39,326 Topics
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Hello, This is PHP. Help me understand this code: if($selectDB == true){ $query = "INSERT INTO recruitment (ID, nama, jenis_kelamin, tanggal_lahir, nohp, email, alamat, provinsi, kota, zip, status_nikah, jumlah_tanggungan, agama, file_attachment, cover_letter) VALUES (NULL, '$nama', '$jenis_kelamin', '$tanggal_lahir', '$nohp', '$email', '$alamat', '$provinsi', '$kota', '$zip', '$status_nikah','$jumlah_tanggungan','$agama','$file_attachment', '$cover_letter');"; // "INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, … | |
**HELLO GUYS!** I'm Sergey Romanenko a web-developer with strong will for learning and researching new technologies and architectural solutions. I like creating and using specialised tools for making development processes as efficient as possible. Let me introduce my pet project - Flextype! Flextype is Open Source, fast and flexible file-based … | |
I'm working on the employee management system where i want to calculate employee late hour after after employee punch in? **For Example** ABC Employee Shift Start At : 01:00:00 PM Shift End At : 09:00:00 PM Employee Punch Timing At: 02:30 PM Now how i calculate employee late hour ? … | |
I'm doing both SELECT and UPDATE queries using named placeholders. But course data from the database doesn't populate form, as expected. The database table row records don't populate, each time I try to edit a course in the browser. I connect to the database usining PDO. And I do SELECT … | |
I have a form that uploads a news article with it's picture and then stores all the info correctly. I am using codeigniter with Active Record and would like to know how to display the image with the post it was uploaded with. here is my upload script: public function … | |
i am facing some issue in PHP. i have some records against blood report. That are simple some are possitive and some are Negative. i just want to now that from total records. What is the percentage of total Possitive records in my database in Php. Thanks in Advnace. Regards … | |
*Hello** This has been a question for a long time / Request for help for a PHP script. A year ago I created a homepage for a friend (online tutoring website) and installed a finished script for an occupancy calendar and did not consider / knew that the server will … | |
I'm trying to upgrade my script from PHP 5.5 to PHP 7.2. And that came with the script not able to modify a selected table row as before. The records don't even populate whenever I try to edit a course in the browser. Please, note that I'm connecting to the … | |
I am trying to create a search box on my website that will allow readers to type in search words and display results strictly from all pages of my .org. I found a php code on this website that I think will do this? So I have created a page … | |
I installed this php with captcha email form on my website --> http://reusableforms.com/d/d4/php-email-form-with-captcha I have it working. :) But there are two things that I want to change. (1) I want to change the color of the submit button. I have semi done that with the following code: .btn { … | |
Hello people, I've been working on a registration form project that needs to contain a captcha code that will be validated. Even if the captcha string inserted in the text box is correct, it displays the error "Captcha string is incorrect". Also, even if the captcha part did not exist, … | |
$query = "INSERT INTO 'user-profiles' ('name', 'avatar', 'description', 'votes', 'pay_methods', 'location', 'user_id') VALUES ('sadj', 'qwesad', 'sadqwdqw', '0','sadsad', 'sadasdsad''4')"; $resultprof = $this -> conn -> query($query); votes and user_id are INT columns, and user_id is a foreign key. Making this insert on mySQL directly it works perfectly, but on my PHP … | |
First program is adding a new topic on forum second program reprtesents a form where we can fill data. so it will showing error undefined index conent and topic and the data is not inserted in my database please help me | |
Hi I am trying to create a login page from my existing Wordpress Database with custom php file. can any one please help me. | |
Hi all I am a beginner and i was wondering can we write a code in PHP by which we can enter keyword in search box of any website and submit. so there will be 2 inputs to this php function: [CODE] function enter_keyword($website_url, $keyword) { } [/CODE] It will … | |
Hello everyone. I have recently downloaded a free bootstrap website and amended the code to fit my requirements. Check it out here: http://www.kougavisitor.co.za The website renders right on various size screens but seems to break on mobile divices. I am looking for help to fix the code for mobile rendering. … | |
Hello All. I am new to Daniweb. I was wondersing if there are people who could help me with CouchCMS, a PHP based content management system. I am held up in an issue where I want to generate the receipts of fees being paid by the students. So by perspective … | |
whats the coding of combo box in php????????? can any one tell meplzzzzzz | |
Hello good people, I am having an issue with including subreports, lists and table datasets in the main report using jasper reports since i want to include two separate sql queries in my report. I am using the same connection to my database for both the main report and the … | |
if its possible please give me instructions Thank you in advance | |
Hello, we have a website which I believe is in PHP, and it has a store on it. Adding products to the store etc is easy, but we want to change the text on the website, like add an introduction on the front page. When I try to open the … | |
I have Apache and PHP installed on my computer. I have an index.php file in my htdocs folder. When I call localhost I get the contents of my htdocs folder in an Index of / page. However if I type localhost/index.php the page loads OK. In my httpd.conf file DirectoryIndex … | |
Hi, I've been doing research on a career in coding/programming and now I'm very interested and motivated to learn it. I'm a complete beginner and limited financially at present. So I'm confused as to how to go about it. I love reading a lot and sitting on my laptop, so … | |
I have a table called download_manager .It has two columns filename and downloads .What I want to do is to get file name and its download count and display them inside ul element. I am able to get file names but I cant display the download count I'm getting undefined … | |
When I run script I get error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on string in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sae/TT/public_html/includes/user.php:21 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sae/TT/public_html/includes/user.php(40): User->emailExists('user1@gmail.com') #1 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sae/TT/public_html/includes/user.php(102): User->createUserAccount('userr', 'user1@gmail.com', '123456789', 'Admin') #2 {main} thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sae/TT/public_html/includes/user.php on line 21 Please have a look in code and help me find … | |
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I really need some helps regarding my php coding. I'm trying to do an Update page and the error keeps popping out "Undefined adminid". I've been trying to fix it but to no avail. Can you help me? //my database connection <?php $host = … | |
Hi there I am new at this website thanks for every one that help me I have this output appear on the link below: [Click Here](https://ibb.co/fe8Cvf) I want to while I choosing a **Time** **value** this value must be send for these useres that **absence** row the checkbox is **checked** … | |
using the following code i get an error from line 5 my error is Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[08001]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. in C:\xampp\htdocs\dailysales\includes\CPeriodOrdersJson.php:5 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\dailysales\includes\CPeriodOrdersJson.php(5): ->('sqlsrv:Server=F...', 'LocalAdmin', 'CrispyCrackers') #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\dailysales\includes\CPeriodOrdersJson.php … | |
The following code is erroring on the connection string line 5 it used to work but then i had to move the sql server to another box and now it fails have i forgotten to do something on the sql server or is there error in my code my error … | |
Hi, I am trying to hide Div ads from specific page( 404, Etc). website url: https://ytdl.us/ And for an example 404 page: https://ytdl.us/search/fvl-fdslkvnfalkjfnvlkfev Here <div class="ads ads-header"> </div> needs to be blocked as it is against TOS. Can anyone help. PS: I am no expert in coding :( |
The End.