39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vincentas

Hi there, How do I configure php.ini to allow large uploads(around 20M). With the default setting I can only upload up to 2M. I do not know what to set and where? How many settings need to be adjusted and what are they?

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for s0wh4t

Hi. Well, i'm trying to add new data to mysql, <input type="text" name="name"/> example: Billy Boy when I check mysql table, it shows "BillyBoy" How do I fix that error? Thank you.

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Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... I am using xampp-win32-1.7.3.I want to use Adodb.I had seen that adodb is included on xampp package(xampp/php/pear/adodb).I had used the following code to retrieve data from mysql database. [CODE]<?php include("adodb.inc.php"); $db = NewADOConnection('mysql'); $db->Connect("localhost", "root", "", "emp"); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM employ"); if ($result === false) die("failed"); while …

Member Avatar for son.anh.963
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hey guys, got a system here which I'l try and explain in lame mans terms. Search > Customer page > Edit Customer. The problem I am having is that it is not letting me carry that ID over. E.g, I put John smith in, I get the customer Page which …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^

I could not put Wamp on line because port 80 was used by IIS7, so I changed it to port 81 and the icon became green,is on line. If I click on phpmyAdmin though I get error 404 not found.I read that phpmyAdmin also uses port 80 so should I …

Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^
Member Avatar for Squidge

Hi all, I am putting together a CRUD. I have read through tutorials, and references. Just wanted to see if i was on the right track: <?php // root -> /classLib/CRUD/CRUD spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); spl_autoload_register(); use classLib\database\database_Connection as DB; class CRUD { private $id; #__construct to be extended public function __construct($id=null){ $this->id …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Avasulthiris

Hi all, I've been hitting the same problem over and over in my development. Sometimes when i do a MySQL query I keep getting the error Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource. I don't understand why. What does this error mean, am I doing something wrong? I've googled …

Member Avatar for Dr. Raven
Member Avatar for showman13

I know this is more of a math question, but since I'm trying to evaluate it in a script, maybe I can squeeze it in here. I know there is an easy way to do this, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get it clear. If …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for luddite

I'm playing with php code to move from procedural to objects: I created a class called data, in a file called data2.php and used this in useData.php where I used some procedural and some use of data class. data class as follows: <? class data { var $anArray; var $element; …

Member Avatar for luddite
Member Avatar for snookian

Hi guys, sorry if this has been posted before but I am trying to add a color style to my php mail Here is a snipper of the code that generates an email, it all works fine. The . $efreeformcompanyname . being a value that may or may not be …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hello all, I am a php newbie and I have a small project I need someone to work on (since I am totally frustrated at trying myelf). The project involves displaying a record within a table based on a user the is logged into my site. I also want fields …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for nunuaziz_

Ive been stuck on trying to validate multiple radio buttons. Can anyone please help me out? I have about 5 radio buttons.......

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for rayidi

Dear All, I'm facing problem with the symbols while getting the data from the table.. My output contains these ( � ) type of symbols i don't know why these coming even i declared <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> Can any one having solution for this ? Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tarwara

I have a domain at shared hosting which I have mapped to a folder in public html (public_html/INSURANCEGEO). Now I have created a subdomain also loacated in public html (public_html/life). Site's Header and footer files are there in 'includes' folder within my domain folder (public_html/INSURANCEGEO/includes). I am trying to include …

Member Avatar for tarwara
Member Avatar for jakizak

Hi everyone, Let me first explain the idea: I have a JSON document which has the following structure: { "timeline": { "headline":"Example Content", "type":"default", "text":"Example Content", "startDate":"2013,1,1", "endDate":"2013,1,28", "date": [ { "startDate":"2013,1,10", "headline":"Example Content", "text":"Example Content", "asset": { "media":"Example Content", "credit":"", "caption":"" } }, { "startDate":"2013,1,14", "headline":"Example Content", "text":"Example Content", …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Franklinugo

Please, someone in the house should help me with a solution on this: Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/form_function.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\widget\edit_subject.php on line 14

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for moninda

<?php session_start(); include("header.php"); include("conection.php"); include("modal.php"); if(isset($_SESSION["userid"])) { if(isset($_GET[first])) { } else { $_GET[first] =0; $_GET[last] = 10; } if(isset($_POST["button"])) { $resultac = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM examination"); echo mysql_num_rows($result); } else { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM examination LIMIT $_GET[first] , $_GET[last]"); } $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM course LIMIT $_GET[first] …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for riseguim

Hi everyone, Ok so let me start by saying I am COMPLETELY new with MySQL, I have only tried to use it for the first time hours ago. This might be an easy one for you guys... Here's my code: <?php // Grab User submitted information $email = $_POST['users_email']; $pass …

Member Avatar for rsewak
Member Avatar for nunuaziz_

I recently just found out about Facebook's Notification API. However, I do not know where to place the codes at... Can anyone enlighten me where to place the codes? Your help is greatly appreciated! (:

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Echo89

Here is a fully working PHP page viewer, set the variables $pages[] = "ANY URL HERE"; to suit your needs, and change the variable $max = 10; to however many views you want for each $page. -Echo

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have the following script to upload an image to the server. Instead of the script producing a unique name for the image, I actually want to just replace one image with another..ie. overwrite an image which is already there, with another of the same name. I'm getting a …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for Alok001
Member Avatar for vikaspa

Dear All gone through amny articles on uloading excel to mysql excellent code in http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/ MY issue is i cannot upload following (this is cut and pasted from an excel file) where in t1 is actually t and subscript 1 opposite to (n² i.e. n and superscript 2) I …

Member Avatar for vikaspa
Member Avatar for JayJ

I have 3 tables that I wish to produce but I just cannot get my head around the logic for producing them. I'll try and explain the best I can. I have one table and the contents are as follows team | group A | 1 B | 1 C …

Member Avatar for JayJ
Member Avatar for ebc3142

Hi, I'm trying to insert the contents of this this file (assets.txt) into my database: B02W0Y2^EUROSTAR LTD^35.09^^ B02V64S^NORTHERN ROCK^21.97^^ B06N3Q2^MOTOR OIL SAPA^7.24^^ B05WF50^COLT TELECOM GROUP^20.29^^ B03R2SA^XEROX CAPITAL^35.65^^ B09G3SD^COREALCREDIT^12.10^^ B04F5GD^ULSTER BK LTD^16.46^^ B02DH5H^EUROTUNNEL FINANCE^53.24^^ B05D3WK^BRADFORD & BINGLEY^18.07^^ B05DGEF^SKIPTON LTD^4.50^^ B07DHX4^EBAY INC^46.55^^ B08VEW1^FURSTENBG CAP^86.36^^ B06HS34^LBG CAPITAL^54.22^^ I'm using this code: mysql_connect($mysql_hostname,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); $sql …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for aoi.serizawa.9

hey guys im trying to compare 2 num_rows the append the result on the $data array then access it via ajax. $get_section = "SELECT * FROM section a LEFT JOIN advisory_sections b ON(a.section_id = b.section_id) LEFT JOIN school_faculty c ON (b.faculty_id = c.faculty_id) WHERE a.school_id = '$school_id' ORDER BY section_level …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dahunsiweb

I need to integrate sms to my php project, i want the user to get an sms on his mobile immediately he got to the welcome page. I had created a registeration form and a form for phone number, my sms gateway is something like this http://index.com/smsapi.php?username=joe&password=something&sender=sendername&recipient=12345678&message=Youarewelcomeblablabla Please help, i …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for alanlee9898

Hi, I'm having some problem about the qr code generator for file upload. This is the file that I'm using : https://github.com/aau-ell/qr-php-uploader When I upload a file, it's give me a string input rather than a QR image. Please help! Thanks.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for drewpark88

First off, hey everyone just want to let you know I am still very novice when it comes to PHP. Ok so first I will tell you what I am using: I have created a donation form in php that is integrated with authorize.net. I have a processpayment.php that will …

Member Avatar for fourseason
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Hi, I have this query to add data to mysql $query = "INSERT INTO products VALUES('', '$acode', '$aname', '$acontent', '$aprice', '$remote_file', '$cat')"; My table is id int(20) primary ai code varchar(200) product_name varch(200) description varchar(600) price decimal(10, 2) imagepath varchar(200) product_id int(10) I have an html textarea to enter data …

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The End.