39,326 Topics
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Im doing a reservation site for a project. And Im trying to disable radio button(s) if the sql statement returns true. Example: User selects a date and a time, and radio button(s) would be disable depending on database. So far, I have this: $result=mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT tableselect FROM reserve WHERE reserveDate = … | |
Hi guys, I've searched these forums and everywhere else... and I can't understand why this won't work when it works for other people... Here are my two error messages: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Assignment\inc\ManageStock.php on line 24 Notice: Undefined index: fileField in C:\xampp\htdocs\Assignment\inc\ManageStock.php … | |
My code so far: $message = '<html> <head> <title><?php echo $subject; ?></title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="100"> <tr> <th align="left"><b>Player Name<b></td> <th align="left"><b>Number of Goals<b></td> </tr>'; while($row_GetCurMonthPlayerGoals = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetCurMonthPlayerGoals)) { echo '<tr> <td align="left">' .$row_GetCurMonthPlayerGoals['FRName']. '</td> <td align="left">' .$row_GetCurMonthPlayerrGoals['Sales']. '</td> </tr>'; } // Close the table: … | |
Hello every one, i want to make a programme that read data from .xls file. a sql table will create on the basis of top row of the xls file, and rest rows will treated as data and inserted into the table. actually i am working for a office, their … | |
Hi! Need help with conditional formatting of table rows... What i need to acheave is to change table row background in red if date_needed is <= than 48 hours than now(). This is what i have now `if (date('d',strtotime($data['date_needed'])) <= 2) $row["rowstyle"]='style="background:red"';` it works in a way... It changes background … | |
| Hi, I have an urgent issue. I have a screen that allows the user to select something from a drop-down and then submit it. The form directs to the same page where, if data has been supplied, processing occurs based upon their drop-down selection. What I want to do is, … |
I just want to use the id for getting description I might have many rows fetched so I am going to make onclick event but till now, why it doesnot work? where am I wrong? Thank you for your interest <?php while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { ?> <strong><?php echo $row["heading"]?></strong> … | |
I am asked to submit my assignment at the end of the day. I have done all the designing part except for the XML-List part. I have no idea how to do it as I'm really new to XML. Here is my assignment. Any help or direction to the right … | |
I'm new to php and I'm trying to download a webpage text(no need to seperate the data with elements or things like that). Could someone Give a simplized php program (using curl) so I can Get to know it more like the syntax things . for example could someone download … | |
Hello guys, Am new to php with Ci... am trying to display a gridview in a form so as to extract data frm db & display the value.. .Any help? | |
i have the following php script. the databtase table i'm saving the data to allows NULL values for the email. this is the table structure. ` CREATE TABLE tblcontacts ( contactID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, contactName VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL, phoneNumber VARCHAR( 20 ) UNIQUE NOT … | |
This php code: <?php $video_id = 'k3VevYjjwQk'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/'.$video_id); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($response) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); $title = (string) $xml->statistics->attributes()->viewCount; echo $title; } else { // Error handling. } ?> returns: Warning: main(): Node no longer … | |
Hello there. I used this code for user and it works but when I use and alter a bit for admin side system, there is no data inside of the text field and the username keep on changing to 0 eventhough I type in other username. This is the code. … | |
I have racked my brain and can't find the error for the incorrect SQL syntax. I basically have a form with a bunch of fields. Some of them are checkboxes (single instance check boxes) and I think that's where the code is breaking, but values of the checkboxes are 'Yes' … | |
Hello all, I'm trying to have a multi-colored border for a generated table on my website. The table is a 2 column, 18 row table, and I want the top 6 rows to be bordered in green (or cell shading in green), while the rest of the table uses the … | |
I have a drop-down menu with different categories onece a category is selected i have a text box which accepts the type. this text box is an autosuggestion text. so whenever i select a category from the dropdown menu on the things that are within that category should be displayed … | |
Though am still a learner, I have developed a small php application and planning to sell the same. Meantime, I would like to protect my script using api or something and srictly not obfuscating or encoding, or using zend frame work? Is there any easy way? using base64decode, I should … | |
hi all... im getting undefined index errors while running my code in localhost. im using wampserver 2.2... but it works fine with older version of wampserver. here is my example code for products page.... <?php $man_id=$_GET['man_id']; $man_name2=$_GET['manf_name']; $man_name=str_replace('-',' ',$man_name2); $cat_id=$_GET['cat_id']; $cat_name2=$_GET['name']; $cat_name= str_replace('-',' ',$cat_name2); if($cat_id!=""): ?> <span class="pro-head"><?php echo $cat_name;?></span> … | |
<?php // url nya: abcd.com/jumlahklik.php?idads=[idadsnya] $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("freescript", $con); // kalo ada yg click tambahkan jumlah klik $count = 0; if ($_GET['idads']==1) { $count++; $waktu = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $idads = 1; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('H:i:s'); mysql_query("insert into adsmgt (idads,waktu,date,time) values ('$idads', '$waktu', '$date', '$time')"); } //di jumlahklik.php … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to send emails to various people using a .php file run with a crontab. I'm having some PHP issues though. My code is as follows: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Email</title> </head> <body> <?php # … | |
hello , I am new in php, and dont know about RSS feed.. I want to fetch news from another site and show it on our webpage. can anybody guide me about the code?? what the code should be??any help is appreciated.. thank you! | |
Hello guys, I'm trying to save/store data from a *form* to a *text file*. The problem is that the information sent from the form does not seem to be storing in the text file as whenever I enter its url the page is just empty. The code is as follows: … | |
adsmgt.php $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(idads) AS countidads FROM adsmgt") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "Number of ad clicks: ".$row['countidads']; } $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT waktu, date, time FROM adsmgt") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"."Tanggal"." "." Waktu"." Jumlah clicks per hari"; while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { echo "<br>".$row2['date']." ".$row2['time']; } as of now, all … | |
Hello, I would like to input date validator. How to do so? User must be able only to input date, otherwise is wrong data entry. <tr> <td>Tanggal :</td> <td><input type="date" size="12" maxlength="22" name="Tanggal" value=""></td><br> </tr> Please help. Thanks. | |
Hi guys, Need an effective suggestions on how to deal with this situation. Im working with php and mysql. Now the system i am creating needs to send emaill notification once a year. | |
how to show table names as combobox use php syntax? | |
hi, i have a table in database that contains birthday column varchar()- i choose varchar because ecoder could input birthday like 1. 1993-14-03 2. 1993-03-14 3. March 14 4. March 14,1993 5.etc.... Now my problem i want to detect what month is their birthday could some help me? | |
basically i have created a selection box which display the files i have got in a certain folder which are xml files, my problem is that i am unsure how to save the content of the file selected as a live variable which changes on different selected which the variable … | |
I have a jquery code below which I am using to try to get a html form that is displaied in a lightbox on a webpage to post to a php page my issue seems to be that when I click the "save" button it is not executing the jquery … | |
What are the main things I need to pay attention to them Process of building a strong security system? |
The End.