www.indonusa.net.id/contactus.php) contactus.php <?php // require_once('recaptchalib.php'); $name = strip_tags(@$_POST['name']); $email = str_replace(" ", "", strip_tags(@$_POST['email'])); $subject = str_replace(" ", "", strip_tags(@$_POST['subject'])); $message = strip_tags(@$_POST['message']); if (@$_POST['submit']) { if ($name&&$email&&$subject&&$message) { // $privatekey = "6LfjvdcSAAAAAHNcKjYO5DhTNefxYZHYcfhtrvGC"; // $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, // $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], // $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], …

Member Avatar for nauticalmac
Member Avatar for johnef_sh

hi I using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps from here https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3 and then I used PHP's DOM functions to Output XML from here https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3#outputxml everything working fine with me but I need to center google map on the marker. here is the code that center the map and make the zoom …

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Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello All, I want to send event invitation to Google user, using google calendar API. for this, I am using Google calendar API in php, for inserting event in the google calendar . I have used php-client libraries https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/downloads But problem with this is : it require login. So how …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello guys! Anyone who has an idea of integarting a bar code reader to a inventory system. The function is to read the bar code and this will serve as an input to the system. Any suggestion are very much welcome. thank you!

Member Avatar for phpdeveloper123
Member Avatar for kharthikeyan

Use Time Zone <?php $date = date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kolkata'); echo date("d/m/Y h:i:s a", time()); ?> Or Use Time Diferrence from GMT <?php $time_now=mktime(date('h')+5,date('i')+30,date('s')); echo date("d/m/Y h:i:s a", time()); ?>

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for chaitu11

How to generate a unique random username.It should not be sequential but should be unique and random

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all, I am looking to extract address line of text into arrays in a word document. I am only really looking for the postcode to extract. Any help would be appreciated Thanks David Velta - The Underfloor Heating Company, Wombwell School, S73 8AX Speedy Asset Services Limited, C/O Arnold …

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Member Avatar for lydia21

hi i am doing a attendance sheet appln... i want to know how to get the current indian time,date,month and year..... and i want to store that in mysql database lydia

Member Avatar for kharthikeyan
Member Avatar for rubai

I am new in plugin development. I created a plugin with the help of http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_Options_Pages <?php /* Plugin Name: 1pluginframework Plugin URI: Description: Custom plugin for lendingbig website. Version: 1.0 Author: Jahur Ahmed Author URI: License: GPLv2 or later */ // create custom plugin settings menu add_action('admin_menu', 'baw_create_menu'); function baw_create_menu() …

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Member Avatar for urbanthistleuk

Hello, I am after some help, I need to know how to do srv lookups using php and possibly mx lookup, I have a form which already has a textbox which selects the domian from a mysql database, I need to be able to display the srv record below the …

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Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello, I have the following string and would like to use preg_match() to extract parts of the string. Yang club 4931 Wyaconda RdRockville, IA 20852 301-937-3401 Monday - Friday - 3:00 - 10:00PM and Saturday & Sunday -12:00 - 8:00PM another possible string is: Kahler Hall 5440 Old Tucker Row …

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Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create a search form in order to search articles title and contents. Here is my code: searchPDO.php <?php // PDO start here //This is only displayed if they have submitted the form $find = strip_tags(@$_POST['find']); $searching = strip_tags(@$_POST['searching']); if (isset($searching) && $searching==yes) { echo "<h2>Results</h2><p>"; …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ndrdesign

Hello. I have a source code written in c++. With this source code i should compile it and make with him a pdf viwer that will be embeeded into a webpage. Can anyone help me what program should i use? how can i compile it and embeed the result into …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ndrdesign

Hello. I have compiled a c++ program and i want it to be run into a webpage. I have tried the proc_open() command but it doesnt work. any help or suggestion?

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Member Avatar for john_56

I have recently purchased a ready made site as I am new to all things HTML CSS etc (although I am learning fast). Every time I have tried to go to the page I get this msg Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/a4616062/public_html/index.html on line 1. Here is …

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Member Avatar for Thkaal

Okay, here is the code I'm using. The original author hasn't been seen in three years and I haven't been able to get a response for a month so I'm asking here. The people here seem to be abel to help me more than anyone else. This is the ipn.php: …

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The End.