39,388 Topics
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Hi there, How do I configure php.ini to allow large uploads(around 20M). With the default setting I can only upload up to 2M. I do not know what to set and where? How many settings need to be adjusted and what are they? | |
Hi. Well, i'm trying to add new data to mysql, <input type="text" name="name"/> example: Billy Boy when I check mysql table, it shows "BillyBoy" How do I fix that error? Thank you. | |
Hi... I am using xampp-win32-1.7.3.I want to use Adodb.I had seen that adodb is included on xampp package(xampp/php/pear/adodb).I had used the following code to retrieve data from mysql database. [CODE]<?php include("adodb.inc.php"); $db = NewADOConnection('mysql'); $db->Connect("localhost", "root", "", "emp"); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM employ"); if ($result === false) die("failed"); while … | |
Hey guys, got a system here which I'l try and explain in lame mans terms. Search > Customer page > Edit Customer. The problem I am having is that it is not letting me carry that ID over. E.g, I put John smith in, I get the customer Page which … | |
I could not put Wamp on line because port 80 was used by IIS7, so I changed it to port 81 and the icon became green,is on line. If I click on phpmyAdmin though I get error 404 not found.I read that phpmyAdmin also uses port 80 so should I … | |
Hi all, I am putting together a CRUD. I have read through tutorials, and references. Just wanted to see if i was on the right track: <?php // root -> /classLib/CRUD/CRUD spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); spl_autoload_register(); use classLib\database\database_Connection as DB; class CRUD { private $id; #__construct to be extended public function __construct($id=null){ $this->id … ![]() | |
Hi all, I've been hitting the same problem over and over in my development. Sometimes when i do a MySQL query I keep getting the error Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource. I don't understand why. What does this error mean, am I doing something wrong? I've googled … | |
I know this is more of a math question, but since I'm trying to evaluate it in a script, maybe I can squeeze it in here. I know there is an easy way to do this, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get it clear. If … | |
I'm playing with php code to move from procedural to objects: I created a class called data, in a file called data2.php and used this in useData.php where I used some procedural and some use of data class. data class as follows: <? class data { var $anArray; var $element; … | |
Hi guys, sorry if this has been posted before but I am trying to add a color style to my php mail Here is a snipper of the code that generates an email, it all works fine. The . $efreeformcompanyname . being a value that may or may not be … | |
Hello all, I am a php newbie and I have a small project I need someone to work on (since I am totally frustrated at trying myelf). The project involves displaying a record within a table based on a user the is logged into my site. I also want fields … | |
Ive been stuck on trying to validate multiple radio buttons. Can anyone please help me out? I have about 5 radio buttons....... | |
Dear All, I'm facing problem with the symbols while getting the data from the table.. My output contains these ( � ) type of symbols i don't know why these coming even i declared <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> Can any one having solution for this ? Thanks in advance.. | |
I have a domain at shared hosting which I have mapped to a folder in public html (public_html/INSURANCEGEO). Now I have created a subdomain also loacated in public html (public_html/life). Site's Header and footer files are there in 'includes' folder within my domain folder (public_html/INSURANCEGEO/includes). I am trying to include … | |
Hi everyone, Let me first explain the idea: I have a JSON document which has the following structure: { "timeline": { "headline":"Example Content", "type":"default", "text":"Example Content", "startDate":"2013,1,1", "endDate":"2013,1,28", "date": [ { "startDate":"2013,1,10", "headline":"Example Content", "text":"Example Content", "asset": { "media":"Example Content", "credit":"", "caption":"" } }, { "startDate":"2013,1,14", "headline":"Example Content", "text":"Example Content", … | |
Please, someone in the house should help me with a solution on this: Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/form_function.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\widget\edit_subject.php on line 14 | |
<?php session_start(); include("header.php"); include("conection.php"); include("modal.php"); if(isset($_SESSION["userid"])) { if(isset($_GET[first])) { } else { $_GET[first] =0; $_GET[last] = 10; } if(isset($_POST["button"])) { $resultac = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM examination"); echo mysql_num_rows($result); } else { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM examination LIMIT $_GET[first] , $_GET[last]"); } $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM course LIMIT $_GET[first] … | |
Hi everyone, Ok so let me start by saying I am COMPLETELY new with MySQL, I have only tried to use it for the first time hours ago. This might be an easy one for you guys... Here's my code: <?php // Grab User submitted information $email = $_POST['users_email']; $pass … | |
I recently just found out about Facebook's Notification API. However, I do not know where to place the codes at... Can anyone enlighten me where to place the codes? Your help is greatly appreciated! (: | |
Here is a fully working PHP page viewer, set the variables $pages[] = "ANY URL HERE"; to suit your needs, and change the variable $max = 10; to however many views you want for each $page. -Echo | |
Hi I have the following script to upload an image to the server. Instead of the script producing a unique name for the image, I actually want to just replace one image with another..ie. overwrite an image which is already there, with another of the same name. I'm getting a … | |
Dear All gone through amny articles on uloading excel to mysql excellent code in http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/ MY issue is i cannot upload following (this is cut and pasted from an excel file) where in t1 is actually t and subscript 1 opposite to (n² i.e. n and superscript 2) I … | |
I have 3 tables that I wish to produce but I just cannot get my head around the logic for producing them. I'll try and explain the best I can. I have one table and the contents are as follows team | group A | 1 B | 1 C … | |
Hi, I'm trying to insert the contents of this this file (assets.txt) into my database: B02W0Y2^EUROSTAR LTD^35.09^^ B02V64S^NORTHERN ROCK^21.97^^ B06N3Q2^MOTOR OIL SAPA^7.24^^ B05WF50^COLT TELECOM GROUP^20.29^^ B03R2SA^XEROX CAPITAL^35.65^^ B09G3SD^COREALCREDIT^12.10^^ B04F5GD^ULSTER BK LTD^16.46^^ B02DH5H^EUROTUNNEL FINANCE^53.24^^ B05D3WK^BRADFORD & BINGLEY^18.07^^ B05DGEF^SKIPTON LTD^4.50^^ B07DHX4^EBAY INC^46.55^^ B08VEW1^FURSTENBG CAP^86.36^^ B06HS34^LBG CAPITAL^54.22^^ I'm using this code: mysql_connect($mysql_hostname,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); $sql … | |
hey guys im trying to compare 2 num_rows the append the result on the $data array then access it via ajax. $get_section = "SELECT * FROM section a LEFT JOIN advisory_sections b ON(a.section_id = b.section_id) LEFT JOIN school_faculty c ON (b.faculty_id = c.faculty_id) WHERE a.school_id = '$school_id' ORDER BY section_level … ![]() | |
I need to integrate sms to my php project, i want the user to get an sms on his mobile immediately he got to the welcome page. I had created a registeration form and a form for phone number, my sms gateway is something like this http://index.com/smsapi.php?username=joe&password=something&sender=sendername&recipient=12345678&message=Youarewelcomeblablabla Please help, i … ![]() | |
Hi, I'm having some problem about the qr code generator for file upload. This is the file that I'm using : https://github.com/aau-ell/qr-php-uploader When I upload a file, it's give me a string input rather than a QR image. Please help! Thanks. ![]() | |
First off, hey everyone just want to let you know I am still very novice when it comes to PHP. Ok so first I will tell you what I am using: I have created a donation form in php that is integrated with authorize.net. I have a processpayment.php that will … | |
Hi, I have this query to add data to mysql $query = "INSERT INTO products VALUES('', '$acode', '$aname', '$acontent', '$aprice', '$remote_file', '$cat')"; My table is id int(20) primary ai code varchar(200) product_name varch(200) description varchar(600) price decimal(10, 2) imagepath varchar(200) product_id int(10) I have an html textarea to enter data … |
The End.